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REAL BACKGROUND CHECKS, NOT !!! for Cabinet positions.....bite my ARSE !

edited November 2024 in Off-Topic
SNL's Dana Carvey's 'Church Lady' character would utter; "Well, isn't that special". Church lady here for 11 seconds.
Bob, at the private background agency, is handed two documents for his work schedule for the next two weeks. One is for a background check for the U.S. Department of Defense (nominee) and the other is for a store manager at, a Target Store. He thinks and knows this should be easy, a piece of cake.
Okay, that should be enough, eh?
Private agencies do not have anywhere near the access levels required for a proper background check (FBI and other sources) for high level government verifications. This includes government contract workers.

My story: 1967, February, Joined the U.S.A.F. Within 3 weeks all of my required clearance processing had begun and the major levels had been completed within about 8 - 12 weeks, to the best of my understanding at the time. An additional level was processed several months later. After 9 months of school, I had my first assignment for 2 years, in the Asian area. Prior to leaving the U.S., I was allowed 4 weeks of vacation time, which was spent with my parents and friends. There were numerous family/friends gatherings during the holidays, as well as visiting with many others in my community. The main question from some at the time was, "What are you going to be doing?" I discovered that my parents, several relatives and neighbors had visits from FBI agents, with a variety of questions about my 'character'. In the end, for clearances: Top Secret with a Cryptographic access and what was named at the time, a special R-4 access. This was another special level at the time; and there was 4 of us among 26 others where I worked who retained this status. Various clearance levels are stablished with a 'need to know' basis.
NOTE: One classmate I came to know, had his clearances in limbo for 6 months; as it was discovered he had an aunt and uncle living in Poland. The problem being the political background of Poland at the time (1967) and that whether these relatives could be arrested or otherwise by the government in order to use as a wedge against him to reveal information. He did finally receive his needed clearances.

EDIT: I need to properly position the 'private company background check. AP News article HERE. This announcement has been in place for some time now.

Okay, enough of this from me.


  • Ork? A hired, private vetting agency? I guess I ought not be surprised. Bessent might be the only non-crazy, non-weird-ass nomination. I dread the next 4 years.
  • Yeah, "private", as in "Trump approved". Give me a break.
  • Old_Joe said:

    Yeah, "private", as in "Trump approved". Give me a break.

    This is more and more looking and feeling like a Trump-cult, by which the likes of uncle Adolf removed all obstacles and turned the entire COUNTRY into a person-cult. Are we soon going to hear about the military swearing fealty to the Orange P.O.S. instead of the constitution?

  • Trump has already threatened to remove leading military officers who are not "loyal" to him. We're already on the road to that.
  • F*** me.
  • I believe that is now underway.
  • You must admit, Old_Joe, that the current circumstances have the great benefit of keeping your wit alive and well! It’s good to see my elders going full steam.
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