I wondered how investors and consumers might position themselves based on a
hidden “secret agreement” with a major trading partner. Seemed like a difficult spot to be in - quite bizarre actually. However, it appears a photographer was able to outsmart the President and actually photographed most of the contents inside the sheet of paper he was waving around.
As kids, we’d sometimes write “secret” messages with lemmon juice on sheets of paper. To read the text you had to heat the paper over a flame and than the message would magically appear. So don’t rule out that there still might be some trickery here that’s hiding some sort of secret agreement (Although Mexico says they’re unaware of any secret agreement). Do you think Mexico might be surprised as well by whatever agreement gets revealed?
FWIW - Some of the Mexican beers are damned good. Would hate to see them increase by 25% in price.
Didn’t want
@BenWP and others to have to visualize based on my depiction. So here’s a photo. Picture’s worth a thousand words. (And be thankful those aren’t the
launch codes in there).
Essentially, he is a just a politician who longs to become a dictator. Turns out that he is just the first syllable of that word.
@ Crash- Don't be too certain of that. If you can stomach it, scroll through the great majority of on-line reader comments on almost any WSJ article. Those people saw exactly what they were getting, and they are very happy with it.
Essentially, he is a just a politician who longs to become a dictator.
@JoeD- Exactly. And he tries very hard to run the United States as if it were, to use his very own words, some shithole country. He'd make himself "dictator for life" in a bloody second if he thought that he could get away with it.
Drink Beers Made In America:
In other news two giraffes died of thunder in fla zoo
This upper-tier ex-schoolteacher is evidently incapable of constructing a coherent sentence in standard English. It's bad enough that we have to be subjected to him... let's just hope that none of your kids were also.