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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
  • June Commentary Posted
    Reply to @Investor: Man you're tough. I agree with Accipiter. The new ratings help highlight funds that deliver superior returns while protecting against draw down...some of them persistently. For example, you often recommend VWINX and GLRBX on the board. I'd never even heard about the latter. But the system highlighted those very two funds just based on the numbers. I find similar results across all age groups, like COBYX in the 3 year group. Any system has its strengths and weaknesses, but I know the information in this one is not easily available anywhere else and provides another perspective for the MFO community when considering mutual funds.
    The system does integrate all existing funds for all time periods evaluated when examining return group, but initially thought it best to tabulate the performance and risk measures only for the longest period applicable. An early version of the system did tabulate all 7000 funds for all five time frames, but it seemed overkill and kind of diluted the message. The interesting part was whether a fund's performance persisted versus the other funds in its category. I also found segregating the funds by age group helped evaluate peers and highlight standouts. In any case, working with David and Chip on how to best handle the full-up database. I trust you know by now that if you're not happy, I'm not happy =).
  • June Commentary Posted
    Reply to @Accipiter: If a screen brings up a fund that is previously reviewed by David, I might accept to see a single Owl that indicates that such a commentary exist and clicking on the owl brings that commentary to read. Heck, the screener can be instructed to screen only owl'ed funds. That is much different use of owl that assigning 1-5 owls (or stars or gold coins etc) to a fund.
  • a revivified thread: would a portfolio shift from e.m. bonds to e.m. stocks make sense for me?
    Happy birthday, man, and thank you for the thoughtful reply. Too bad about the Little League situation. I'm the staunchest baseball fan in this or any other universe.
    The Forest question: what am I trying to get that my current portfolio isn't allowing? Ding. Spot-on, that. The straightforward answer is that I simply was wanting not to undergo avoidable losses--- in terms of the daily share-price on PREMX. It's getting beat-up. But I don't want to just react in a knee-jerk fashion. I've not pulled the trigger on this idea, yet. And I'm not in a panic. I'm sitting on some goodly profits in PREMX and TRAMX, though my TRAMX stake is much, much smaller....I see icebergs and enemy planes ready to strafe and the route ahead is mined. It's always been that way, but steering through it is becoming very difficult, almost impracticable.
    ...AND, yes: I'd like to grow my overall portfolio, even if not for myself. But the tools that have worked before are not working so well right now, that's all...Everything is cyclical in investing. I'm just asking myself, how LONG can I afford to just batten down the hatches. How long before the leaks overwhelm the pumps? ...My TOTAL portfolio has lost less than 3% during this latest downdraft. Nothing to freak out about. But...
    "I do not LIKE it, SAM I AM,
    I do not LIKE green eggs and ham."
    Appreciate your work, as always, David. And Chip, Accipiter--- keeping the website going.
  • a revivified thread: would a portfolio shift from e.m. bonds to e.m. stocks make sense for me?
    gone. nevermind.
    Max: I don't think board members can delete their threads but chip, Accipiter and I can. If you'd like to make something vanish, just PM one of us or switch the subject line to something like "David, please delete."
    As ever, me
  • Resources/The Navigator, drop down list moved to left & partial overlay
    Reply to @Accipiter:
    Working for me now too. Thanks, Accipiter. Boy are you quick.
  • Resources/The Navigator, drop down list moved to left & partial overlay
    Hi Accipiter,
    Bingo !!! All is well. The funds list now populates down the center of the page; as with the original program.
    Thank you again for your time and efforts with this great tool that you have generously provided for our benefit.
    Note: just to be on the good side of life; I did a pc restart and full clear of cache and related history on the pc I am using for the test.
  • Resources/The Navigator, drop down list moved to left & partial overlay
    Howdy Accipiter,
    I first noticed the change this morning (8 a.m., April 20).
    Uh, memory problem with this. Best guess is about 2 months ago when use was "normal".
    I wish that I could be specfic, as to a date; as I know this is of value for what you are looking for inside Wordpress or other related programs/changes.
    Hopefully, others may provide a true date related experience.
  • Resources/The Navigator, drop down list moved to left & partial overlay
    Accipiter's wonderful tools listed in the "Resources" drop-down menu on the MFO header bar are of great value, for those who choose to use the tools.
    ---A recent "burp" now shows for my pc/Ipad use and wondering if anyone else has seen or does see a similar problem.
    1. mouse hover on "Resources"
    2. drop-down menu appears
    3. click/select "The Navigator"
    Note: all is well to this point, and for those who have not used, "The Navigator"; a primary function is to find funds/etf's via a name search.
    4. the insertion page is displayed
    5. I type in the fund box: consumer (or your choice), for a list of funds containing this name.
    6. as is normal, after about 6 letters; an auto list is generated of name related funds.
    ---The problem is that the list, which normally generates down the center of the page; is now shifted to the left page edge and the MFO header/banner lays on top of some of the fund(s) list.
    This condition exists using Windows 7, IE build 9; with all cache and related cleared each day; and the same indications when using an Ipad 4.
  • request for assistance: page distortions
    Reply to @Accipiter: I don't need it fixed just for me. I was providing the information in case it might help Chip figure out the other cases. If my problem is not related there is no reason to pursue and fix it because I am using XP IE8 and have the options set to ignore the font size of the MFO site in favor of my own large font settings. I leave this setting that way all the time so I don't think Chip should waste time trying to reset my font alone if it is unrelated to other's problems. The chances of another computer having my weird combination of operating system, browser and accessibility settings are almost nil. I have my own work around that I use for my computer. I just use an old way of linking that didn't load the banner stuff. I can get screen shots if they are still needed for other computers. Let me know if that is the case.
  • Happy 2nd Birthday, MFO
    Absolutely, Happy Anniversary!!
    Simply do not know how you do it all David.
    Consistently with integrity, quality...and even humor.
    A free-to-users website...sponsor-free, pop-up free, advertising-free.
    Obviously a labor of love that we all benefit from.
    Can't thank you (and Chip, Accipiter, Anya, Junior) enough.
  • Recent site problems
    Reply to @Accipiter: Yes, that's for sure. I have about ten windows open right now, and some of them are in fact constantly updating. I usually keep MFO up all the time, which is why it shows me on-line on the main page, but I'm not really paying attention most of the time, especially lately what with major construction going on here. Later... thanks & hope all is well at your end.
  • Is there a printing feature on MFO?
    Reply to @Accipiter:
    * We already have a poll feature on the site that can be attached to the polls on the right column. Few people actually use it, Why do we think that folks will be rushing to create a lot of polls that involve fund tickers?
    * Also programming can be enhanced to have allow say 1 poll per day per login (or something like that). To prevent people from creating new accounts to bypass the restriction, you can add restriction to require the poster has been with the site for a week and had a post within last week.
    * Polls forum can also be a moderated forum. So, if someone goes on a polling spree the moderator can stop that madness.
  • Is there a printing feature on MFO?
    Reply to @Investor:
    @Accipiter reminded that the RSS feeds are available via:
    However, I did check and only the opening post of the thread is available in RSS feed. In other words, it is the RSS feed of the category listing with the first post text inserted. If you need something other than the first post, you will have to copy and paste. I am not sure if there is a Vanilla plug-in that makes the individual threads in RSS feed format.
  • Is there a printing feature on MFO?
    Reply to @Accipiter: Specifically this is what I said privately...

    Hi, could you remove "Mark All Viewed" and Summary buttons from the mobile version of the site just like "MGR" link does not show up on the mobile version of the forum. As it is right now the blue bar is spilling on two lines on iPhone and taking some extra screen space that would be used to viewing the actual forum or message content. I think "Home" link would be more useful for the mobile users to jump to Wordpress to reach out to David's commentary or fund profiles.
    In other words:
    The full version of the forum:
    Home Discussions Activity Inbox (user) MGR Mark All Viewed Summary
    Mobile version (currently)
    Discussions (user) Inbox Mark All Viewed Summary
    (And Summary flows to next line)
    Proposed change:
    Home Discussions (user) Inbox
    @Accipiter said that if permission is given, it is one line change.
  • Is there a printing feature on MFO?
    @Soupkitchen said
    >Is there a printing feature on MFO?
    @Investor said:
    >But threads are available through an RSS reader. You can get something closer to what you need through that mechanism.
    >I do not remember the URL for RSS though... Someone else can chime in.
    yes it is described in detail in the downloadable documentation. or briefly Categories on the top right and then clicking the orange rss icon on the page.
    @David_Snowball said:
    >I suspect that Accipiter will, when he next drops by, weigh in on this question
    weighed - Anna and Sven decisively load the scale.
    @Anna said: and sven ealso had a suggestion
    >I selected the text in the posts in this thread, copied them and pasted them in notepad on a Windows computer. It produced >the following which sounds similar to what you want:
    yes, that is exactly what I do. It is simple and quick. Highlight test you want to copy . press ctrl-c to copy or use the browser copy button. Open up notepad, wordpad, your email, word, excel, etc. Press ctl-v to paste or use the browser paste command and what was in your buffer from the copy will be transferred to your other program (notepad, wordpad, excel, word, etc).
    @chip said
    >I checked the Vanilla forum website for any add-ons that might give us that functionality
    there are none, you are correct, and I don't forsee any in the future. Most people just cut and paste.
    Also if you want text based information from a certain discussion go to your profile and add a checkbox for email notification for any bookmarked thread. see OJ's extensive documentation, it's worth the read, and that's why he wrote it.

    and chip and david I am still hoping for a response from you two on whether you want to allow users to create poll or remove the poll feature.
    Investor also wants "mark all viewed" removed from the mobile menu - I can do it. But you have to ok it.
  • Taking profits vs staying long
    "I realize that everyones situation is different but surely we can come to a concensus with all the smart posters on this borad if one should be selling or buying?"
    Hi Art, MFO has a polling feature. Relatively easy to set one up. Would give you the answer you seek.
    PS - A thought: You might try pinging Chip or Accipiter for assistance if it is your desire to set up such a poll. Just don't say "ping" which doesn't work. Need to say "A ping for (insert name)". Regards
  • Is there a printing feature on MFO?
    I checked the Vanilla forum website for any add-ons that might give us that functionality, but couldn't find anything. Hopefully, @Accipiter will take a look soon. I wouldn't be surprised if he has some good ideas.
  • Is there a printing feature on MFO?
    I selected the text in the posts in this thread, copied them and pasted them in notepad on a Windows computer. It produced the following which sounds similar to what you want:
    Is there a printing feature on MFO?
    ▲ ▼ Soupkitchen 7:39AM Flag I have been looking for a print button to be able to print a thread in the discussion section. This would remove all colors and designs from the page, and allow one just to print the written text. Does this already exist?
    ▲ ▼ Investor 8:27AM FlagReply No. But threads are available through an RSS reader. You can get something closer to what you need through that mechanism.
    I do not remember the URL for RSS though... Someone else can chime in.
    ▲ ▼ David_Snowball 2:08PM FlagReply I suspect that Accipiter will, when he next drops by, weigh in on this question. A. has done a huge amount of custom programming for the board and is the person most able (and most likely) to say what's possible and how. You might just need to be a bit patient.