Been there, done that. Aside from what you learned from the adults during your youngest years; at some point going forward you establish your own "learning curve". Tis not always so much of the "been there, done that", but what in the hell did you learn from the experience. This is paramount, if you desire to have a meaningful, long term positive total return on your investments, and the reason this forum exists. The widely know statement of " keep doing the same thing and expect different results" applies to most areas of living.
The above brings me to the harshest of judgments and desire. Those who still retain the idea that, "it is just like the flu" mindset need to have the "been there, done that" experience. The big "head slap" is apparently the only solution to help with their learning curve. If this learning does not occur, and the cases continue to increase; the point will arrive when I can not obtain a test (no supplies), or turn around results won't be available for more than two weeks, or that the ICU is full and much of the stuff is infected and not at work, or that I will be on a check off list of who is or is not treated because of age and probable survival rate.
The denial of Covid's seriousness remains at the top of the U.S. government and the other "followers". I find no reason to discover a change in this status. The economic impact and related has been fully discussed here and I won't add to those. However, the ultimate economic impact is death of the citizens, the complications for affected families and all of the ongoing physical impairments that may linger for years.
Below is one of my early years, "been there, done that" experiences. I still remember the first vaccine injection at the school gymnasium and the two follow-ups being sugar cubes with the "pink" vaccine dot.
The below link is part 1 of 4 (none longer than 15 minutes). The right edge of this page will provide clickable links for the remainder of the parts, BUT the next part does AUTO start, after the previous part is complete.
Polio, 1950's.....There will be those here who are not pleased with what I have written. Since 2011, I have seldom posted outside of the "investment related box". But, this is indeed investment related, too.
Lastly, I can barely conceive the "verbal spew" that continues from D.C. when the health and welfare of this country should be the overwhelming concern. Thus, my desire for those in need of a "head slap"; to have the experience.
Yes, the learning curve has arrived from the past 10 days to a few I know. They've become believers.
Take care of you and yours,
Then I have a relative that is sharing every "hoax" claim and "fake news" claim out there. Covid is a hoax, masks are a hoax and increase transmission, etc. You name crazy and he shares crazy, IMO of course.
How we handle this COVID pandemic is about personal choices. The government can only do so much and this administration has failed in every metrics to deal with pandemic. Please watch the movie Contagion if you have a chance. There is a surprisingly parallelism to what is happening now.
Can anyone actually argue that these mental dinosaurs are of any benefit to the herd?
Pretty much the "it's my right to be a dumb ass" argument! Now if only they could have the ventilator experience, to help the learning curve.
No matter what this house maintains to be safe, these folks are intent on our having the full Covid event. No less than attempted murder, isn't it?
Be well,
CDC reports on Mortality Rate as of July 4, 2020 = Seasonal Baseline:
Link to The Guardian article.
As an American who HAS often been around the world over the years, is globally astute, and yes, actually has a passport and *could* easily leave the country if he wanted to[1], this sign is both hilarious and depressing, for it shows how far our once leading world reputation has fallen thanks to the idiocy/ignorance of Tweety Amin's regime and their kowtowing to the 'free-dumb' loving folks who care about nothing but themselves and their 'rights' to do whatever they want.
[1] I remember in 2016/early 2017 many liberal folks were screaming about leaving the country. Yet many of them didn't even have a passport or know about little things, like exchange rates. (The same happened in 2008 and 2012 on the other side when the 'other' guy was elected, too.)
It will be, the old method of; let's control the data to improve the circumstance view.
Covid data no longer to CDC, but to HHS article.
I'm optimistic that credible news sources will still be able to gather proper data from state health department levels, and of course; the view from the street, being reports from real people on the front lines of health care and related.
We'll discover, soon enough, as to any amazing changes in statistics.
Yes, very scary folks in D.C. land playing with the lives of the citizens, IMO; for the benefit of "looking good" to a voting base.
I will not add more. Everyone here will have their own take away as to this policy change.
Fine - send the data to HHS but also copy it to the usual researchers and centers as well. If HHS is the only place it goes, the data is ripe for tampering and/or politicalization by this regime, and cannot be trusted.
Why wouldn't there be complete transparency? How can that even be something anyone would need to ask? No reason is given by the administration of why the data won't be made public. It's like a toddler closing their eyes & everything magically goes away?
Also concerning from the same NY Times article: Just another example of crumbling infrastructure in the U.S.
Not fake news to the best of my knowledge; but may be tweeted as such from somewhere/someone.
85 babies, under 1 year old test positive in 1 county.
102 cases < 1year old
524 cases 1-9 years old
No deaths under 20 years old reported
As is normal, at times; the comments section is of interest, which is at the end of the write, from this The Hill publication.
For me and family, we can only know for sure what we see around us. Between the failure (s) in D.C. from that group and their followers; and the young ones who think they remain invincible to illness and that they won't introduce Covid to their families and more susceptible grandparents and others; is that if I don't take care in my methods of protection, I will not be here to read the final death count.
Good Evening,
Michigan and other states combine with the Rockefeller Foundation to order rapid test kits.