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Chaulk One Up for Michigan

Today's mail brought me a check for $259.99, representing my share of a $9.5M class action settlement between The Economist Newspaper and the plaintiffs, all Michigan-domiciled subscribers to the magazine in 2015-2016. It appears our personal data were sold to other parties who targeted us with junk mail and advertising. How nasty of them! The whole story can be found here:

The true hero is one Rebecca Kain who filed the suit on her own behalf and on that of all the rest of us Michigan readers. Brava!!

My subscription to The Economist was a birthday gift from my daughter, a decent enough addition to my regular reading. To think I would be paid a bonus for getting a present defies logic. I don't know if The Economist broke other states' laws, but I hope our Californian @Old_Joe, whom I know to be a subscriber, had the same good luck as I. I ought to buy the next round for you all. No class action settlement I have ever received exceeded $9.32, or thereabouts.


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