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Is The Stock Market Open On Veterans Day 2018?

FYI: Neither the stock market nor the bond market is closed on Monday, Nov. 12, which is when Veterans Day is observed in the U.S. In 2018, the actual Veterans Day holiday falls on Sunday. The next scheduled closing of both the stock market and bond market is Thanksgiving Day.


  • Turkeys are important, veterans not so much.
  • @Mark: "Turkeys are important, veterans not so much." What's that suppose to mean ?
  • What the Schwabbie had to say:
    This is a federal/bank holiday in observance of Veterans Day. Although this is a trading day, it is a non-settlement day. The Charles Schwab Company will be open during usual business hours.
    Please use caution when placing mutual fund trades. Some mutual fund companies will not accept purchases or redemptions because of the Veteran’s Day holiday. In this instance, your trade order will be executed at the next calculated price.
  • Hi @Mark
    Reminds of a company I worked for, for a number of years. The company always observed Columbus Day as a paid holiday, but not Veteran's Day. Over 4 different years I submitted a paper request to change this policy going forward. My last request became totally to the absurd side of life in a final attempt to attach more attention to the situation ....."As there are more military veterans, versus those of Italian heritage; among the 1,000's of employees, I humbly request that this holiday observance day be changed."
    'Course, the change never took place.
    Take care,
  • @Catch22- Well, as a (half) Italian veteran, I must admit that I'm pretty confused by all of this. It was especially irksome when I had to go to work on Veteran's Day, while my totally non-veteran wife got the day off. Then again, after teaching for 35 years in the SF Public School "system", perhaps she deserves to be considered an honorary veteran.
  • Many of you probably remember Armistice Day, VE Day, and VJ Day. I think the amalgamation of those "victories" into Veterans' Day is relatively recent. Columbus Day in New England was always a holiday and recent attempts to eliminate the celebration of the obliteration of vast numbers of the original residents of "our" continent were met with objections by the tourist industry. It turns out people travel more to see the Fall colors if they have a day off.
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