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“We’re Taking a Look at Whether Google Searches Should be Regulated”

edited August 2018 in Off-Topic
A top advisor to a prominent political figure says the administration is looking at imposing regulations on Google to stop what it considers unfair search results which tend to bring up unfavorable comments concerning the individual. I tested this hypothesis by Googling “Political Moron.” And, indeed, I can confirm that among the top 5 Google search results, 3 of them mentioned said individual by name.


  • Only 3? I would have bet them all.
  • @hank
    You beat me to this........
    I deleted my draft; but this was the title.

    "George Orwell, calling George Orwell....."they" want to regulate Google Searches...."

    'Course, the "they" is the scary part, eh???

    I'm going to try to contact Mr. Orwell for new suggestions.

    For all we know, Google may be a "deep state" function of someone's government. Start making your list of choices.

    Hoping your storms this evening are kind, and no damage.
  • @hank @Mark et al...........

    Seriously, NOW; you all have to read down through this link from Snopes.
    A write from H. L. Mencken in 1920 in the Baltimore Evening Sun newspaper.


  • If the internet doesn't offer total blind support to the current unindicted co-conspirator-inchief in DC, clearly it must be regulated. Because the only 'news' he cares about is that which praises him and strokes his fragile ego - ie, propaganda.

    Shep Smith (on Fox!) said it perfectly earlier ...
  • This is actually a good exercise in statistics and confounding factors.

    Trump is supposedly citing a recent opinion piece where someone googled Trump, and the sources that came up were almost all left or center. Not that the articles were biased, simply that very few reports on Trump, good, bad, or otherwise, showed up from right wing media.

    Do you suppose, just perhaps, it might be because in the past few days, between Manafort, Cohen, and McCain, those sources have gone dark? That's it's not google refusing to list articles on Trump from these sources, but rather that few such articles exist?
  • Howdy,

    msf has it spot on. Other than the Fox Nazi network and few conspiracy crazies, there just isn't any good news on Trump. Ergo, if you do a search for DJT you're going to get mostly bad stuff.

    What is much more troubling about todays news is his 'call to arms' prediction that if the republicans lose in November there will be violence.

    Now I want one person, just one, to defend this miserable SOB for saying this.

    just one,

    and so it goes,



  • edited August 2018
    Don't look at me for a "defense"!
  • A current headline on an NPR story:

    "Nicaragua's Embattled Government Tries To Silence Independent Media"

    Question: And this is different from the situation in the United States exactly how?

  • our gov is way bigger and stronger than nicaragua?
  • Yes, a big, strong, third-world country.

  • Bigly. Very strong, too. So strong, it's strong like you've never seen strong. Believe me.
    Old_Joe said:

    Yes, a big, strong, third-world country.

  • He “talks the talk” much better than he “walks the walk” (in any number of respects).

    It’s up to us to make sure all these tons of s*** coming down remains only talk. (Could use a bit of help from the repugs in Congress.)
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