Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
Last week I added lightly to QLENX, my lone purchase since Halloween. Still don't trust this market one bit but that dang fund just keeps marching.
Halloween is as good a time to adjust holdings as any other I suppose. I’ve targeted the 2 solstices …
'Who controls the past,' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.'
CEFS has done well the past year or so, even sporting the high fees. Yogi mentioned owning it 6 months to a year ago, so I suspect he’s done well. Weinstein comes across as very rational and well meaning when you listen to him. I did own the fund …
Do you ever feel like a stranger in a strange land?
“Stranger in a strange land” - I realize that was a rhetorical question.
Most of us wear horse-blinders to some extent and tend to see things through a very narrow focal point. I have some sym…
Thanks JD - Must have been a different poll I heard a few weeks ago that had him at 53%.
I hasten to add that I’m not predicting Trump’s demise. Just suggesting that there are checks in place and the public has an important role in that process. …
The reason congress isn't doing anything in my opinion: They are the ones who are supposed to control spending and waste but they are owned by lobbyist and corporations. They love that Musk will take the heat for them. They can sit back and cry I d…
Yes - The Fidelity lockdown is easy to put on. You can select the account(s). I have 3 locked, but not my CM account which I frequently make transfers in and out of.
Thanks @Mona for posting this.
”We've heard over and over, do not let the political environment sway your investing decisions.”
@Crash - That’s probably great advice for 80-90% of investors - mostly younger and employed - who research shows are usually better off letting it ride…
Well, the (referenced / later linked) 2022 article talks about Russia and China. The underlying message is to avoid investments in such autocratic regimes. If it makes any comparisons to the U.S. I missed it. I agree that investing in Russia and C…
The toughest thing for me to deal with is an unwillingness to pull equity out of the home for major infrastructure projects. At 7% APR or more on a refinance, I’m not willing to bite. But funding major renovations from tax deferred / exempt savings…
”The consumer-price index rose 3% in January from a year earlier, an acceleration from December's rate, and faster than economists had expected.” (Excerpt from today’s WSJ)
Yeah - If sustained longer term, 3% annual would be significant. But nothin…
Jamie Dimon, and now Gatch, have routinely come out against crypto. "Stay invested" but "have dry powder"....I guess "stay invested" is vs. "getting totally out of the market". "Large caps look good; mid caps look good....".
Yup. I wondered too. …
Took cash & short term investments from 10% to 12% of holdings. Added a bit of VNLA to that mix.
Reasons had nothing to do with the markets. Contemplating another home infrastructure project this spring / summer. Hate to stash a large amount…
Is it ethical?
I think not. His every word seems to shake and rattle global markets. Volatility = profit for those in the know. Who else knows about these impending verbal firestorms before they are publicly unleashed?
If any other US president had pulled this type of stunt, they would have hung him on the spot. The words "conflict of interest" means nothing to MAGA, but it should still mean something in a non-fascist society.
Not sure which one we live in no…
”pursues its investment objective by investing under normal circumstances at least 80% of its net assets (plus borrowings for investment purposes) in equity securities of U.S. and non-U.S. companies that Tweedy, Browne Company … believes are underv…
Military Helicopter Was Operating With Key Safety System Turned Off - U.S. News
Excerpt from story:
A key safety system was turned off on the U.S. Army helicopter that collided with an American Airlines regional jet last week near Washington's…
Am I missing something? REMIX/BLNDX knocks the socks off LCORX, and the other competitors mentioned by several members in this thread.
Good point. LCORX is the only TA fund I ever owned or know much about. That’s why I happened to look at its ‘22 p…
I thought for years VWINX seemed to ”walk on water” - meaning it regularly outpaced the competition for reasons difficult to fathom. Great management for sure. Low fees of course. And likely some good luck. It began to slump about the time interest…
Gaza is just another distraction, keep your eyes on what Musk is doing ...
Headline on Bloomberg’s website this evening …
”Musk Moves on to Medicare Amid Gaza Firestorm”
(Sorry - I don’t have any details …)
Thanks @Stillers - Corrected the JFK slip.
In order of magnitude the two Asian wars in my lifetime dominate. I went back and included them.
I wasn’t quite yet born when we devastated two Japanese cities with nuclear bombs which cannot different…
While the songwriter remembers life being “so beautiful” when he was young, my own memory differs …
1950-53 - Korean War / 36,000 U.S. soldiers killed
1963 - President John F Kennedy assassinated.
1963 - Governor George Wallace of Alamama stands in…
The opening’s eloquently developed references to David’s disheveled garden evoke (perhaps intentionally) thoughts of Kosinski’s novel:
“As long as the roots are not severed, all is well. And all will be well in the garden.”
(Chauncey Gardiner …
The average return of a category of funds in any of the past ten years can be found on the M* performance page of a sample fund in that category. Precise to the basis point.
For example, using LCORX:…
@Observant1 - Thank you. Yes it is. Too late last night when I first looked. I’m surprised tactical allocation lost more than 15% in ‘22. LCORX lost about half as much.
It would be helpful if M* compared the relative performance in 2022. I’d really like to see that. Just looking “hit and miss” I’d say tactical allocation funds held up somewhat better, but that's hardly scientific (or representative). If you want a…
All we have is each other. Institutions and "leaders" have failed EVERYONE, everywhere.
Not too different from what the MAGA crowd says. I won’t disagree with you. I’m just pointing out that your belief is near universal regardless of political aff…
Regarding the “boiling water” humor illustrating how engineers, mathematicians and physicist may view or define the same problem in starkly different ways and utilize completely different approaches to arrive at a workable solution …
Same might be…
Here’s somebody’s supposed list of the “100 greatest female singers of all time”.
OK - An impossible task. If Roberta Flack made the list I didn’t see it. And how could Brenda Lee not make it? Yes - her reign was short, beginning at about age …
Thanks @Stillers. Comment was a tease. The tariffs on Mexico have been delayed one month pending negotiations.
PS - It’s a good thing nobody’s making drastic portfolio changes based on every word emanating from the White House these days.
Huh. I did not expect the US markets to react this way. We remain in bizarroworld.
Haven’t you guys heard? Mexico’s been cancelled.
”Who’s on first. I Dunno’s on second.”
Most are going down only 1 basis point. Not sure why it's generating this level of media coverage ... it's a non-issue for most people who wouldn't even notice.
Yup. The media needs something to rant about on an otherwise slow day I guess. VG’s m…
Maybe they could keep the fees the same and have a functioning website and good customer service.
My thought too. :)
I’m thinking if this gets enough positive PR in the press it will encourage more retail investors to plow more money into VOO. Jus…