Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
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I myself see a big pullback coming in the next six months but I don’t know that I have ever been correct over 45 years. I will put a lot of money in if a 10% pullback comes. I expect you r being prudent depending on how old you are. The thing is, if you’re young, you might as well stick it out and not try to time. He said.
You’re not old enough to remember how much colder and snowier winters were in the 50s 60s and 70s? Seriously ? Lots and lots of data on that, some of it just recently. Do you recall all the huge West Coast fires, the scale and scope and tempera…
Yikes! the sky is falling. Everybody grab their tinfoil hats. MFO has become MSDNC.
Do better
Get some substance
You are too slow and dim and uninformed and kneejerk for this crowd
Automobile production, which is deeply integrated across our northern and southern borders — there really isn’t a U.S. auto industry, there’s a North American industry operati…
still reactionary, shortsighted, greed-driven
in case anyone thought otherwise
Generally a good topic but has low correlation to what markets do in the next 1-4-16 weeks. A trader like me is interested only in what to do now and disregards politics and economic indicators.
There are concerns all the time. My idea is to be inve…
anyone who makes their decisions based upon that liar needs to have their head examnined. Krugman has never been right once in all the things he wrote in the NYT.
breaking small things, huh
Just today Mump1 is publicly trying to (re)rehire bird-flu researchers and senior AT controllers.
And yesterday Mump2 asked his Cabinet if anyone was unhappy and they all applauded.
Truly bad times ahead.
@FD1000, I was comparing returns the last few period, and want to ask you of the bond players here why for the last several years you did not simply combine FIGXX or similar at Fido with STIP, instead of putzing around w PONAX and all of the other b…
People reading this thread should remember that Old_Joe is a left wing liberal that will repeat anything that he thinks will hinder our President from Making America Great Again.
God, so weak
Seriously? All you got? Nothing substantive?
Defend …
Nah, we should put our trust in a guy who backs Putin and regurgitates Russian propaganda - i.e. dictatorship accusations towards Zelensky.
That's the guy we should stand behind.
yeah ...
Is it not astounding that with today's UN vote, Russia…
...And around and around we go. Never address the point being made. As Robt. McNamara said in "Fog of War:" "Don't answer the question you were asked; answer the question you wish you were asked." Shit.
@FD1k, so layups over threes as a principle.
(I'm a successful threes shooter --- on the court but only there. Off-court, have had to restrain myself to look for layups.)
I'm fairly certain that the Fed and/or Jerome Powell will be blamed for any market downturn or recession.
Oh, I do not think so, not at all. I think the tide is turning, a little bit. Not that Destructoman and Leon and the Muskenjugend will ever fac…
if there is a woke equivalent that you seek, which I have no heard of, I apologize
FD1k, you should work for Doge with these data you cite. Sounds like they are cutting the wrong people, working scientists and researchers, no?
All of my state and one federal job were onsite.
I had plenty of inept bosses and managers, sure, tho…
It is really hard not just to go with this:
even in the face of (what I am abiding by) this:
I talked with a smart old friend today and told him I had a month ago gone totally to MM cash at 4.25% (currently). Missing the ongoing runup. He said, 'Really? So you think the SP500 will not be higher at the end of the year?' It made me pause and …
hcr tonight
>> When he left office just a month ago, Biden said he was leaving the Trump administration with a “strong hand to play” in foreign policy, ... “an America with more friends and stronger alliances, whose adversaries are weaker and…
@davidrmoran: thanks for your views. Have you already consulted the books I cited?
I read Campbell summaries when their work came out, with reviews pointing out that along with wise advice it is cherry-picked, half-baked, lacking protein, to coin a…
1 - How do you get your zinc, iron, calcium, D3, and B12?
2 - and while @msf nicely blew it up, and you did add a meaningless 'lest I be misconstrued', why would you post nonsense like this in the first place?
>> chicken eggs are…
>> I have worked many years as a contractor on state/gov projects. I have seen all of it. A big % of unqualified/lazy/bad attitude/only 5-6 hours on the jobs instead of 8/even sleeping employees.
Anecdotes are not data, but this is a common c…
Wishful, but I will post any thoughtful analyses of or counters to what the guy says as and if they appear
>> chicken eggs are terrible for human health
though I do have trouble taking your plaints seriously enough, given this sort of wack t…