I have never used a "smartphone", and was just given an iPhone SE by a friend who got a new model. Can anyone tell me where an old-fashioned text (pdf or similar) user's manual might be found? All I can find online are Utube videos, which I can't use because my hearing is severely compromised, or stuff from Apple which want to talk about all sorts of exotic subjects. I'm not bad at using my Mac computers (been using those for some 30 years), but the phones seem to have so many uses/options other than just phoning someone that I'm completely overwhelmed.
I just want to start with simple text instructions on what all of the buttons and controls do, and how to use the basic telephone functions- and then work up from there.
Thanks / OJ
Thanks very much. It took a lot of maneuvering, but evidently the only way to obtain the instructions is by using the iBooks app from the Apple Store. So I finally figured out how do do that, then used that app to download the instruction book, which they evidently charged me for because they verified my CCard info, but I was never told how much it might cost. I'm getting to the point where I just detest having any interaction with Apple whatsoever.
And that's a real shame, because I've bought and used Apple computers for some 30 years. Oh well, probably Microsoft is just as bad.
Try to learn one function at a time such as text messaging and making phone calls. Have fun with it like my college kids tell me.
My first iPhone last for 8 years until I can no longer able to update the operating system. Now I have a newer version of your phone, iPhone SE II, and it is much improved.
The Camera is quite good for still photo and making video for such small devices. Take your time and enjoy it.
I also have quite severe hearing loss, but for phone calls and TV watching, the iPhone pairs beautifully with digital hearing aids and an add-on device connected to the the TV. For about three years I have been able to listen to Apple Music in my hearing devices, receive calls that disturb no one, and watch TV or a movie as if it were a private screening. Our health insurance, offered to retirees from the public sector in MI, a has a very beneficial arrangement with a company called TruHearing. I suggest you check your benefits and get a consult. I think Apple products are top shelf.
I loved my old flip phone , but no more service for G-3.
As One ages, to much tech for me, Derf
@Derf- I hear you. Man, do I ever hear you!
Yes, I was indeed a very competent radio technician for many years. But that doesn't mean that I have an intuitive understanding of everything electronic or technical, especially with respect to software- I was a hardware person. Being 83, I figured that I could qualify as "senior". At Amazon, 93% of 250 reviewers gave this one a 5-star:
Time to hit the dock & see if the fish are biting.
Have a good day, Derf
I use it to call my wife..."Siri, call XXX" and it will make the phone call for you. You need to create you phone list first.
On a more physical and less philosophical level, my hearing is so marginal that I really can't understand much of anything without seeing someone's face as they're talking.
I do not use iCloud either for different reasons. For one, I am too cheap to buy large capacity. I much prefer portable hard drive and I can continue to add more as I needed. At work.
I hope hearing aids would help with your impairment just like my father did.