Dear friends,
Just a word about Charles's much sought-after data. We'd been hopeful of releasing it as a searchable database with our August 1 issue. Both of the folks who do programming for us - Accipiter and Andrew, one of chip's IT colleagues - have been swamped by things that are, frankly, noticeably more pressing than this project. We've got the most recent data loaded and a rudimentary search and report function (enter the ticker for the oldest share class and get a dozen bits of data), but we haven't yet been able to integrate Charles's "oldest share class" utility, a more flexible search or a report that incorporates explanatory text.
What we do have is the data in a spreadsheet. As an experiment, I pulled the data for the 420 "Great Owl" funds - all of those in the top 20% of their peer groups for periods of three years plus - into a single, smaller spreadsheet and provided two sorts. The top table is sorted by fund category and the second one is sorted by fund name. I wanted to see how useful folks found this format. While I remain a bit concerned about piracy, I do want to make useful information available as quickly and clearly as I can.
If you want to play with the data and haven't used Excel much, I'd mostly suggest that you save the original against the prospect that one of your experiments substantially scrambles things.
With respect,
Note that it is an Office 2007 Excel file with extension type *.xlsx. Suggest you note location it downloads to and then open using Excel. To direct download to specific place on your computer, you can also right-click on icon and select "Save link as...".
If you are using an earlier version of Excel, you can download the Microsoft Compatibility Pack.
If you do not have Excel, you can download an open source spreadsheet program...just Google one.
Finally, Chip posted the full Adobe *.pdf version recently, here's link: MFO 2Q Ratings.
Hope that helps, but let us know either way.
Any quibbles I might have I will send to you directly, David.
Well said BobC. Perhaps we might all follow your sage advice.
2Q Ratings *.xls Type
Please let us know if this works for you. Thanks!
Also tried the xls version using the "Numbers 09" app from the Mac iWork suite, and it also works just fine- in fact can open two copies of xls simultaneously, one in each app.
Seems that the older xls version is still more universally compatible than the newer xlsx version.
Thanks for all your work on this. When it's complete I'll have to revise the MFO "User Manual" to cover this area (though to be honest I have suspicion that almost no one bothers to even look at that resource).
Regards- OJ
I use OpenOffice 3.4.1 and had no problem opening the file.
I read it every evening before going to bed. Especially helpful with a glass of wine. And thank you very much.
A lot of work went into this. Thank you all for your efforts.
It would be neat if we could add some more columns such as current manager tenure, Expense Ratios, Loads, etc using Steele DB. Uhm, yeah, It would be great Charles if you could go ahead and come in on Sat and Sun and get that done.
For what interest it holds,
Thanks for a very helpful table. This information will very useful.
First, make a backup copy of the spreadsheet in case something goes wrong. Then-
• Under Edit, choose "Move or Copy Sheet", and in the resulting box, check "Create a copy", and "OK". This will give you a second worksheet in the same spreadsheet, which will be identical to the original. A new tab will appear at the bottom, allowing you to switch between the worksheets. If you want to, double-click on that tab and change the tab title to whatever you desire, for example: "Funds of Interest".
• Now, on your new page, choose (select) all of the cells under the blue header bar- this will include lines 13 through 882. Again under Edit, choose "Clear" and "All." At this point you have nothing on your new page but the heading stuff.
• From the original "All Funds" worksheet, copy the entire line of data for any fund or funds that you are interested in.
• Go to your new worksheet page, and paste that data under the blue bar heading. Now you have a work area all set up concerning only the funds that are of interest to you. If you want to add other info, as you mentioned, just use additional columns after the info that you pasted, and now you've got your very own personalized data page.
To make the cell width of adequate size to accommodate any info that you want to add, select a cell in the new column that you are working in, go to Format, "Column", "Width" and set the width to whatever you need.
I just did that myself, and it works great. In Excel, you can add as many new worksheets as you want, which is really a neat way to keep track of stuff.
As a precaution against screwing up the data on the original "All Funds" sheet, you can go to that sheet and then select Tools, "Protection", "Protect Sheet". The "Protect Sheet" box will appear; check "OK". You will now be able to copy anything from the "All Funds" sheet, but not change anything, unless you "unprotect" that sheet.
Hope this helps at your end.