Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
The USA has gone from the most respected country in the world to the least respected and the biggest laughingstock in just the past 2 months. We don’t live in a vacuum and the policies of MAGA Trump do impact our investments.
You're welcome. I'm proud of being a citizen of both nations but around the world people are often more open to speaking with me and getting to know me if they think I'm Canadian, eh!
I've lived in and traveled to roughly 75 countries. In 2002 I was working in Bangkok and had to visit a customer in Phuket (a resort area in the south of Thailand). Before leaving Bangkok I received an email from the Canadian embassy alerting me o…
While overseas I've been telling people I'm Canadian for much of my adult life (I'm half USA and Canadian). I have small Canadian flag patches on my bags and name tags with the Canadian flag on the back of the tag. Having people think I'm Canadian…
The USA is making more seizures of illegal eggs than fentanyl at its Canadian and Mexican borders
Prices continue to fall. Bought just several more of oil/gas midstream Energy Transfer ET again... 7% dividend.
@Crash - Why buy ET instead of AMLP? Thanks!
@Hank & @FD1000 - Point taken. Guilty as charged :)
All I can suggest for investing in this very uncertain environment is to follow David's sage advice from February 1:
1. Do not count on the stock market – valuations are at epic levels, with…
If I were a foreign adversary of the USA, the core policies that I would support would be:
1. Leaving NATO and the UN
2. Shutting down foreign aid
3. Dismantling the professional USA bureaucracy
4. Removing safeguards for epidemics and disease
I posted this article on another thread and I think it’s appropriate for this thread too. Not a rosy outlook for social security, even …
Not a cheerful development, even for those already receiving social security benefits
I don't see how it's possible for companies to be able to forecast their needs and earnings with all the self-inflicted macro crap happening. Tariffs being threatened, delayed and then threatened again. New tariffs being threatened. Government la…
The 10 year 3 month yield curve has inverted again.
I bought a few shares of BABA and CQQQ. The case for Chinese shares (a tentative case) is looking up. Jack Ma of BABA has resurfaced and is back in Xi Jinping's good graces. The P/E ratios are relatively low and BABA just reported excellent earni…
My parents have been in QLENX for the last 4 years or so and have been happy with the yield and appreciation. As Mark said, the dang fund just keeps marching.
Please explain the logic of freaking out the markets, antagonizing allies and turning the Canadian and Mexican public against the USA in exchange for border security commitments that were already on the table?
Sorry to call you out on that one, BUT many presidential and political historians, and countless Americans, point directly to Reagan's terms as the birthdate of current day MAGAts
Yes, this is what I'm learning! ;)
Reagan was a bit before my time, although he easily won both of his elections (for better or worse). I posted it because I thought the quote was sadly relevant today, roughly 40 years later.
“Our peaceful trading partners are not our enemies. they are our allies. We should beware of the demagogues who are ready to declare a trade war against our friends—weakening our economy, our national security, and the entire free world—all while c…
Trump cares about Pearl Harbor but he isn't concerned about Hawaii because it's a blue state.
Judging by who the USA has trade deficits with, I would hazard a …
Executive Orders:
1. Trump has fired Inspectors Generals from over a dozen agencies
2. Trump has declared a 25% tariff on Colombia, fully imposed banking and financial sanctions against Colombia and imposed a travel ban on Colombian citizens beca…
Thanks again for the many comments, this board remains an excellent source of knowledge and opinions. I've yet to make up my mind about buying a few shares of IBIT but I'll continue to watch it for awhile.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Many thanks once again for the many excellent suggestions in this thread. My parents decided to buy some OSTIX and AMLP to hold in their taxable account.
I forgot to answer this question - These income producing investments that my parents are considering adding would be held in taxable accounts. Thanks! :)
Thanks msg, rforno, Graust and catch. Excellent food for thought from everyone on this thread, thanks to everyone for your help! I'll let you know what my parents decide to do. We need to study these options some more before making any decisions…
Thanks Hank and rforno! My parents have also been unhappy with RPSIX, which is one of the reasons they wanted me to post this question on MFO. They want to know what else is out there ...
Thanks for the comments.
My parents currently own HABDX and RPSIX and are looking to add individual stocks and/or funds with hopefully higher yields. The objective is the 60 - 40 portfolio with 60% in stocks and 40% in bonds/income producing inves…
Semiconductors continue to outperform as they have for the past decade. SMH, SOXX and FSELX are good options for investing in this sector. SMH and FSELX have a large % of their funds in NVDA whereas SOXX has a more balanced portfolio. Semiconduct…
Thanks for these comments! The almost 12% current yield looks appealing, but for how long? Excellent article Mark, thanks. My parents do own some treasuries and hopefully they'll buy more. A risk free 5% looks great.