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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
  • What were your "UP" funds today on a largely "down" day?
    Portf. down for the day by 0.13%. Everything down, but no change in just two: SFGIX and DLFNX.
    The losers:
    PREMX EM bonds
    MAPOX balanced, US Large-cap and some bonds.
    MSCFX US small-cap
    MACSX Asia ex-Japan
    MAPIX Diversified Asia
    MAINX Asia bonds
    TRAMX Africa/Middle East
  • Scott - Where's your thread "Where are you investing now"?
    Reply to @ron: Ron, OSTIX has been a pretty steady fund with the same basic mix for a few years now ... the corporates are short junk at the higher end of the junk credit quality spectrum, so you get decent yield with low interest rate risk and relatively low credit risk for a mostly-junk fund. It's been doing well for several years, just that up until now there were other bond funds doing a lot better, e.g., the Pimco gang's.
    I'd say you're in okay territory with OSTIX, the best of the multi-sector lot short-term; PIMIX, the best over the longer term; and MWTRX, holding up among the best of the core funds. Right now my only EM debt exposure is through MAINX and the bit in PIMIX. If I were to dump one of the EM funds you own, it'd probably be FNMIX; TGEIX seems to have a lot more flexibility and willingness to use it.
    I've also been looking at GOBAX, a very actively managed global bond fund, one where the managers hold higher quality EM debt alongside developed market debt and vary geography and currency exposure according to what they see as valued or undervalued. Looks to be riskier than standard foreign bond funds, but not as risky as pure EM debt funds.
  • Scott - Where's your thread "Where are you investing now"?
    I had a GNMA fund BGNMX that was a long time hold that I sold and put into a short duration fund ACSNX with a current 1.8 year duration. Still keeping my MAINX , MAPIX , and MAPTX . Moved some money back in the spring to ACMVX which has held up well and has a good track record. Along with a AA moderate fund and some other bond funds, that is my portfolio at a glance.
    I do have a lot of American Century but I have had excellent service from them and that says a lot to me. Matthews has also been a good experience in the past few years for me.
  • Scott - Where's your thread "Where are you investing now"?
    Do you do John Wayne too, Charles?
    In this house, putting some cash back to work, adding incrementally to existing funds ARTKX, WAFMX, PRBLX, and MAINX; and giving some thought to WAGOX vs. ARTWX, HYLD, NABAX, and making MWTRX my one-only core bond fund.
    Joe, yep, OSTIX is in its element these days.
    Good observation. Personally, in a more conservative account with only OEF's I own TGBAX & TGEIX. In a more aggressive portfolio I am currently constructing, I have both GIM & TEI (also small position in FAX), as well as MAINX. FWIW, allocations for the funds are:
    GIM: 1.5% with target allocation of 4-5% (waiting for some cash from a 401k rollover, Merrill Lynch is SLOW)
    TEI: 3%
    MAINX: 2%
    If you can stomach the volatility and understand CEFs, TEI & GIM look attractive at ~$14 and ~$8. Personally would, and actually am, keeping MAINX :)
    I don't know how many of you invest with MICHAEL HASENSTAB and his funds at Templeton.
    I never did get an opportunity as their funds are loaded. With his CEF funds available on discount now, Isn't it a good time to invest in his funds, either GIM or TEI. I hold MAINX from Mathews and it focusses on just Asia ex-Japan.
    Thinking of switching to TEI or GIM (not same category but still a good fund) by selling MAINX.
    What do you guys think ?
  • Matthews Funds
    Reply to @MaxBialystock: MAINX is a holding in this account, and own all four of those funds throughout portfolios. Waiting to buy MSCFX but the pullback in bonds didn't even phase it! Saw the other thread where you mentioned TBGVX, which I also own in a different, more conservative portfolio. Great minds think alike :)
    Good advice, definitely not trying to get into such a specific category like countries.
  • Matthews Funds
    Well, man, I think you're on the right road. I own MACSX, MAPIX and the bond fund: MAINX. I'm sticking it out through thick and thicker. I'd just steer clear of country-specific funds. However, a 1% exposure won't ruin you. On the other hand, a 1% exposure isn't going to actually make you much money, either. I also own the more spread-out, global SFGIX.
  • are your bonds safe right now
    Yes, MAPOX (balanced) is up 20.71% over the past year. DLFNX and PREMX are getting hammered in terms of share price. I notice my monthly div. is a bit lower than it has been from PREMX, but there's a new portfolio reported to M* But the yield is back up over 5%.......SFGIX is so far, a disappointment. My bright spots are small positions: TRAMX and MSCFX. (Up 23.4% and 40.74%, respectively.) But my Matthews stuff is not doing badly. In terms of bonds, MAINX is not faring as badly as my others. And MAPIX and MACSX are up nicely over the past year: 20.27 and 17.07%. Break a leg, everyone.
  • Hey! Something actually went UP today!
    Reply to @hank: Here's the whole bloody mess:
    Following is the present portfolio percentage distribution, showing recent changes as noted
    by dates. Cash positions are not shown, but approximate portfolio distribution currently is:
    Equity Funds: 15% / Bond Funds: 5% / Cash: 80% • (May not equal 100% due to rounding error.)
    	    7/24/13		AF = American Funds		
    Change Since AC = American Century
    7/23/13 S: = Schwab Account
    US Equity
    Fund PF % Change YTD Fund Name
    AF ANCFX 2.1% -0.45% 17.5% AF Fundamental Investors
    AC ACMVX 6.5% -0.7% 21% AC Midcap Value
    S: GABAX 5.1% -0.74% 19.7% S: Gabelli Asset
    S: GASFX 2.5% -1.31% 16.9% S: FBR Fund Advisors
    S: MFLDX 5.9% -0.23% 10.5% S: Marketfield
    S: BUFBX 0.5% -0.36% 11.3% S: Buffalo Flexible Income
    S: PRBLX 0.5% -0.6% 19.9% S: Parnassus Equity Income
    S: VVPSX 1% -0.44% 23.3% S: Vulcan Value Small Cap
    Total % 22% -0.6%
    US Balanced
    AF ABALX 12.4% -0.43% 13% AF American Balanced Fund
    AC TWSMX 6.3% -0.27% 8.9% AC Strategic Allocation (Moderate)
    Total % 19% -0.4%
    World & EM Equity
    AF SMCWX 19.6% -0.41% 16.3% AF Smallcap World Fund
    AF CWGIX 1.4% -0.04% 12.7% AF Capital World Growth & Income
    AF ANEFX 4.4% +0.06% 21.9% AF New Economy Fund
    S: MAPIX 4.8% -1.07% 9.5% S: Matthews Asia Dividend
    S: ARTGX 2.4% -0.07% 17.5% S: Artisan Global Value Investor
    S: SFGIX 4.3% -0.97% 0.5% S: Seafarer Overseas G & I
    S: WAFMX 2.8% 0 % 12.9% S: Wasatch Frontier Emerging
    Total % 40% -0.4%
    US Bond Funds
    AF ABNDX 0.6% -0.39% -2.4% AF Bond Fund of America
    AF AIBAX 1.2% -0.23% -1.4% AF Intermediate Term Bond Fund
    AF AHITX 2.6% -0.26% 3.5% AF High Income Trust
    AC ABHIX 0.7% -0.31% 3.3% AC High Yield Bond Fund
    S: RPHYX 6.2% 0 % 1.7% S: Riverpark Short Term HY
    S: PONDX 5.7% -0.41% 1.8% S: PIMCO Income Fund (D)
    Total % 17% -0.2%
    Non-US Bond Funds
    S: MAINX 0.5% -0.08% -1.9% S: Matthews Asia Strategic Income
    Note: The portfolio percentages shown would be
    as a % of the present 20% Equity+Bond exposure.
  • US Bonds - Generally Off Yesterday, But Worse Today
    Reply to @Mona: Hi Mona, OSTIX, PAAIX, DBLFX, & MAINX; boosted equity a bit, & sitting on 20% cash. How about you? AJ
  • Retirement Portpolio - pls. provide your critique
    Reply to @mrc70:
    I do have a lot of funds in my portfolio. Furthermore, I buy the same funds in several different accounts so it feels more. But in terms of number of unique tickers you have more than I do. And it looks like I have managed to concentrate 40% of my portfolio in 5 funds.
    Anyway here is what I think of the funds in your portfolio. I am not commenting on your asset allocation.
    VDIGX Keep
    VHGEX Sell. Either invest more in ARTGX or split money on your domestic/intl. funds. Another alternative to consider: ARTHX.
    PAUDX Sell
    FPACX Keep
    AKREX Keep although fund is drifting more towards large cap these days. I have about 9% of my portfolio in this fund.
    VWELX Keep.
    PQIDX Sell. I like VDIGX more.
    GPGOX Keep. (I have about 5% of my portfolio in this. I would have had more but I also own GPIOX about that much)
    ARTGX Keep. Also since you have ARTKX in taxable consider switching VHGEX to ARTHX which is more growth oriented.
    VFSTX Keep. I use RPHYX.
    VTIPX Keep. Since duration is very low you might consider consolidating VFSTX and VTIPX.
    PRSNX Sell.
    VHCOX Sell. I would invest more in AKREX.
    MAPIX Keep.
    SFGIX Keep. I would not add more until downward momentum has finished.
    PRHSX Keep but watch as manager has left recently.
    MFCFX Consider switcthing to ARTHX
    HSFNX Sell. Invest more in a diversified small cap.
    MAINX Sell. Good house. Good manager. But bad neighborhood right now.
    PSPFX Sell.
    WAFMX Keep. A small percent is OK.
    PONDX Sell. I sold my own PONDX completely and moved to RPHYX some and added a bit more to my balanced fund.
    AEMGX Sell. Consider adding monies to MAPIX SFGIX and a bit more to WAFMX if you like.
    ARIVX Sell. I like VVPSX and BCSIX for US oriented small cap. Or consider more intl./global small cap like GPGOX or try new ARTWX.
    PCRIX Sell.
  • Retirement Portpolio - pls. provide your critique
    Core (Basically long term holdings; Even if they are sold, they will be replaced with mostly similar funds)
    Invested from 2006 when M* wrote well about the mgr; It had 500 M when I invested
    Money from Rollover
    (Rollover process in progress; Have to invest this money somewhere)
    (Invested since 2005; Not as good a fund as it was in when it was managed by one advisor; No alternatives at V'rd)
    (Invested mainly as diversifier)
    (More than 50% of taxable investment is in it; That shows my confidence in the fund/mgr)
    (Faith in mgr, not proved wrong so far; made more than 50%)
    (Steady Eddy Balanced fund; Can be replaced with VEIPX depending on stock vs bond outlook)
    (Mgrs with good past record and I am fan of Global and Global allocation funds)
    (Invested from almost at inception; Covers smallcap for me globally)
    (Holding ARTKX from 2006 in taxable a/c and like the mgrs; Invested with them for more than year)
    (Moved from VBMFX couple of months back as I want to go short term duration; Worked well so far)
    (Moved from VIPSX couple of months back as I want to go short term duration; Worked well so far
    I consider it as a good )(convervative Multisector fund and holding it for more than 3 years)
    (Invested when it opened recently as there are no good growth funds at V'rd)
    (Invested in for more than 4 years; Good fund shop, and fund has good strategy for EM)
    (Invested like most of you as I like the idea of global MACSX)
    (Holding it for more than 3 years; Moved it to TDA after they started offering Trow funds as NTF)
    (Bought when it came but sold it too soon to buy it back again later; made 20% so far; did not sell it when mgr quit)
    (Invested almost two years back as I thought financials has potential for a good return; made good money)
    Em Bnd
    (Invested as I don't have a foreign bond)
    (Invested early this year as the section is underforming, failed move on my part but probably have potential to do well in future)
    (Invested in it last year and it did pretty well, want to keep it for long term)
    (Invested a small amount looking at its spectacular performance; just a foothold)
    (Invested in 03/2009 and my best performing fund ever, so sentimentally attached to it :-) )
    (Somehow, I never could settle on a core smallcap fund; This is the latest to try out; I was in PRSVX,a nd then Perkins smallcap; no success so far)
    (Invested early this year for the same reason given above for PSPFX; Close to 10% down)
  • Retirement Portpolio - pls. provide your critique
    I recognize some of them, and some of them I own, too. If I were sitting where you are, I'd earnestly look to see how best to consolidate. Your other funds might be very good selections, but I just am not familiar with them. And you have too much to be dealing with, here, in this portfolio. I would be happy to be owning:
    -FPACX (My choice in the category is MAPOX. But stick with what you've got. It's a gooder.)
    -PRSNX (multi-sector bond)
    -SFGIX and MAPIX (EM. The Andrew Foster fund---SFGIX--- is not doing as well as it should. I might think about adding shares here, before it eventually does experience a nice run-up. Foster is a smart cookie. His fund is global, MAPIX is Asia. I see no problem having a fund devoted to Asia, esp. since this one sits near the top of the pack.)
    -MAINX. I own it, too, for Asian bonds. Both sovereign and corporate.
    -VHCOX. The performance numbers look good! Too much risk for me, though. I'd choose MPGFX. But don't rush, mull it over. VHCOX is a fine one, too. You just showed me something new, thank you. And the Vanguard ER will be very low, to your advantage. However, for what it's worth, the Fund Manager(s) at MPGFX won Morningstar's Domestic Fund Manager of the year award in 2012.
    -AKREX. OK, if you're going to dabble in a specialty sector....
    ...But where's your domestic SMALL-cap? Look at PRSVX or MSCFX.
    Ok, then. "Break a leg!" Let's see what some others have to say. MikeM had a good suggestion. You can dissect your holdings to drill down and see great detail with the Morningstar FREE "Instant X-Ray" or the premium "x-ray."
  • Retirement Portpolio - pls. provide your critique
    Dear mrc70:
    VWELX Bal 4.87% Keep
    FPACX Bal 4.98% Keep
    VFSTX Bnd 3.25% Sell
    VTIPX Bnd 3.25% Sell
    PRSNX Bnd 3.25% Sell
    PONDX Bnd 1.08% Keep
    Money from Rollover Cash 10.83%
    PCRIX Comm 0.97% Sell
    PSPFX Comm 1.41% Sell
    WAFMX EM 1.41% Sell
    SFGIX EM 2.17% Keep
    MAPIX EM 3.03% Keep
    AEMGX EM 1.08% Sell
    MAINX Em Bnd 1.62% Sell
    HSFNX Fin 1.89% Sell
    PAUDX Flex 7.90% Sell
    VHGEX Glo 8.66% Sell
    ARTGX Glo 3.68% Sell
    MFCFX Glo 2.71% Sell
    GPGOX Glo 3.90% Sell
    PQIDX Glo 4.44% Sell
    PRHSX Hlth 3.47% Keep
    VDIGX LCB 10.83% Keep
    VHCOX LCG 3.25% Sell
    AKREX MCG 4.98% Sell
    ARIVX Scv 1.08% Sell
  • Retirement Portpolio - pls. provide your critique
    Hi All,
    I have the following portfolio.
    Too many funds due to various accounts of mine and my wife's.
    I am 43 and have at least 20 years to retirement.
    Please provider your invaluable critique
    VWELX Bal 4.87%
    FPACX Bal 4.98%
    VFSTX Bnd 3.25%
    VTIPX Bnd 3.25%
    PRSNX Bnd 3.25%
    PONDX Bnd 1.08%
    Money from Rollover Cash 10.83%
    PCRIX Comm 0.97%
    PSPFX Comm 1.41%
    WAFMX EM 1.41%
    SFGIX EM 2.17%
    MAPIX EM 3.03%
    AEMGX EM 1.08%
    MAINX Em Bnd 1.62%
    HSFNX Fin 1.89%
    PAUDX Flex 7.90%
    VHGEX Glo 8.66%
    ARTGX Glo 3.68%
    MFCFX Glo 2.71%
    GPGOX Glo 3.90%
    PQIDX Glo 4.44%
    PRHSX Hlth 3.47%
    VDIGX LCB 10.83%
    VHCOX LCG 3.25%
    AKREX MCG 4.98%
    ARIVX Scv 1.08%
  • Bonds HAMMERED Today
    Yes, I'm feeling the pain. My overweighting in PREMX and my small stake in DLFNX are the reasons. Even MAINX. Usually, the losses from day to day at MAINX are more muted compared to the others. If I was in for the long haul (like myself) I think I'd be a buyer here at these levels.
  • Portfolio Change- Advice is Welcome!
    With the amount of investing time you have I certainly would concentrate on equities over fixed income. The exception would be MAINX as you mentioned in your original post. Also funds weighted to Asia would be a good idea as Asia will continue to be the driver for some time to come. Matthews has some excellent funds noted here on MFO. For alternative styles, a real estate fund in a small percentage is handy. I use ARYVX which is a global real estate fund.
    This is my opinion and my style which may or may not be suitable for you.
  • Portfolio Change- Advice is Welcome!
    Hello, Hrux.
    Thanks for the info. You can't stand a lotta volatility. Understood. In your 40s, both working. Children. YOUNG children. They are a blessing, but they are a financial black hole. Don't worry, it's worth it in the end in ways that can't be counted in dollars.
    Maximize tax deductions. 401k, 403b, IRA. But you knew that.
    Stay mostly in equities, given your age. Others will advise you to hold less international, but I'd go with 50/50 domestic EQUITY and foreign EQUITY.
    BONDS: I'd be holding no more than 30% bonds now. You need growth now, not income.
    Not too hard to hold a portfolio that is not volatile. If it helps you to sleep, just don't look at it every day. And don't be so diversified that you end-up diluting your earnings. There will be downdrafts, like in the very recent past. That's always going to be part of the game.
    Specific suggestions:
    DOMESTIC EQUITY................... PRBLX (Large Value) MSCFX (small-cap)
    Emerg. Mkt./International..............TBGVX MAPIX and/or MACSX SFGIX
    Overseas bonds: MAINX, FNMIX and/or PREMX
    OK. Break that other leg, now. We'll see which other recommendations you get......The folks in here know what they're talking about. If you would spend a bit of time getting familiar with some of the investing nomenclature and concepts, you could construct a portfolio and run it on your own, with little effort.
    *Stick with NO-LOAD funds!
  • MFLDX holding its own.
    You too, hmmm? Don't have 5/31 numbers, as spreadsheet is updated almost daily, but here are current YTD numbers:
    MFLDX: $1797
    WAFMX: $614
    GASFX: $985
    MAINX: -$140