Democrats were the ones who initially downplayed the crisis
This is what Biden said on 2/1/20 one day after Trump initiate the travel ban on China.
Joe Biden
@JoeBiden Feb 1(
We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.
Joe Biden speaking at a rally in South Carolina on Feb. 28, three weeks after Trump told journalist Bob Woodward that the virus was "deadly stuff."
At the rally, Biden told supporters that it was "not a time to panic" about the virus, though he acknowledged it was a "serious public health challenge."
By early April, the Biden campaign said the former vice president backed President Trump's decision to limit travel to the U.S. from China. When the restriction was first announced, Biden said it was in keeping with what he called Trump's "record of hysteria, xenophobia and fear-mongering."
This is Pelosi on 2/24/2020 (Trump travel ban was already in place for several weeks) (
SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi walked through San Francisco’s Chinatown District Monday, attempting to quell fears about the current outbreak of the coronavirus that has kept customers out of shops and restaurants and tourists away from the streets.
From Politico 9/9/2020 (
link) and you can find it elsewhere
Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, defended President Donald Trump on Wednesday after audio recordings revealed that the president wanted to downplay the severity of the coronavirus early in the pandemic.
I expect a lot of
spinning lying until the election by the Lib biased media.
the President of the United States knew exactly how dangerous this virus was. Then, not only did he lie about it, he made a conscious decision to let it run loose because he thought people dying would hurt states run by Democratic Governors. He also insisted that red states put people at risk by opening back up because he thought the economy was more important to his re-election chances in those states.
Nearly 200,000 dead and the economy trashed because he made this a political decision about himself.
Excerpt from last CNN link:
"...The fallout has caused internal strife at the White House as aides assign blame for allowing the taped interviews to proceed. Fingers have been thrust at ex-press secretaries, longtime confidants and old friends."
Kushner's coronavirus team shied away from a national strategy, believing that the virus was hitting Democratic states hardest and that they could blame governors, report says
Better to call it little more than a flu and say it will soon disappear.
And you really believe that saying not to panic is a sign that someone isn’t taking it seriously?
No, it’s a sign that someone is an adult and if we take the necessary steps as soon as possible, we can reduce the virus’s impact. Better to pooh-pooh the situation, take very few serious steps, let things get out of control, and then not take responsibility for your [in]actions. That’s what I call leadership.
So if he wants do do something about the looting, rioting and general property destruction happening in Portland, as an example, you feel he should? Be consistent now.
You need start looking around more than just M* and Fox News. Leaders of China, Canada, Japan, Germany, South Korea and France are requiring their citizens to wear masks. Then again these countries have real leaders, unlike the lying narcissistic greedy cowardly leader we have sitting in the WH.
Portlands situation is a local problem and it's fitting that Portland sort out the issues. All 45 did was make matters worse. If your thought process is on track then why didn't he do something about the problems in Charlotte or the steps of state capitols? Instead he praises the vigilantes and white supremacists as fine folks. Be consistent now.
I am consistent. He does what is politically expedient for him.
The Gov set guidelines, each state has to follow it unless you are Lib who thinks the Gov is responsible for everything.
When the crisis hit Cuomo was on TV daily bitching and blaming Trump. Then Trump added hospitals beds and thousands of ventilators just to find out there were too many ventilators.
But, who really killed people? It was Cuomo who https://nypost.com/2020/07/08/cuomo-sent-6300-covid-19-patients-to-nursing-homes-amid-pandemic/
oops...and the Dems still praise him. You just can't make it up.
See (link)
While the Democratic governor continues to blame President Trump for a ventilator shortage in New York, a state Health Department report warned Cuomo all the way back in 2015 about this exact problem.
"On Page 30 the Health Department report on ventilator allocation guidelines states: “during a severe influenza pandemic, there is likely to be a projected shortfall of ventilators (-15,783) during peak week demand.”
But that’s not all. At the beginning of that report the New York State Health Commissioner, Dr. Howard Zucker wrote: “Dear New Yorkers, Protecting the health and well-being of New Yorkers is a core objective of the Department of Health. During flu season, we are reminded that pandemic influenza is a foreseeable threat, one that we cannot ignore. In light of this possibility, the Department is taking steps to prepare for a pandemic and to limit the loss of life and other negative consequences.
“An influenza pandemic would affect all New Yorkers, and we have a responsibility to plan now. Part of the planning process is to develop guidance on how to ethically allocate limited resources (i.e., ventilators) during a severe influenza pandemic while saving the most lives.
“As part of our emergency preparedness efforts, the Department, together with the New York State Task Force on Life and the Law, is releasing the 2015 Ventilator Allocation Guidelines, which provide an ethical, clinical, and legal framework to assist health care providers and the general public in the event of a severe influenza pandemic…”
BTW, would Biden, the guy who can barely talk clearly would be able to handle any crisis? Probably not, he would let his handlers deal with that while Trump was in the middle of everything.
And you will ignore all the deaths your governor, Brian Kemp, is responsible for.
Right out of Trump's playbook.
That's rich!
If it's not the responsibility of the common government to address the common problems/enemies for the common good then why even have one? What good is the common government if all they are going to do is to tell the states you're on your own? Do you even hear what you're saying? And why "especially New York?" Why not Iowa, or North Dakota? Texas? Florida? Oh wait, those are red states, them we can take care of. Geez you're exhausting.
Having said that what amazes me is that the "Red States" continue to hide data, refuse to test and think the virus will disappear without killing too many people.
My sister outside of Austin says her school district has restarted in person elementary school classes and Friday Night football, but none of the teachers know if the cases in the county are going up because the county government won't test at all.
So people there will only know Covid is increasing when the hospitalizations and deaths start rising again, or if they get sick.
The Florida department of health has refused to let school districts to publish their data at all.
Why FD100, is there a consistent refusal to accept science and data in these states? Apparently they assume there will not be the massive deaths that NY CT MA saw and no one will notice
We will see. Ignoring reality and going back to bars, restaurants and football games is going to demonstrate to them that science cannot be ignored. Maybe they will change their minds about climate change too but I doubt it.
As if someone posted Market rebound since March is fake or indeed Trump worse than Hitler
You admit that Cuomo did the above and I will admit to what Kemp did? Let's try to get one confession from your side.
BTW, Trump declared that breathing is good for you, what Dems are going to do?
The nursing home deaths are shocking. If we gave the elderly the respect they have earned there would be criminal investigations right now. The same would be true if the media could shape the story to fit some racial narrative, like if blacks were disproportionately present in nursing homes. And, if Trump had been the governor the headlines would read that Trump sentenced entire black communities to death. As it stands, the nursing home tragedy (likely one of the worst parts of the whole covid episode) is hardly even a story anymore. Truth my friends, and if you are honest you know it.
“It’s not a joke. It’s not a hoax,” Peoples said. “I just don’t [want] anyone else to get hurt. I don’t [want] anyone to feel the grief that we’re feeling.”
There is only one person responsible for people thinking it's a hoax...only one.
Unfortunately this is one of several post death articles where relatives posted "it's not a hoax".
ADD: I wonder how many people have said.... "dang, I wish they hadn't gone to that Trump rally" after their relative died.