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  • Ya got a point there. Boards like this attract many different kinds of people.
  • sma3 said, I am not sure I will continue my Bloomberg subscription. Levine is the best thing there but I don't find a lot of their articles terribly insightful. Even as a shadow of its former self, WSJ seems to be better, but I refuse to give Murdo…
  • That kind of crap has very limited appeal, mostly to the raucous wing-nut crowd running around with flags stuck on their rear bumper and portraits of their “savior” engraved in the glass. I wouldn’t expect it to sell well amongst most reasonable fo…
  • ”Roth conversions now can reduce the size of those RMDs and keep more of the money tax-sheltered for longer. This may not matter to you since you don't expect to owe taxes either way.” Roths are the best thing since sliced cheese. I’m not aware of…
  • … the more that Trump is hammered and disliked, the stronger he is @Graust, If anyone “hammered” Trump (metaphorically speaking) it was his own former Vice President who, as far as I know, will not endorse him. Who should know him better? You…
  • Thanks for visiting the OT section @Graust Of course I’m not disgruntled. I voted for the Biden / Harris ticket in 2020 believing both were qualified for the two highest positions in the executive branch. Why would serving 3.5 years in that capac…
  • While we’re griping, I’d like a law / rule that the flag of the United States not be allowed to be used as wallpaper in the background as candidates speak. A single normal sized Stars & Stripes standing with dignity atop a pole off to one sid…
  • The answer - 11 (prime number). +1 / And I astutely avoid #13. (Have actually unloaded a fund or two before just to get the number below 13.) :)
  • @hank The Director of USSS (secret service). I have long days, too. Right on. Correction noted. Thanks. Not a “long day”. Just hard to relate a “buy / sell” to one’s overall positioning, style of investing, risk tolerance, etc. Absent all the…
  • I do like the "Prosecutor vs. Perpetrator" messaging noted on several news sites. The "law & order party" switch is complete. HA. Good one. Where’d they borrow that script from? The ”Law & Order” TV series? BTW - ABC news reports that the…
  • Must add … My thoughts about the dollar have “adjusted” a bit over the past 10 days. Over that brief period a leading Presidential candidate was nearly assassinated; a President and sole contender for renomination was quarantined with Covid and…
  • @BaluBalu / I’m just touchy. Sorry. I don’t buy the turnaround story. What turnaround? LOL. The stock got overpriced a few years ago when consumer staples were hot as investments. Topped out over $135 in January 2022 and then began falling, dip…
  • @BaluBalu - Thanks. I confess to having chopped a lot out of my earlier response as I’m hardly qualified to comment on individual stocks. Hope the remaining comments re NSRGY are adequate. I’d never want to defend a buy or sell. Re “Turn-Arou…
  • NSRGY = Nestle Curious why Nestle? If you have access to Barron’s, these recent articles are better qualified to address your question than I am. I’ve provided only brief excerpts from the longer narratives, - Barron’s May 17, 2024 Andrew Barry w…
  • Welcome. There aren’t many rules here. Yogi summed it up pretty well. We strive to be civil and supportive of one another. There is a link over on the main board’s menu (left edge) for “Technical Questions.” However, in most cases just post your q…
  • Bought back the shares of NSRGY I sold 10-12 days ago. Essentially same price. The price action has been a lot better over ensuing time. To make room I cut my corporate bond CEF (WEA) in half so that each holding equals just 5% of portfolio. LOL…
  • I blame the primary system for a lot of our problems, including the polarization to the right or left of the respective parties, I realize the idea behind it was greater democracy, but it’s dubious whether that has been the case. Had you wanted to i…
  • Well, they say, ”Bullshit talks and money walks …” Or, is it the other way around? Doesn’t really matter. :) BTW - Did you know that Trump twice donated $$ to Harris’s campaigns in California?
  • Thanks @Charles. ISTM that at one time (maybe late 90s) Jack Bogle recommended that investors wanting just 1 fund use VTSAX (total stock market index fund) rather than an S&P 500 fund. Not to praise or promote James Stack’s InvesTech Research…
  • I have the answer @hank. I just checked my Roth, 401k and T IRA accounts, which I try to manage as one portfolio, and the answer to your question is 15. 16 if you add cash that I group as treasuries, CDs and MM. No more, no less should be used! / …
  • “July 22, 2024 — The Lincoln Project is wasting no time in getting to work behind Kamala Harris’ bid for the White House, dropping a new ad this morning.“ If you’re not familiar with the Lincoln Project, it is a group started about a decade ago by…
  • “Morningstar's John Rekenthaler starts with a simple but unusual observation that if 2 assets have the same long-term (LT) TR, then rebalancing will definitely benefit the TR." In all other cases, rebalancing hurts TR, but does control risk.” Abso…
  • From the WSJ: “How the Democratic Party came to the brink of nominating a candidate with an obvious flaw is a story of allies eager to look the other way, Biden advisers who worked to stamp out doubts about his vigor and a party apparatus that box…
  • Possibly relevant - How many different funds does a reasonably well diversified investor need? One good ALLOCATION fund might be all that's necessary? But if one does meet with some measure of success in investing, diversification is the order of t…
  • Thanks @bee. When I first came on board (actually at FundAlarm in the early 2000 era) regular systematic rebalancing seemed near gospel among the participants of the era. Today the prevailing sentiment is nearly the opposite. A notable change in …
  • Nicely said @Old_Joe I’ll be writing a check tomorrow. (Harris campaign) Still like Whitmer for VP. But suspect it will be a male figure with some military experience - for a variety of reasons. Don’t overlook Mark Kelly. Suspect he’d poll…
  • Excellent @msf. Thank you. And @MikeM - “I approve of this message.” :) The 4 fund portfolio @msf outlines seems workable. With the current 10% cash and 10% short-term bond positions, I’m already close to the hypothetical 25% cash his model sugg…
  • “This just goes to show how slow I can be in catching up on changes” As a lurker here - The number and specificity of funds available at TRP and elsewhere is mind-numbing. They all speak to the importance of buying and holding for “the long term…
  • Yes. Ditto what @Mark said. Newhart was the greatest solo dead-pan artist ever. He brought to life very real “characters” only through the sheer power of imagination in those phone call skits. In sit-com settings he could utter words meant to “mas…
  • Sounds much better than my current “Hail Mary” approach. Thanks @Charles for sharing.
  • (to simplify the analogy, i would not care how famous a failed surgeon is, nor how long his waitlist. i dont want him near anything affecting my health.) Just to bring this thread back to investing … M* link to FAIL
  • Thanks for chiming in @BaluBalu. I was a little uncertain myself to what post of mine @Graust referred. I’ve strived to stay away from politics on the investing side, but do engage in politics a bit in the off-topic section. Always, we should ende…
  • @hank: thanks for keeping politics out of the thread *eye roll*…we know how you feel already. Got it. My last post in this thread. I’ll click on it to make it show as not new, but doubt I will read it if it’s more of the above. Thanks @BaluBalu …
  • “The Buck Stops Here” - Harry Truman Reflect on that a moment.
  • ”There is speculative excess today relative to recent years.” - David Giroux, T. Rowe Price … Giroux’s Picks: Aurora Innovation / AUR, Danaher / DHR, Revvity / RVTY And he still likes utilities. AUR up 38% since this was posted by @hank I’ll be…
  • BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, has just launched an ETF that offers 100% downside protection to investors. The new ETF (MAXJ) will have its maximum gains capped at 10.6% while protecting against the downside for a duration of 12 month…
  • It’s New Jersey. Why is anyone surprised?
  • ”July 7 - Charles Schwab upgraded to Outperform from Market Perform at Keefe Bruyette.” From Bloomberg today: “Charles Schwab Corp. shares suffered their biggest intraday drop since the depths of last year’s regional-bank crisis after the investi…
    in Fido or Schwab Comment by hank July 16