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  • I understand it's about minimizing Insurance Cost $/Yr but What about Umbrella Insurance on top of Auto Liability coverage ? If due to Old age or any unknown reason you or spouse hit someone else? …
  • How's Bito ? Any opinions on it? Thanks.
  • Yes. M* is accessible through most US local libraries. I checked and they had no one asking for it but when I inquired, the Adult Ref Library Manager responded and turned it right away and they've been renewing it for the last 5+ years. All M* c…
  • WMPXX, There's your loophole. Thanks. next, I shall try it out and see! Majick.
  • msf, However, a quick check on MarketWatch for WMPXX shows a $10M min. similar to MPFXX !,VUSXX,mpfxx,fdrxx&filter=fees and Returns for MM are great: https://w…
  • Thanks msf. This will help as I'm new to Etrade. I was looking for a sweep MM-type fund if they have @ Etrade but I'm not a trader. Thanks. Majick
  • Yes. All my accounts were moved in Sept and Now I don't have any TDA accounts...However, some TDA website,which did not require LogIn...I can not access it...It just redirected to Schwab. ...Namely finding Any equivalent Mutual Funds to ETF or a Si…
  • Was this transfer for all TD accounts, mine seem unchanged as of now?. FWIW, I think everyone's accounts are not transferred yet. You can create your new User name and password on, and it will tell you when all your accounts are scheduled…
  • YBB, Thanks for the Informative & detailed Post with links. I was worried about the limits of SIPC & FDIC plus what to do under these scenarios. Fwiw... I've been following Jennifer's (RiA) Diamond NestEgg YouTube FREE ChnL ...S…
  • Fidelity as a Mutual Fund Co has very good service online. Seems their local rep calls you only if invested thru them. Otherwise, they'll refer to their 800 Rep. Fidelity's main Incoming $ client base may be thru the company's 401K type employees /c…
  • Btw, FullView was Yodlee-based & Fidelity's eMoney aggregator, they bought them out 5 yrs ago...has a retail version: Thanks, Majick
  • Thanks to ybb and all the above contributors for the feedback.Got my answers. ...Aggregator helps me to get a clear/better quick picture across all accounts plus it can analyze further like adding up % asset in diff classes. FullView/eMoney can kee…
  • Thanks for the update & comment.  I did try with 1Password on my Mac laptop but don't know how to avoid Virtual Keyboard for a password every time. OTOH,  after setting up on Fidelity Fullview/eMoney, only after it's funded with $, not just a b…
  • I've to become more familiar with the TD website. but I can not get rid of the "virtual keyboard popup" for only entering a password... from registered on TD site, my Mac laptop, and every time. Does anyone have that issue with Mac? or Is that a …
  • Thanks, YBB for your reply. I'm mutual funds or ETFs only retiree. I just completed the 14-day full access trial phase & considering a subscription for one Yr. I thought it Updates as daily data and now forward-looking data is for only with Pa…