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This Investor’s Secret To Beating The Street? Pick Stocks That Are Fortresses: (PSGAX)

FYI: The headquarters for some of the best-performing and fastest-growing stock funds on the planet is a building on Avenue of the Stars in Beverly Hills. Glamour stocks? Far from it. The money managers at Kayne Anderson Rudnick prefer companies selling lawn fertilizer, swimming pool chemicals and the software used by small banks.

Look at the results. The firm’s hottest fund, Virtus KAR Small-Cap Growth, has averaged a 19.4% annual return over the past decade, to 14.7% for the S&P 500. Virtus KAR Small-Cap Core delivered 15.9%. These numbers are after stiff fees, over 2% a year on the no-load C class shares.

M* Snapshot PSGAX:

Lipper Snapshot PSGAX:

PSGAX Ranks #3 In The (SCG) Fund Category By U.S. News & World Report:

M* Virtus Family Of Funds:


  • Why even waste time writing about a fund that is closed to new investors?
  • Hush! He's busy leading you, and you don't even appreciate it.
  • Are all their funds closed? Thx
  • edited February 2019
    5.75% load, too. I know what the responses will be: zero load at brokerages X,Y,Z. Screw that. I invest directly with the fund houses. And I won't pay for the privilege of giving them my money, before it's even invested.
  • @Crash- What's so important about direct investing? I invest directly with American Funds and American Century, and use Schwab for everything else because I really don't want to keep track of twenty different fund houses. Frankly, dealing with Schwab has been every bit as easy as dealing directly.
  • Old_Joe said:

    @Crash- What's so important about direct investing? I invest directly with American Funds and American Century, and use Schwab for everything else because I really don't want to keep track of twenty different fund houses. Frankly, dealing with Schwab has been every bit as easy as dealing directly.

    @Old_Joe. It's not against my religion. It's just that I don't hold enough to even need a broker. KISS it, y'know? I've deliberately consolidated to keep things simple. My MAPOX is now closed. Proceeds are in PRWCX. Just 2 of my funds hold 83% of my stuff: PRWCX and PRSNX. (The latter is over half of my stuff. I'm in income-producing mode.) And one of my 6 funds is actually my wife's 403b. Doing well. VEIRX.

    The others: PTIAX and PRIDX and PRDSX.
  • Mike - it appears as though all classes of this particular fund are. I can't speak for any other Virtus fund. Be aware however that my input has been deemed of little value.
  • Oh ye of little value!! To our "leader" we giveth praise!!
  • Haha!! you are underselling yourself sir @Mark ....
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