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DRAGON voice dictation/transcription software OR other vendors
Twenty or so years ago I used Dragon voice software for some writing, versus typing long papers. New versions of this are available, however; I ask whether anyone is currently using this program or another, and to please offer a recommendation or opinion. Thank you. Catch
Catch - I’d call it “voice transcription”. It’s been built into IOS products (ipads /iphones) for many years. You enable it first in “settings“ and than tap a microphone symbol located on the keyboard before you begin speaking.
I’d term it a bit “clunky”. Cuts-out intermittently. Misinterprets some words. You need to command it to insert periods, commas, etc. I rarely use it. But it is occasionally useful if I want to read something out loud from a print publication (perhaps Barrons) and transcribe it into a post at MFO. Not perfect. Some later editing required. Generally, I just tap away on the ipad.
BTW - “Voice recognition” ISTM is somewhat different. That’s the ability to recognize a specific individual by his / her voice pattern. Was already being used by financial institutions (and some fund companies) 20-25 years ago to confirm the identity of clients when calling in re: their accounts.
Hi @hank Thank you for your thoughts. This software would be used with a Windows PC. I was pleased with how well this type of program performed 20+ years ago. Yes, one had to teach the software as to the tones and sounds of an individual voice; but once this was done, the number of errors was not significant. The microphone on the headset had to be placed properly near the mouth and very limited background noise. The program allowed me to speed through thoughts that would eventually be a printed report. Yes, I always had to proofread the paper and make corrections; but I would have done this regardless. I've always had a decent typing speed with low error rates, but I also found the software to be of benefit.
@Catch22 - Welcome to the “new and improved” OT section. Great having you over here in “our little corner of the universe.“
I’ve always wondered how many folks advantage themselves of that voice transcription. I practically lived with a typewriter (later a word processor) in a previous life, so whacking away on the tablet comes natural. I don’t know whether the fact that I did so much typing helps or not - as typing with a stylus on a tablet device is a totally different process. But the keyboard layout seems nearly identical - so I’d guess that the prior experience helps.
@hank I missed any notification that "OT" was open again. But, I selected the category first as a test and then wondered were it went. Didn't look don't the list to discover that it had indeed posted. Anna was my guide for this. I'll place this brain fart in the Covid distraction menu for me.
I took a typing class in high school (10th grade). The rewards of learning this have rewarded for many years. I recall the device was a Remington..............NO electric models in class at the time. My speed and quality were a match to most of the young ladies in the class............for the little that I can remember that far back; I probably took the class to meet more young ladies.
.....rforno posted this at my first at "other investing".
rforno 10:09AM Flag Dragon was great - helped me out w/books and articles over the years. Sadly they dropped the Mac version so when i buy it next, it'll be used on Windows via a virtual machine.
BUT, to the original thread. I'll likely purchase the Dragon program for my brand new and super-duper laptop that has the power to operate an Apollo mission. I've some personal writing to do, and this will suit the circumstance.
The habit for some of the long timers here was to use the OT category for a "community bulletin board", too; to help and share for this type of question.
I had always used the "recent discussions" to bring forth the whole category list for my choosing. Now I know this has changed.
The "new OT" has been a slow takeoff, but it seems to be picking up speed. Just a matter of adjusting to a new situation. Personally, I appreciate the removal of potentially contentious posting from the view of those who don't appreciate it. This is, after all, a site primarily dedicated to financial matters.
The ability to have a "safe shelter" where we can let it all hang out without annoying others is really a most appreciated add-on.
Using Firefox, I simply have two bookmarks up in the header bar- one for "Discussions+" and one for the OT section.
Office365 apps, including Word, now manage voice transcription fairly well with a button right on the toolbar. I wouldn't say it's as good as Dragon, but it's included at no extra cost if you use the Office 365 apps.
Hi @chip Thank you for that info. I would think a headset microphone would be best with using a laptop and Office365 for voice clarity and reduction of background noise. Regards, Catch
I’d term it a bit “clunky”. Cuts-out intermittently. Misinterprets some words. You need to command it to insert periods, commas, etc. I rarely use it. But it is occasionally useful if I want to read something out loud from a print publication (perhaps Barrons) and transcribe it into a post at MFO. Not perfect. Some later editing required. Generally, I just tap away on the ipad.
BTW - “Voice recognition” ISTM is somewhat different. That’s the ability to recognize a specific individual by his / her voice pattern. Was already being used by financial institutions (and some fund companies) 20-25 years ago to confirm the identity of clients when calling in re: their accounts.
Thank you for your thoughts. This software would be used with a Windows PC. I was pleased with how well this type of program performed 20+ years ago. Yes, one had to teach the software as to the tones and sounds of an individual voice; but once this was done, the number of errors was not significant. The microphone on the headset had to be placed properly near the mouth and very limited background noise.
The program allowed me to speed through thoughts that would eventually be a printed report. Yes, I always had to proofread the paper and make corrections; but I would have done this regardless. I've always had a decent typing speed with low error rates, but I also found the software to be of benefit.
I’ve always wondered how many folks advantage themselves of that voice transcription. I practically lived with a typewriter (later a word processor) in a previous life, so whacking away on the tablet comes natural. I don’t know whether the fact that I did so much typing helps or not - as typing with a stylus on a tablet device is a totally different process. But the keyboard layout seems nearly identical - so I’d guess that the prior experience helps.
I took a typing class in high school (10th grade). The rewards of learning this have rewarded for many years. I recall the device was a Remington..............NO electric models in class at the time. My speed and quality were a match to most of the young ladies in the class............for the little that I can remember that far back; I probably took the class to meet more young ladies.
.....rforno posted this at my first at "other investing". BUT, to the original thread. I'll likely purchase the Dragon program for my brand new and super-duper laptop that has the power to operate an Apollo mission. I've some personal writing to do, and this will suit the circumstance.
Still hiatus for the most part.
The habit for some of the long timers here was to use the OT category for a "community bulletin board", too; to help and share for this type of question.
I had always used the "recent discussions" to bring forth the whole category list for my choosing. Now I know this has changed.
Have a good remainder.
The ability to have a "safe shelter" where we can let it all hang out without annoying others is really a most appreciated add-on.
Using Firefox, I simply have two bookmarks up in the header bar- one for "Discussions+" and one for the OT section.
Office365 apps, including Word, now manage voice transcription fairly well with a button right on the toolbar. I wouldn't say it's as good as Dragon, but it's included at no extra cost if you use the Office 365 apps.
Thank you for that info. I would think a headset microphone would be best with using a laptop and Office365 for voice clarity and reduction of background noise.
Thank you for the links.