Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
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Too cynical for me, and not in accord with my (long) experience in business or finance.
Wondering if you know many fund managers; I do a few.
All my questions are serious, although you may be one who simply enjoys or automatically leans toward impugning; interesting you take an assertion being challenged as being combatted.
Whatever. You wrote what you wrote. I called you on it. That's all.
It is really hard not just to go with this:
even in the face of (what I am abiding by) this:
I talked with a smart old friend today and told him I had a month ago gone totally to MM cash at 4.25% (currently). Missing the ongoing runup. He said, 'Really? So you think the SP500 will not be higher at the end of the year?' It made me pause and …
hcr tonight
>> When he left office just a month ago, Biden said he was leaving the Trump administration with a “strong hand to play” in foreign policy, ... “an America with more friends and stronger alliances, whose adversaries are weaker and…
@davidrmoran: thanks for your views. Have you already consulted the books I cited?
I read Campbell summaries when their work came out, with reviews pointing out that along with wise advice it is cherry-picked, half-baked, lacking protein, to coin a…
1 - How do you get your zinc, iron, calcium, D3, and B12?
2 - and while @msf nicely blew it up, and you did add a meaningless 'lest I be misconstrued', why would you post nonsense like this in the first place?
>> chicken eggs are…
>> I have worked many years as a contractor on state/gov projects. I have seen all of it. A big % of unqualified/lazy/bad attitude/only 5-6 hours on the jobs instead of 8/even sleeping employees.
Anecdotes are not data, but this is a common c…
Wishful, but I will post any thoughtful analyses of or counters to what the guy says as and if they appear
>> chicken eggs are terrible for human health
though I do have trouble taking your plaints seriously enough, given this sort of wack t…
Agree with FD and Edward.Less unnecessary political wisdom would be nice. Enough of that elsewhere. I am a conservative. Which means less govt., pro life, and for the 2A. This doesn't mean I support every little thing that POTUS does. More bonds,sto…
Thank you for these procedure reviews, and yes, I was 'basing' (as was ML) things correctly.
The only thing I could think of was that I skipped a reinv cycle the first month.
In any case I sold out of the position today, per:
sorry, extra-dim tonight and not quite following ... yes, the ML account shows a loss of 3.9% with everything reinvested, every month buying b/w 1 and 44 shares
Springtime for Scammers
Financial predation now has friends in high places
Paul Krugman
Feb 11
Just over two years ago Wells Fargo agreed to pay $3.7 billion — $1.7 billion in penalties and $2 billion in damages — to the Consumer Fi…
One of the appeals of public sector work is that a tradeoff for lower pay is expectation of stability and longevity (assuming good performance) barring budget cuts.
Not sudden layoff in the middle of doing really important work due to destructive …
I really want to have a one fund solution but I always find a reason to rule out every contender. Too much international,,, too long a bond duration,,, too much tech,,, not enough tech. But the main reason is I am afraid of being locked into 70% fi…
see if you can somehow anon-open this article
You guys are running a sit com. Ya I just added a couple of zeros to make someone chase their tail. $630m is about $20b today. Ok the US (contractor) lost 22-30,000 workers. I saw when googled “ Estimates of the number of people who died building th…
see if y'all can read this
try and stop me w your slow weak institutions, just try
oh, sure, grift, graft, possible bribery:
"Could China have, in effect, bought itself lower tariffs by enriching Trump personally?"
the end of North America, as (the data-driven; pace FD1k) PK puts it in today's substack column:
U.S. trade law gives the president huge discretion to impose tariffs, but only for a specific set of reasons: economic injury from import surges (Secti…