Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
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Thank you sma3! We are spending this summer in northwest again. I have no quiet place I can be before noon eastern (9 am here). Library opens at 9am! I've set up a session for Friday, 2 pm eastern ... posted on board. But, if that does not work, just call me at 805 468 9599 ... if I can pick up I will. Hopefully, can pick a day where you can attended from noon on. Very happy to do! c
@ybb. Don't know enough to assess point 1. But point 2, yes, seems fair.
March 2020 unsettled even The Great One. He's in good company. He moved quickly enough to dump all the airline holdings though.
The Fed and Congress really did respond quickl…
@Joe. Buffett, like all the other axioms on investing, can support both sides. He espouses owning a company forever, until he doesn't. I'm a Buffett fan, of course. Probably mostly because of his unassuming lifestyle. But, for what it's worth, I don…
@Mark. Devish enlightened me once about BRKA's moves to cash. Unlike say Eric Cinnamond's funds, and I'm a fan, owning BRKA doesn't come with a 1.45% er. And there is no tax consequence. None that is apparent, anyway. As for not holding SP500, see c…
Certainly, wonderful this year!
But, in fairness, most of the outsized returns (versus say SP500) came in first 20 years, not the last ...
Berkshire Hathaway Calendar Year Outperformance
Berkshire Hathaway Past 20-Year Growth
And without l…
Just posted all ratings to MFO Premium site through August, using Refinitiv data drop from Friday, 30 August. Used month-to-date (MTD) numbers to get preview of full month-ending drop, usually only missing a few funds.
BRKA has been extraordinary t…
Reading headlines and listening to news this past week, given the weaker jobs report, it felt like the wheels were coming off. State Street Technology Select Sector SPDR (XLK) was indeed down 3.3% for July. But it was the only sector in the red and …
Thank you ybb. There is a note near the atop the chart explaining the roll-up methodology, but you mean add note inside the chart itself?
I do plan to expand notations and add to Definition page as we finished rolling-out the flow tools. Last coupl…
Just posted all ratings to MFO Premium site through May, which includes month to date performance through Friday, 19 June.
Beginning with this update, all flow data now rolls-up to the oldest share class level. Flows of other share classes remain a…
On MFOP, we try to keep or add the firm owner's name:
New York Life MainStay Balanced A
Deutsche DWS Science and Technology A
AIG SunAmerica SA MFS Blue Chip Growth Portfolio 1
Franklin Templeton Western Asset Core Bond A
Allianz PIMCO Income Inst
Take 2.
1 if you're a purest.
2 if you're a traditionalist.
3 if you're an experimentalist.
5 if you're a conformist.
More than 5 funds, you should have your keys taken away.
So many funds or fund houses try to rebrand, even those not acquired.
My least favorite task on MFOP is maintaining our master fund names list!
Rebranding seems pointless to me.
If you deliver for your shareholders, you don't need to rebrand.
"... the surviving focus/select funds that exist today or have long track records are standing on the corpses of many that have gone extinct..."
"Standing on the shoulders of giants" is a metaphor I've embraced for years.
But cor…
Lucky you!
I too was heavy IOFIX from beginning of 2018 through that awful 3rd week of March 2020. A champion of the strategy and the firm, especially Tom Miner.
Junkster called it the greatest fund ever ... and I agreed with him.
IOFIX was in go…
Thanks. I'm usually skeptical of faith-based and veterans-based funds (USAA). Ever since I came across Timothy "Biblically Responsible" Funds (see family table below), which is perpetually on the bottom of our Fund Family Scorecard, likely because o…
Here's latest on this saga ...
IOFIX has not recovered and outflows continue.
I also see that Tim Miner has departed Garrison Point. I was a big fan. Garret Smith, Brian Loo, and Jonathan Tran remain.
Just 2 years ago, IOFIX enjoyed more the $4B …
Below is an update to ybb's chart ... IOFIX has not recovered, and outflows continue.
I also see that Tim Miner has departed Garrison Point. I was a big fan. Garret Smith, Brian Loo, and Jonathan Tran remain.
Just 2 years ago, IOFIX enjoyed more t…
Thanks BaluBalu.
I extracted the paragraphs below from our 2021 MICUS report. A bit dated, but I believe M* has continued to grow its business even higher in the 3 years since.
The Business
If attendance at Morningstar The Conference was down thi…
@FD1000. Great portfolio for that decade. Ex post anyway. I too held FAIRX during those years. Unfortunately, I held FAAFX through the next!
@Shoatakovich. Yep. That excludes a lot of funds. But having a big team doesn't always help either ... D&am…
@stillers. Yep. Agree that's where most of the clamor came in 2020/2021. There were lots of 100% Club funds during that time and a few 200% Club funds.
See David's commentary: "291 funds (and uncounted ETFs) have 12-month returns in excess of 100%.…
Again, her time in the barrel. We do this to fund managers. The human condition. Build them up. Knock them down.
Easier to say, ex post, but like just about every fund this past decade, hard to beat pure beta.
Return Comparison Since ARKK Inceptio…