Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
Thanks for these comments! The almost 12% current yield looks appealing, but for how long? Excellent article Mark, thanks. My parents do own some treasuries and hopefully they'll buy more. A risk free 5% looks great.
I bought a very small amount of SMH (VanEck Semiconductor ETF) and plan to let it sit for many years through the inevitable ups and downs. Also added to SHGTX, FSMEX, FSCSX and MSFT and I'll likely add to these positions if the market continues to …
I'm surprised that an article from ZeroHedge made it on to MFO. ZeroHedge is well known to be a vile Russian troll farm spouting all kinds of far right rhetoric and lies to further Russia's objectives. I'm glad that others on this thread have also…
This article about ASML is on today's (Nov. 24) CNBC website:
Two weeks ago I called Vanguard for help with an inherited IRA. I was then bounced between four different customer service reps which led me to hang up after 90 mins. Same thing happened the next day. Two days ago I called at 9 am and was immedia…
These requirements seem to vary from bank to bank and perhaps state to state.
I'm in Ohio and last week had some documents stamped with a medallion signature guarantee at a Fifth Third Bank branch. I simply walked in, saw the branch manager and …
I'm a young whippersnapper compared to most people on this board (38) so I'm willing to take on more risk than most others here. My largest holdings are:
I'd like to include AMZN as a holding but it's well represent…
I have to agree that investing in mutual funds seems to have a generational divide with younger people not so interested in funds, instead preferring the fast bucks that possibly come with trading individual equities. I'm in my late 30's now (geeze…
Wondering if buying some MJ ("Alternative Harvest ETF") makes any sense. Dispensaries seem to be busy and the market is continually expanding.
@JD_co - MJ is incredibly speculative. The cannabis industry isn’t a national industry but is state b…
Nobody I know in my age group (mid 30's) drinks hard liquor, it's all beer and wine. I have a number of friends who can endlessly detail the tastes of various kinds of craft beer, much as everyone on this thread has discussed scotch.
It will be …
I’ve suggested WAMCX in a couple of recent threads, which of course means that I’ve likely jinxed this fund to a future of mediocre returns from now on ... :)
@soaring - PRGTX, PRMTX, WAMCX and AKREX have all been winners for me. FCNTX is a fund my parents have held for decades and are really pleased with it. WAMCX is closing to new accounts on 9/11, here’s a recent MFO thread on its closing:
@WABAC - "I understand that some people enjoy "debate." But I am pretty sure that there are rules for that to keep it from looking like the primate house at the zoo."
Thanks for this metaphor, it's the most hilarious thing I've read in months!! :)
This article further explains this “national emergency”:
The Postmaster General (Louis DeJoy) is a recent Trump appointee and Trump ally. He has never worked for the USPS (unlike the 4 previous Postmaster Generals) and has been a generous donor to Republicans. At the time of his appointment he was overs…
I completely agree with the comments about the lack of leadership.
"Weak leaders praise themselves and criticize others. Strong leaders criticize themselves and praise others" - Adam Grant, Organizational Psychologist, The Wharton School
With the election 5 months away and Trump's popularity sagging as always, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if Trump started a foreign war as a distraction from his continued onslaught on his own country. Forget about 100,000 + deaths from the corona…
I have no idea which direction the market's going and neither does anyone else. The S&P 500 crossed its 200 day moving average, potentially signaling more market gains. IF these gains hold, small caps have traditionally done well coming out of…