Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
Is looking/reviewing is considered 'Managing'? I'd say on weekdays only, I may spend 20 minutes when I'm dedicating time to it (usually 2 days a week). I've learned to not obsess...
Most of my time is doing comparisons and researching new products …
I like several funds in this category - POLIX, HCAIX, FBGRX, JGQIX. You need to look at the Sector weightings and holdings concentration among other things before investing. Stating the obvious, most of the top performers over the past 5 & 10 ye…
It's a timely article and helpful...What do you think of not being able to own the crypto currency directly? Is this similar to Commodity Funds that own the Metal itself vs Futures? Mining Co's Etc?
I am the OP and don't mind the thread going the direction it has...Best part of MFO boards is open minded and random viewpoints. Great info shared...Although I work in the Asset Management business and I'm a daily user of many data providers, there …
I've owned MCSMX for about 2 years and this is probably a good time to buy. I'm considering adding if it falls a but further. I'm a big believer in EM overall and this is another part of that market that is really not covered by many analysts and th…
Re: Small Cap Funds...I've been buying DSCPX lately. I own both of the Bridgeway Small Cap Funds in two separate accounts. Other SC funds I own MSCFX, BCSIX...
Thanks Edmond...great insights! Full disclosure, our household has 3 retirement accounts currently - IRA Rollover (Me), IRA Rollover (Wife) and a 401k (Me at my current Employer)
The 3 Bond Funds I own (1 in each) are DODIX, BCOIX and GIBLX...
Thanks MSF...I tried too buy into MWTIX but ran into the purchase minimum issue as well. But your point on Asset bloat and the PM retiring is enough to consider the switch (in addition to the fees)
I like GQGPX for my EM exposure but I also own the Artisan fund you mentioned. It falls into the Growth bucket in the Style Box as do most Open-End, Emerging Markets funds. The portfolio manager is one of the mot respected EM PM's in the business.
The 3 month TBill is typically the standard index used by these vehicles. It's due to the cash positon and short side of the investments. Seems odd but that's the BM the products I worked with used.
I have several accounts which I treat each separately but with an eye on overall allocation. My primary accounts withover 50% of my assets is an IRA Rollover with 14 Funds focusing on low correlation, distinct style boxes, asset allocation etc. I ra…
I prefer the rare earth elements myself these days and hold a small position in MP Materials
I'm with the OP and know little about this space other than some M* distortions and their 'favorite' funds. I was looking at question is what is b…
Great article...lots of good ideas to research! Thanks for the reference...
No change. Our MFO contributor, @Charles Lynn Bolin has a nice article on June's Commentary, "Tactical Sleeve for conservative mind".
Thanks...this is great!
I'll stick with my chosen funds. Finally, circumstances are presenting me with the chance to dabble a bit. ENIC, a Chilean electricity provider is at 52-week low, after the election. 7% div.
Bombardier BDRBF.
You bought W…
You have a lot of fans and we thank you for all of your 'work' that we have benefitted from. While I'm not a frequent poster, I am an avid reader of your content. Best wishes to you and yours...well deserved!
Currently, I own MWTRX and PRSNX in my IRA Rollover and have GIBLX and PTIAX in my 401k...
Researched PTIAX after reviewing/discussing on the MFO Boards. Fits in well as my Multi-Sector FI allocation.
The below chart is for the 4 funds you noted. The backwards view only goes to May, 2015; which indicates one of the funds had it's inception date in May, 2015. These returns are for total return, which includes all distributions. You will n…
Ben, do you have any bond ETFs?MWTRX, PONAX, GIBLX, PTIAX
I'm curious and need reassurance ....I qouted incorrectly! I meant this as a 'Chart it' response to catch22
I don't this it's prudent to assume one family 'excels' in a sector. As previous post mentions, it's th PM/Team that makes it appear to be strong in that sector. Rough Examples - TRP, Vanguard and Fidelity (several funds) all have top performing Hea…
My update - PTIAX and RCTIX is not available in TRP Brokerage. I am deciding between PIMIX, HSNIX and TRP's own PRSNX...I've owned PONAX in another account and they have receovered well from March 2020 volatility. Next, from what I can see the PRSNX…