For better or worse, the Discussion board is the public face of MFO to many readers.
Currently it is a dunghill consisting of:
--Uncurated links with no discussion by the person posting the link
--Political rants
--Complaints about M*
Moderation early in the game might have preserved a fund focus. As it is, the culture is set.
The value of the site overall is muddied by what goes on in the discussions. I would not be surprised to learn that is suppressing the donative instinct.
People can join and leave "People against Trump" discussion.
And just FYI, rants against M* are totally justified.
I find many of the links highly valuable, and also read that some of what I post is similarly useful to others.
dunghill, huh.
We would all wish for better judgment in others.
That said, I definitely agree that excerpts should be quoted, either using quotation marks or presenting the excerpts as quoted (blockquote) text. Also, while Ted posts with text, there are others who post with no commentary whatsoever. It would be helpful if they too would state explicitly what about their links makes them worth a click.
Finally, there are links and there are links. I tend to use links as footnotes, as sources for what I've written (or quoted). Should this sort of link be limited as well? They are presented as evidence, not with the expectation or hope that many readers will follow them.
For example, how else could I write that there's proof, PROOF I say, that millions of illegal votes were cast for Hillary? In Investors Business Daily no less.
For anyone who might think that the above endorsement of a "proof" was meant in earnest, it was a joke I say, a joke. Though one with a point. That links can serve different roles.
Ironically, that person fancies himself as the "protector" of MFO, when in reality he has caused more dissension over the years than almost anyone else. The "Comments+" section was specifically designed to insulate the flood of primitive "copy and paste" posts which receive no comments from those posts that do. The person involved is quite aware of this, and resents it to the point that he is now attempting to artificially force his traffic to our attention.
7:17PM Flag
I find good value in the discussion board and would hate to see it go.
-- I fully agree with Old Skeet
While it is hard, I am doing my best to ignore "link pollution" (good one @Old_Joe)
@VintageFreak- I'm not so sure on that. Seems to me some on a limited budget would opt for beer.
Buying beer would be the common sense thing to do. I should have bought a lexus in late 90s. Instead I invested and lost 50% of my portfolio. I never bought a lexus. I never will.
A beer in hand is worth tuppence in the bush.
Would MFO be better off without the Discussion board?
OK, We remove the discussion boards. What, then, is left?