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The Signin Process - and why you may have trouble with the "keep me signed in" checkbox.

edited September 2012 in Technical Questions
Reply to users who have to sign in multiple times
- When I finally got logged on,
It is a pretty simple login process - enter your username and your password correctly after you click the signin button. You should NOT be creating additional user names. Each member of the forum should have only one login name.
- but I checked the box "keep me signed in" and it works until it does not. I log on several times a week and it works fine. &%$#@*

the reasons why you may have to continually supply your username and password and re-sign in are as follows.

1) you have told your browser to delete cookies after closing session.
2) you have installed software that automatically deletes cookies.
3) you use another computer or browser, and have expectations that the other computer will know it is you.
4) you sign out.
5) after 30 days the cookies will expire and you have to re-login.
6) you have not checked the box "keep me signed in".
7) your browser does not accept cookies.

still having trouble with multiple sign-ins after reading the user documentation and this message,

If one supplies the name of your browser (Internet explorer version ..., firefox ver, safari...) and version your operating system (windows, apple, linux) and device (iphone, pc, etc), one can often get more help.


  • edited October 2012
    Hey mon- just in time- we're almost ready to post the user guide revision, and I'll make sure that everything that you said there gets stuffed into it. Thanks.
  • Reply to @Old_Joe:

    > Hey mon-

    I and I no problem
  • Accipiter - by chance would not having a current version of Java create a login problem? Despite doing all of the items listed above to correct the problem I was still experiencing the frustrations of multiple logins a few months ago. Once Java updated itself the problems seem to have all disappeared. It was either that or gremlins. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
  • Reply to @Mark: All electronics techs are firm believers in gremlins. I'll back you on that one.
  • Reply to @Old_Joe: Roger that mister! I just heard from a friend who was having trouble with her modem and computer talking to each other. The tech told her that if she flipped the ethernet cable, end for end, that might solve the problem. I asked if the tech also told her to make sure the cable was lying perfectly flat so that the signal wouldn't have to run up or down hill and get all tired and stuff.
  • Reply to @Old_Joe:

    Ha.........., ya; reminds me at times over many years when speaking with a design engineer at their corp. home nest and hearing the "but it can not do that". My last statement was that I would most assuredly be the one to meet them at the airport so the "can't do that" symptom could be observed first hand.

    'Course this is another reminder of the changing technology and efficiences.
    Today, I would take a video of the malfunction with my smart phone and the engineer could say, "crap", with minutes of receipt.

    Take care,
  • edited September 2012
    Reply to @Mark:

    we don't use java.

    but javascript (which is not java or coffee or the name of a geographic location) should be enabled on your browser to get any type of functionality at any site these days.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
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