Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
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Thank you sma3! We are spending this summer in northwest again. I have no quiet place I can be before noon eastern (9 am here). Library opens at 9am! I've set up a session for Friday, 2 pm eastern ... posted on board. But, if that does not work, just call me at 805 468 9599 ... if I can pick up I will. Hopefully, can pick a day where you can attended from noon on. Very happy to do! c
Just posted all ratings to MFO Premium site, using Refinitiv data drop from Friday, 7 February 2025, reflecting metrics thru January. Flows remain through 31 January.
Just posted all ratings to MFO Premium site, using Refinitiv data drop from Friday, 25 January 2025, reflecting risk and return metrics thru December. Flows remain posted through Friday, 17 January.
Just posted all ratings to MFO Premium site, using Refinitiv data drop from Friday, 17 January 2025, reflecting risk and return metrics thru December. Flows are also posted through Friday, 17 January.
Just posted all ratings to MFO Premium site, using Refinitiv data drop from Friday, 10 January 2025, reflecting risk and return metrics thru December. Flows remain through Friday, 3 January.
Just posted all ratings to MFO Premium site, using Refinitiv data drop from Friday, 3 January 2025, reflecting risk and return metrics thru December. Flows are also posted through Friday, 3 January.
Just updated MFO Premium with Refinitiv data drop from Friday, 27 December, reflecting risk and return metrics through November, plus month-to-date metrics.
Just posted all ratings and flows to MFO Premium site, using Refinitiv data drop from Friday, 20 December, reflecting risk and return metrics thru November and month-to-date (MTD) thru Friday. Flows are also posted through Friday, 20 December.
Just updated MFO Premium with Refinitiv data drop from Friday, 13 December, reflecting risk and return metrics through November, plus month-to-date metrics.
Just updated MFO Premium with Refinitiv data drop from Friday, 6 December, reflecting risk and return metrics through November, plus month-to-date metrics. Flows through 6 December should post later today.
Seems like a lesson on how to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Spirit of Gordon Moore long spent?
I remember when BAC was thrown off DJI. Did not hurt it.
As for INTC, investors patient enough to wait another 2-3 years for the foundries to…
Thanks ybb. I'm not seeing. Can you give me the other criteria your selected? Yes, if you expand all columns (over 1000) and have 1000 fund results, it will definitely take a long time!
Just updated MFO Premium site with Refinitiv data drop from Friday, 29 November, reflecting risk and return metrics through November. Will post again when flows are updated.
November was a very good month for US equities!
So, I implemented "price-based" metrics into MFOP for CEFs, ETFs and ETNs.
The approach I chose was to fabricate a "priced-based" fund denoted by the ticker symbol preface of "PB-". Metrics for ticker MPV are NAV-based, the default standard on MFOP…
Just posted all ratings and flows to MFO Premium site, using Refinitiv data drop from Friday, 22 November, reflecting risk and return metrics thru October and month-to-date (MTD) thru yesterday. Flows are through Friday, 15 November.
So, I got the monthly Price data for both CEFs and ETFs. More specifically, total return based on price. Still struggling with how to best incorporate.
M* uses NAV in their ratings, like we do.
Also, the returns in our flows data are NAV based too…
Just posted all ratings and flows to MFO Premium site, using Refinitiv data drop from Friday, 15 November, reflecting risk and return metrics thru October and month-to-date (MTD) thru yesterday. Flows are also posted through Friday, 15 November.
The board does not pick-up links to CEFs correctly.
Also, working with Lipper to try and get Price histories, not just NAV.
Curious. If I'm successful, I'm thinking that risk and return metrics and ratings for CEFs and ETFs should be Price based. …
Just posted all ratings and flows to MFO Premium site, using Refinitiv data drop from Friday, 8 November, reflecting risk and return metrics thru October and month-to-date (MTD) thru yesterday. Flows are through Friday, 1 November.
@yugo. Yeah, all risk and return metrics in MFOP are based on NAV not Price, unfortunately. So, for mutual funds, insurance funds, NAV and Price are same, by definition, as I understand it. But not so for ETFs and CEFs, especially when lots of marke…
Thanks @stayCalm. We don't get CEF fund flows in our Lipper feed, unfortunately. But we do have AUM going back 10 years or so ... perhaps time to compile that into our own flows database for CEFs and Insurance Funds. Would be monthly. Here's perform…
Nice. Thank you, ybb. Any comment/insight into its strategies? I will also rethink the Revenue metric. Perhaps as is the metric should be regarded as Gross Revenue, before fees, interest, acquisition, and other expenses, depending. At least Cliffwat…
Just posted all ratings and flows to MFO Premium site, using Refinitiv data drop from Friday, 25 October, reflecting risk and return metrics thru 3Q24, as applicable.
After updating the masternames file to reflect CPEFX as part of Cliffwater family…
Thank you starCalm. I've updated our master names file to Cliffwater Cascade Private Equity (CPEFX), adding the Cliffwater preface. Today's update should show all three in the family ... hope to post this afternoon. And yes, all three CEF Interval F…
Thank you ybb!
Yes, despite the bluster, suspect end is near for FirstHand SVVC.
Another stunning find in the updated Family Scorecard: CliffWater.
It tops the revenue per fund metric with $433M per year per fund.
Just two funds: Cliffwater Corp…
One of the stunning numbers in the Score Card is the FirstHand fund family. Its three funds have an average ER of -1.12.
The culprit is a CEF Firsthand Technology Value Fund SVVC with an ER of -7.21.
I checked with Lipper and their folks say it's …
Expanded Family Score Card to include number of active and passive funds, number of Three Alarm and Great Owl funds. The tool also now includes family revenue, based on AUM times ER, in millions per year. Some of the numbers are pretty stunning. Nor…
Just posted all ratings and flows to MFO Premium site, using Refinitiv data drop from Friday, 18 October, reflecting risk and return metrics thru 3Q24 and fund flows thru 18 October, as applicable.
Just posted all ratings and flows to MFO Premium site, using Refinitiv data drop from Friday, 11 October, reflecting risk and return metrics thru 3Q24, as applicable.