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(Part 2 follows)
University of California, San Francisco BioHub Panel on COVID-19
March 10, 2020
Joe DeRisi: UCSF’s top infectious disease researcher. Co-president of ChanZuckerberg BioHub (a JV involving UCSF / Berkeley / Stanford). Co-inventor of the chip used in SARS epidemic.
Emily Crawford: COVID task force director. Focused on diagnostics
Cristina Tato: Rapid Response Director. Immunologist.
Patrick Ayescue: Leading outbreak response and surveillance. Epidemiologist.
Chaz Langelier: UCSF Infectious Disease doc
What’s below are essentially direct quotes from the panelists. I bracketed the few things that are not quotes.
Top takeaways
■ At this point, we are past containment. Containment is basically futile. Our containment efforts won’t reduce the number who get infected in the US.
■ Now we’re just trying to slow the spread, to help healthcare providers deal with the demand peak. In other words, the goal of containment is to "flatten the curve", to lower the peak of the surge of demand that will hit healthcare providers. And to buy time, in hopes a drug can be developed.
■ How many in the community already have the virus? No one knows.
■ We are moving from containment to care.
■ We in the US are currently where at where Italy was a week ago. We see nothing to say we will be substantially different.
■ 40-70% of the US population will be infected over the next 12-18 months. After that level you can start to get herd immunity. Unlike flu this is entirely novel to humans, so there is no latent immunity in the global population.
■ [We used their numbers to work out a guesstimate of deaths— indicating about 1.5 million Americans may die. The panelists did not disagree with our estimate. This compares to seasonal flu’s average of 50K Americans per year. Assume 50% of US population, that’s 160M people infected. With 1% mortality rate that's 1.6M Americans die over the next 12-18 months.]
... • The fatality rate is in the range of 10X flu.
... • This assumes no drug is found effective and made available.
■ The death rate varies hugely by age. Over age 80 the mortality rate could be 10-15%. [See chart by age Signe found online, attached at bottom.]
■ Don’t know whether COVID-19 is seasonal but if is and subsides over the summer, it is likely to roar back in fall as the 1918 flu did
■ I can only tell you two things definitively. Definitively it’s going to get worse before it gets better. And we'll be dealing with this for the next year at least. Our lives are going to look different for the next year.
What should we do now? What are you doing for your family?
■ Appears one can be infectious before being symptomatic. We don’t know how infectious before symptomatic, but know that highest level of virus prevalence coincides with symptoms. We currently think folks are infectious 2 days before through 14 days after onset of symptoms (T-2 to T+14 onset).
■ How long does the virus last?
On surfaces, best guess is 4-20 hours depending on surface type (maybe a few days) but still no consensus on this. The virus is very susceptible to common anti-bacterial cleaning agents: bleach, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol-based.
■ Avoid concerts, movies, crowded places. We have cancelled business travel.
■ Do the basic hygiene, eg hand washing and avoiding touching face.
■ Stockpile your critical prescription medications. Many pharma supply chains run through China. Pharma companies usually hold 2-3 months of raw materials, so may run out given the disruption in China’s manufacturing.
■ Pneumonia shot might be helpful. Not preventative of COVID-19, but reduces your chance of being weakened, which makes COVID-19 more dangerous.
■ Get a flu shot next fall. Not preventative of COVID-19, but reduces your chance of being weakened, which makes COVID-19 more dangerous.
■ We would say “Anyone over 60 stay at home unless it’s critical”. CDC toyed with idea of saying anyone over 60 not travel on commercial airlines.
■ We at UCSF are moving our “at-risk” parents back from nursing homes, etc. to their own homes. Then are not letting them out of the house. The other members of the family are washing hands the moment they come in.
■ Three routes of infection
... • Hand to mouth / face
... • Aerosol transmission
... • Fecal oral route
What if someone is sick?
■ If someone gets sick, have them stay home and socially isolate. There is very little you can do at a hospital that you couldn’t do at home. Most cases are mild. But if they are old or have lung or cardio-vascular problems, read on.
■ If someone gets quite sick who is old (70+) or with lung or cardio-vascular problems, take them to the ER
■ There is no accepted treatment for COVID-19. The hospital will give supportive care (eg IV fluids, oxygen) to help you stay alive while your body fights the disease. ie to prevent sepsis.
■ If someone gets sick who is high risk (eg is both old and has lung/cardio-vascular problems), you can try to get them enrolled for “compassionate use" of Remdesivir, a drug that is in clinical trial at San Francisco General and UCSF, and in China. Need to find a doc there in order to ask to enroll. Remdesivir is an anti-viral from Gilead that showed effectiveness against MERS in primates and is being tried against COVID-19. If the trials succeed it might be available for next winter as production scales up far faster for drugs than for vaccines.
■ Why is the fatality rate much higher for older adults?
... • Your immune system declines past age 50
... • Fatality rate tracks closely with “co-morbidity”, ie the presence of other conditions that compromise the patient’s hearth, especially respiratory or cardio-vascular illness. These conditions are higher in older adults.
... • Risk of pneumonia is higher in older adults.
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"A retail analyst, Burt Flickinger of Strategic Resource Group, said big box retailers like Costco and BJ’s Wholesale Club have been able to restock most empty shelves within a few hours, or by the next morning, according to his survey of hundreds of stores across the country this week."
Part of the problem (per the article) is that manufacturers know that people stocking up makes no sense - they are not going to consume it any faster now than before. And when they discover this spring that they've got a cupboard full of the stuff, they won't be buying for a long time. Manufacturers don't want to be stuck with inventory then because they ramped up production now.
sdirtyabottom it is.Actually I do realize that a dirty bottom is nothing in comparison to people who are sick or dying but it's stupid (and real) and I really hate stupid.
Good luck.
At least numbers have flatlined/stabilized in KSorea and china past wk...usa may follow in 4 -8??? wks [best scenario]...worst scenarios things may last up to 6 12 months
So much price gauchers in our areas though...feel very bad consumers
@johnN: If it's not too much trouble, perhaps you should try reading the contents of the original post at the top of this thread before making more foolish comments. I'm sorry for the need to be so blunt, but having to endure the president making such statements is quite enough without reading similar trash here on MFO.
Vox also notes that "Some labs have much higher capacity than others. Even the corporate diagnostic companies like Quest and LabCorp only have the capacity to run 1,000 and 1,500 tests a day, respectively."
It includes this graphic showing orders of magnitude difference in the speed of different labs:
Regards- OJ
Testing centers are miles and miles long
Probably end up dead prior to being tested
Thought this might be helpful in assessing current risk in your area. If already linked, please advise and I’ll delete.
With apologies to clowns everywhere.
But wait, there's more. Remember how WHO offered to send test kits to the US and we didn’t take them? Then Jared Kushner was put in charge of the response?
Two guesses who’s brother owns this company...
About Oscar
Chinese businessman to donate 500,000 test kits and 1 million masks to the U.S.
In the way back days I lived in Taiwan for 2 years. There would be, as there are now; times when one wouldn't have a full understanding or full thought or reply to a question or circumstance.
One phrase I used, at times, in Taiwan was:
Wǒ néng shuō shénme , which in English is; "What can I say?" One could also use the side to side head movement with the should shrug while speaking.
Not to write as a smart ass, but I noted somewhere here several weeks ago in a reply to a "black swan" event, that COVID could be a problem going forward. I had started watching, on a daily basis; the events in Asia on January 21. Well, the world is where we're at today; and I'm saddened for those in many countries, but this country, Michigan and my home is now the priority.
A few points that cause me to say/think,
Wǒ néng shuō shénme
I've expressed to others my concerns about a few events. These folks are kind and loving, but I know now that they are not always paying attention or thinking ahead.
I'll provide two items where I intervened my thoughts without success.
--- 1. An aunt and 8 of her children/spouses (live in Michigan) decided to go to Florida last Wednesday and remain until the first week of April. When I became aware of this, a phone call was necessary. I stated that the area to where they were traveling already had 2 active COVID cases. "Oh, everything will be okay." "Alright then."
--- 2. Nephew and wife, age 40. Scheduled vacation, they could have; but chose not to cancel. They arrived in New Zealand 3 days ago. NZ now locked down all travel into their country today; although one may leave. I wish them well upon return and that they are not blocked from U.S. entry (not the case right now).
Relative for Michigan this time of the year, are many 1,000's of snow birds returning after several months in the winter warm states. CRAP !!!
I'll add this CNN link. And yes, I know there are many; but this is well done. Refresh the page with each visit for current data. Also, many states now have excellent sites with great, real data. I simply search "state name" then the words "covid cases". I use this method to know more about other states where family and friends reside.
Lastly, I'm so pleased that "states" , companies and other organizations have taken actions to help restrict large group gatherings; as they did not find any proper thoughts arriving from D.C.-land.
ADD: I forget to express, that there remains a lot of bitching about toilet paper hoarding, etc. I've not heard the question asked whether folks are buying for others, too. For us, we have two elderly ladies in the neighborhood and my mother is 94. No way in hell are they are going to a large grocery store to shop for themselves among the large crowds.
Okay, I'm done. Thank you for your time.
Take care of you and yours,
Here's a JAMA opinion piece that's been making the rounds there. (We got the link from someone who knows the author's wife.) It includes a list of hundreds of actions taken by the government, along with a timeline. Response to COVID-19 in Taiwan
Big Data Analytics, New Technology, and Proactive Testing
I will add that the current benchmark, IMHO; is South Korea and their actions and abilities.
And that Taiwan, has been going forward in their thinking since opening their economy to outside investments in the late 1960's with letting "foreign" companies to begin investing and building at a tax free zone site. The country has been on a forward path since.....
This is a health insurance startup founded on the premise that all you need to do to succeed in a highly regulated industry is to introduce some technology and apps that would appeal to millennials. It started as an ACA insurer in 2014 by offering an incredibly wide network with all the largest hospital systems (including Memorial Sloan Kettering that takes almost no insurance).
That was a massive failure - it dropped Sloan Kettering after the first year. It dropped the largest hospital network, NY Presbyterian (including Columbia and Weill Cornell) after March 2016. At the end of 2016 it cut its network in half (40K doctors to 20K, dropping NYU Langone and Northwell Health [formerly Northshore/LIJ] - two of the five largest hospital networks).
The bottom line is that Oscar was a startup that lost money hand over fist. It survived because investors (including Fidelity) poured $1.3B into it, and because Trump didn't succeed in killing the ACA. Funny how politics works that way.