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our exceptional inequality



  • Thanks for posting this. Three comments. This article is more important than one hundred links to nowhere and nothing. While one party did not create this situation absolutely one party makes it worse everyday. Now stand up and put your hand over your heart. Don't want to,,,, maybe you should leave this great country.
  • Very powerful article. What's missing is the proposed solution. Failure first begins at home. Kids see their parents failing and assume there's nothing else for them. Kids then go to failing 'public' schools and learn little about what's needed for success. Even if they manage to go to college, they are still ill prepared as only 1 in 4 people actually use their degree. What is the answer? The only thing I know is personal responsibility since I know that throwing money at a problem is fruitless. America isn't the problem. America doesn't guarantee success. The question is: are you afforded the opportunity to be successful? I believe we are. Are things perfect, hell no but we're humans and almost by design, flawed. If there's anything wrong with us, it is our focus on 'programs' to relieve poverty, rather than education. And I believe that education should be privatized and focused on usable skills and financial literacy.
  • I think I draw the line when we ask for "personal responsibility" from our underprivileged 6 year olds. I think it is time for adults to think about providing an enriching environment for the children of this country instead of an ever increasing "your mother" mania.
  • Failing public school systems...

    IMHO too much is made out of this. We need to teach our kids to TEST well. There is a lifetime left for LEARNING. It is about showing up to class first and foremost. My neck of the woods has one of the finest school systems in the state. Food program for the underprivileged helps get kids to school early and on time and stay through the day.

    Personal responsibility...I can tell you what makes this country great. Because there have always been enough people who may not be in positions of power, but they still have a strong work ethic and believe in helping others. For every asshole, you will find an angel. As long as that balance is maintained, America will do just fine.
  • @MFO Members: The author, Eduardo Porter is a left-wing hate America writer.
  • Ted, Ted, Ted, the author could be the devil himself, what matters is the facts. The message is what matters, not the messenger. The fact is that in many measures, america is exceptionally underperforming it's peer group of nation's. If it were a mutual fund you wouldn't buy it.
  • Our politicians will never resolve an issue since their primary job is to get re-elected. I'd like to propose an experiment if the moderator would allow. Let's collectively pick a subject (a difficult one) and attempt to devise an approach to resolve it. The objectives in my opinion should be two-fold: managing to discuss with civility and arriving at a reasonable and sustainable conclusion.

    I'd also like to establish some ground rules (with your input and approval). Such as: do not identify your race or political preference. Your stated opinion/tribe may be known but for the sake of this activity, we should avoid identifying with one group or another. Civility is a must. Do you think we can make it a day? If we cannot, how could we possibly expect politicians to do so? Your thoughts?
  • I don't get that at all Ted. He bleeds for what America could and should be if we are true to our founding beliefs as a nation. Tell me/us where or how he is factually wrong. So much promise with no principals to practice what we preach.
  • @Mark: Perfection is not of this world !
  • @Ted
    The author, Eduardo Porter is a left-wing hate America writer.
    When did the right wing acquire a monopoly on patriotism?
  • Hi @Ted

    I "knew" (being past tense for 4) 5 individuals who were not Republicans, and.....
    --- 3 high school classmates died in Vietnam
    --- 1 cousin died in Vietnam
    --- 1 cousin hasn't had legs since 1969 via Vietnam
  • edited May 2018
    The "Teds" of this country have no need to recognize national problems, because they are fortunate enough to be exempt from many of them.

    They attempt to create phony "rule sets" that define America (as themselves, of course), attempt to disenfranchise all who do not share their perspective, and excel at creating derisive labels for those who are less fortunate than themselves. They prefer ignorance to knowledge, prejudice to fact, darkness to light, and force to justice.

    Hello, Ted.
  • Nobody expects perfect Ted. America was founded on the principal of doing what's right, doing for the majority not just the privileged, and taking care of those who struggle to do for themselves despite their best attempts. I'm fully aware of those who just expect handouts but in the America of today it seems like that group consists mainly of those who already have the most but want it all.
  • The question is how is standing up for Americans suffering from income inequality unpatriotic and "hating America?" And if someone believes that to be the case, what does patriotism mean to them?
  • edited May 2018
    "what does patriotism mean to them?"

    It means seeing themselves as a movie actor portraying a WW2 general. It means waving a flag and wearing a flag pin, because that's a lot easier and cheaper than dealing with reality.
  • Born in Phoenix and reared in the US, Mexico, and Belgium, Eduardo Porter has been on the staff of the New York Times since January 2004, covering economics, and joined the paper's editorial board in July 2007. He began his journalism career in 1990 as a financial reporter for Notimex, the Mexican news agency, in Mexico City. He was a correspondent in Tokyo (1991-1992) and in London (1992-1996). In 1996, Porter was appointed editor of the Brazilian edition of América Economía, a business and economics magazine based in Sao Paulo. In 2000, he became senior special writer for the Wall Street Journal, based in Los Angeles, covering the Hispanic population in the United States. He is a graduate in physics of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and has an MS in quantum fields and fundamental forces from Imperial College of Science, Technology, and Medicine in London.
  • Hi Guys,

    As good as the USA is, it has its shortcomings. It is not perfect and will never be perfect since perfect differs for different folks. It is an impossible criteria.

    Yet globally, the USA is a constant people draw regardless of its shortcomings. Especially since the mid-1960s that attractive draw has been increasing in terms of folks coming to our country. Here is a Link to the stats that demonstrate this compelling draw power:

    These stats document the attractiveness of our great Nation.

    Best Wishes to all.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Exhibit "A": Attempts to impose a phony rule-set: "Demise", by suggestion, equaling anything other than the present status-quo.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Maurice said:


    ? You're persuaded of this country's demise? The current leadership won't last forever.

  • Exhibit "B": Attempts to impose a phony rule-set: "Socialist", by definition, equaling anything other than the present status-quo.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Exhibit "C": Attempts to impose a phony rule-set: "radical left", by definition, equaling anything other than the present status-quo.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • "power and privileges to a small elite"

    Exactly: as in the 1%. Keep shilling for them, Maurice. Someday they might reward you with an honorary membership.

    (Honorary membership offer may be discontinued at any time and may not be combined with any other discount offer. User admits to having read and clearly understood all terms and conditions in our license agreement, and further agrees to non-disclosure of everything. User agrees to not accept any other honorary membership offer for a period of three years after initiation of this offer. In event of dispute user agrees to submit to binding arbitration, with arbitrator to be solely selected by the 1%. )
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Exhibit "E": Attempts to impose a phony rule-set: "Marxist-Leninist'", by definition, equaling anything other than the present status-quo.
  • Exhibit "F": prefer ignorance to knowledge, prejudice to fact: "This whole 1% and income inequality is BS"
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