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After 43 Years, Yankees and Dodgers Resume Their World Series Rivalry



  • edited October 2024
    @Derf, also the catcher interference, not something you see every day. (That's assuming the ooops was the pitcher failing to cover first.)
  • I had it on the radio, sort of almost paying attention. I was tuned-into that 5th inning rally, but did not catch the errors. Yes, the Yanks killed themselves.
  • I have been a Yankee fan since the early 50’s and I cannot recall an inning in which they played worse baseball. As previously mentioned, the Yanks stars (Judge and Cole) committed bone-head plays and the supporting cast chipped in as well. Cole’s failure to cover first base on a grounder to the first baseman has to rank with Bill Buckner’s boot allowing the Mets to rally against the Red Sox in 1986 or Mickey Owen’s passed ball on a pitch that should have been a strike-out, but gave the Yankees the additional out they needed to go up 3 games to 1 in 1941. History finally rewarded the long-suffering Bums while the Yankees will have to live with the high-priced pitcher who forgot how to play his position.
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