Shiller Enhanced CAPE® & Shiller Enhanced Int'l CAPE® Webcast
Hosted by Jeffrey Sherman
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
1:15 pm PT / 4:15 pm ET / 3:15 CTPlease join us for a live webcast titled "Timing Equity Markets using the CAPE Ratio" hosted by:
Jeffrey Sherman, CFA
Deputy Chief Investment Officer & Portfolio Manager Jeffrey Sherman will discuss the strategy, sector allocations and outlook for the DoubleLine Shiller Enhanced CAPE® ( DSEEX / DSENX ) & DoubleLine Shiller Enhanced Int'l CAPE ( DSEUX / DLEUX ) for 2017.
The biggest mystery to me is what happened to Mr Gundlach's "Just Markets" webby from January 10, 2017 The website has no link or mention of it.
E T N http://etn.barclays.com/US/7/en/etnsnapshot.app?instrumentId=174066
The replay is under compliance review.
Do you have thoughts why the DLEUX performance thus far (6w) has been worse than European indexes?
From DL this PM
Shiller Enhanced CAPE® and Shiller Enhanced International CAPE® Webcast replay
The replay will be available in 5-7 business days. I have added your email to our notification list and you will receive word when it posts to the site.
Thank you,
Leena Park
Investor Services
DoubleLine Capital LP || 333 S. Grand Avenue, 18th Floor || Los Angeles, CA 90071
direct 213.633.8498 || main 213.633.8200 || [email protected]
This might be an automated email link *
[email protected]
*Once the presentation begins, please send me a copy of the slides.
Attached is PDF of Recap of Gundlach on Jan 10th.You like politics !
I said The biggest mystery to me is what happened to Mr Gundlach's "Just Markets" webby from January 10, 2017 The website has no link or mention of it.
Thank you for your email. Per your request, attached is the PDF of the Just Markets webcast presentation. Additionally, the replay has been approved and is now available online. http://doubleline.com/latest-webcasts/
Kind regards,
As of 2/8/17, DSEUX is outperforming the MSCI Europe NET Return USD Index (the benchmark) by 49 bps. The benchmark has returned 2.12%, and DSEUX has returned 2.62%.
Here is data from Doubleline. Looks like the max drawdown was around -44% during the 2007-2009 period, in contrast with -55% for the S&P 500.
Guys, but DSENX actually does not invest in the CAPE stocks right. It tries to mimic its return, so it is more "active" than "passive" at doing that I would think. I would like to hope DSENX can actually do less worse if CAPE rolls over. Or are would you say that's totally wishful thinking on my part?
From the Doubleline site:
The Shiller Enhanced CAPE® strategy offers exposure to the “cheapest sectors” of the large cap equity markets using an “Index Overlay” technique while the remaining assets are invested in a fixed income portfolio...
...The Relative CAPE® Ratio subdivides the S&P 500 into 10 sectors, eliminating the 5 with the highest relative CAPE® ratios, leaving what we believe are the 5 better value proposition sectors. Index methodology eliminates the one sector with the worst one-year momentum, to try and avoid the value trap...
Using a total return index swap to gain the exposure to the Barclays Shiller CAPE® US Sector Index, the remaining assets are then invested into, what we believe to be, a lower-risk bond portfolio with the goal of trying to outperform cash.
@VF, no, not wishful thinking.
It's interesting to me that if you diy and combined CAPE w PONDX and/or PDI, or indeed them with DVY, SPHD, NOBL, OUSA, SDOG, SCHD, or any of the other solid LC etfs, you would not do as well, not even close. Weird.
DSENX as per M* has 40% bonds. And its Large Value.
Why doesn't a EveningMoon(Netflix) come around to whack Morningstar(Blockbuster)? I think Lipper is just a poor man's video store no one wants. So ridiculous.
Not sure how you can say that. The Doubleine information says it has 2 components:
- Barclays Shiller CAPE® US Sector Index
- Doubleline actively managed fixed income portfolio
The secret sauce may just be the fact it uses only 4 of the 5 under valued sectors leaving out the worst trending sector.
Whatever it is, I treat it as a balanced fund and hold it equally along with PRWCX and ICMBX to make up 45% of my self managed portf.
Point taken though about balanced funds typically having lower STD. The fund is unique and does have to be dissected to understand.
The thing about it that's been most surprising to me is how persistent the sector allocations have been. The vast majority of the time since inception, it's been tech, industrials, health, and either staples or energy, per a Dbl slide from the webcast ~ late Q3 last year. Looks like it's shifted some lately, but overall, it's not been as variable as I would've thought.
>> Doubleline actively managed fixed income portfolio
Yes, exactly, that's the secret bond sauce, as I was trying to explain. Courtesy Gundlach the pol prognosticator.
But not 40% or anything close to it. Their own announced benchmark is SP500. Observe how closely it tracks CAPE, slightly surpassing it, and that extent accounted for by the FI portion.
DSENX composition:
>> merely making the point M* lists it as 40% bonds,
Sorry, did not address that specifically. That is complete crap. M* has many weaknesses, increasing, it seems, but its inability to parse this fund is remarkable, and unfixed over >3y now. Wild. The piechart used to be even worse, for a while.
Fido is as bad if not worse. You'd think some ed would assign a staffer to do a proper article on this, or they would solve the whole thing w what the derivatives' goals are.
Note that for the Fido link you get foreign diversification w 11% Cayman Islands. Bwahaha. So not only is it a balanced fund, but international too! Woohoo!
The equity/bond percentage mix is unknown, yes?
I'll leave it be, as I was hoping to be helpful with the apparent bad data for this fund at Fidelity; who probably pulls the data from M*.
Pillow time at this house.