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Why a bigger Mega Millions and Powerball jackpot can be the worst time to buy a lottery ticket


  • Yeah like that's going to stop anybody.
  • Aside from the behavioral aspect (the number of participants is driven by the size of the prize), this is essentially the "birthday problem". As the number of people in a room increase, the probability of two having the same birthday (or picking the same lottery numbers) grows exponentially.
  • edited January 2021
    Since the odds are so ridiculous no matter what the size of the jackpot, it's strictly a matter of luck anyhow. "Improving the odds" by only betting on a smaller pool borders on the absurd. If you're going to take a chance on a random strike of fate, why not go for the big ones?

    There's a real difference between walking by a slot machine and just for the hell of it playing that quarter which is wearing out your pocket, and standing in front of slots for 6 hours continuously feeding three of them at a time and hoping to come out ahead.
  • My parents carried Puritanical anti- gambling attitudes from their parents (one grandfather ran for office on the Prohibitionist ticket) into raising me and my siblings. I have a prejudice against lotteries, probably ingrained. Without pre-judging buyers of lottery tickets as a group, it still seems to me that lotteries are a tax on the poor. In MI, despite pious promises during the campaign leading to the legalization of a lottery, public education in MI has not benefited from increased funding. HGTV runs a dreadful program on which the host shows houses for sale to lottery winners who now can afford to go upscale. Yuck.
  • I used to buy one ticket when the jackpot got big just for the fun of it. I quit after my husband started buying them for me. He just couldn't buy just one but would purchase 5 or 10. Somehow it wasn't fun anymore for me.
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