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Haitian group in Springfield, files criminal charges against Trump and Vance, false pet


  • It's going to be interesting to see where this one goes.:)
  • edited September 25
    +1 / I’d think it has as good a chance as defamation suits against any other ethnic or religious group.

    Unrelated - sort of. I searched over an hour online for a Statue of Liberty yard piece to display out front. At least 2.5 feet tall, rigid, 120 lb or less (for ease of positioning). Nothing out there. There are some smaller ones 1-2 feet high. And some plastic trash. I thought, what better way to show support for Haitians and other immigrant groups than this symbol standing tall in NYC’s harbor. Beats the hell out of any ostentatious flag stuck on the tailgate of somebody’s pickup or partisan sign out front IMHO.

    ”Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.”
  • @hank -- I like it. Yes, 5-10% are crap people just like 5-10% of EVERY group has bad apples. The rest are people who just want to live a nice quiet happy life.
  • Hi @hank
    A bunch of choices HERE for Statue of Liberty. Perhaps there are some you haven't seen.
  • Nice search @catch22. From 10” to 84” in all price ranges, up to $12,000. I had no idea our compatriots were such clever merchandisers.

    @hank is right to avoid suggesting the display of the flag to express generic patriotism. Unfortunately Old Glory means different things to different folks. In MI’s Ottawa county, where I spent a weekend recently, the ostentatious decoration of entire houses in red, white, and blue could in no way have been interpreted as anything but a message from certain rabid supporters of one faction in this divided Union. No e pluribus unum on offer there.
  • Thanks Catch. Nice find. I’ll check these out.
  • @hank- I also took a look for you at Amazon... didn't see much there that's close to your specs. I just love how when you ask Amazon for something 30 inches tall they give you everything but 30" tall...
  • edited September 27
    Old_Joe said:

    @hank- I just love how when you ask Amazon for something 30 inches tall they give you everything but 30" tall...

    Yeah. I click “reviews” and then scroll up and often you’ll see “ask a question.” (It’s hidden pretty well.) Then I type something like “height” “weight”, “material” … Sometimes that will pull up a review that mentions the specifics.

    I had a lot of fun one winter reviewing about a half dozen different scotch whisky drinking glasses just for the hell of it. Scotch drinkers are very fussy about the weight, capacity, width, height, shape, thickness and color of the glass from which they imbibe.

    The statue? I kinda wish it were further than 6 weeks to the election. Not sure the expense and amount of work involved (I generally cement things in) would be worth it at this point.

  • Yeah, I surely hear you on that.
  • The nicest lawn signs I see in my town read,” Humankind / Be Both.”
  • Hi@BenWP Ottawa County, indeed. A whole bunch of 'red' for many miles around that area. And the "Humankind / Be Both.” signs, reads correct and for your area in and around 'AA'.
  • edited September 27
    A vineyard in the area has a large Harris / Waltz out in front. Classy for sure. I guess they’re not worried about losing business - even in this red area. The Trump supporters around here are far more likely to consume Thunderbird, Boons Farm or Old Milwaukee than anything good.
  • Hi @hank Here's a scary political sign campaign from a 'flaming red sheriff'. Snippet: keep track of their addresses.
  • catch22 said:

    Hi @hank Here's a scary political sign campaign from a 'flaming red sheriff'. Snippet: keep track of their addresses.

    Do people like this sheriff even know what they are so angry about?

  • I believe county sheriffs are popularity elected on partisan tickets. I never understood this practice.
    In my area the public wouldn’t tolerate such abuse of power. But not the case everywhere.
  • filthy. Makes my head explode to know that there's one Law for those two; another for the rest of us.
  • There is a "constitutional" sheriffs movement, and an organization -- belief is that county sheriffs are the supreme law enforcement officers of the land. They're crazy; one of them figured into the Bundy et al. occupation of the widely publicized Malheur National Wildlife Refuge (Oregon) occupation by wackos several years back.
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