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Florida to Ban Farmworker Heat Protections

What a disgusting body of legislators. ARTICLE


  • Slave-owner mentality. Nothing ever changes with respect to human beings.
  • Is that one of the states where it's illegal to offer shade or a drink to voters waiting in line? Could be Georgia.
  • @Ben WP - it is in Georgia. No mention of shade however. CNN Article
  • Thanks, @Mark. According to the article it would be illegal to offer a parasol to protect from the sun. Where do the drafters of these laws come from? Law grads who failed the bar exam or the competition to get a clerkship?
  • edited April 2024
    Listen to my head explode. Idiots with no soul in charge. I read the CNN article. The other's text was blurred.
    ...OK, so two separate States, two different venues.
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