How do you use this fund or how do you think about it in your portfolio? Is it a:
- source of income primarily for you
- Foreign Small/Mid Blend slot component as categorized by M*
- Large Blend slot component as categorized by M* in terms of investment style
Or just what led you to it? I've been looking for something in the infrastructure space and had honed in on IDE (Voya Infrastructure Fund) which is a CEF. The Lazard offering caught my eye and so now I'm curious. Thank you for any response.
I use it for the GLOBAL sector exposure in infrastructure, with a nice diversified portfolio that seems fairly conservative....since I'm youngish (43) and still accumulating, the income just lets me snap up more shares when the dividends are paid, which is fine by me. Several regulars on the M* forums hold the fund and there's been some good discussions about it over the past year or so.
It's a core holding in my Roth IRA.
We are not invested in this fund.
Here it is charted with TOLSX and your IDE:
I have owned GLFOX for about 2 years. I use it as a global fund. It is core, and I only add on weakness. I think it is a very well run fund and would recommend it to anyone. Also, in that space, I use FMIJX and MAPIX.
God bless
the Pudd