Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
Some interesting comments here as I putter around looking at quality screens with MFO Premium
A key concern with generic quality strategies is that they use poor defi…
Thank you for posting those interesting reads.
After a quick review, I would hazard that the funds mentioned are not inexpensive.
It also seems to me that, at least, some of the factors mentioned are available in MFO Premium. So one could search f…
IIRC, all of the major rating agencies went along with the foolishness that lead into the Great Recession. That's the main reason I decided I didn't want to be in funds focused on securitized debt, i.e., CLO's.
I took a look at the Weiss home page.…
What's the difference between constructing your own "Fund of Funds" and being told by some MFOers that having too many funds is inefficient, wasteful, and self-defeating, as we've all heard here so many times over the years?
How many articles did I …
@larryB: ETF Research Center provides info on individual stock overlap in 2 ETFs at a time. Does not provide info on MFs.
I have found some interesting funds on that page using the comp tab.
In the IRA I own CBLDX, CBRDX, and MNHYX. I expect to be back in THOPX soon. I probably should have held on.
I was in a CLO for about a week before realizing I didn't like looking at all those asset names that looked like something cooked up for a …
m* member for ~2 decades. how does that get me FullerThaler quarterly fund letters and inv decks?
Sorry, only applies to UBVAX. I wasn't sure which one you were in. I could have been more specific.
If we can't find off-topic by now, well, bless our hearts, maybe we aren't interested in posting our thoughts on most of the things going on over there.
The vast majority of what passes for political discussion on the internet reminds me of my brot…
There's the real NAV (what a fund is actually worth at 4:01PM) and the perception of a fund's worth. For perhaps many hours or even days, that perception is distorted. What we perceive now is a reflection of what the NAV used to be then (stale data…
@msf's mention of the Plato/Socrates Allegory of the Cave in regard to reality versus illusion reminds me of reading Plato fifty years ago. Those of us who read that stuff will remember that what most of us call reality was regarded as illusion by P…
liked the process, but hated the fees and lack of transparency. (letters , decks, holdings are only for investors who then register)
JP pays to have all the holdings revealed at M*. You also get everything else that comes with the yearly fee.
Hmm. Kowtowing to the new political correctness? Or merely disappointed by their failure to gather sufficient investor simoleans?
For now, there is this from M*: on a fund they rate silver
A pox on all of you guys.
The proposition that the government economic statistics (presumed valid as far as what they are measuring) are not accurately reporting useful information as to what is going on in the real world of the real voter seems to…
There are definitely different ways to play shareholder yield. Cambria's funds put their thumbs on the value factor. Wisdom Tree's WTV puts its thumb on the quality factor. WTV has only been using the shareholder yield factor since 2017, as near as …
The American Heart Association has a new risk calculator out:
In my own case, lowering my blood pressure from the numbers observed in the office visit to where they are …
Cambria has rolled out LYLD and MYLD to capture large and micro caps. WTV and SHRY also track shareholder yield in their own way. It is interesting to compare them to each other with
OFVIX is another fund tra…
You should be able to move positions by electronic transfer. Before you submit the request at the receiving firm, make sure each of the position you want to move can be held at the receiving firm.
Also, I would move positions by partial…
I agree with all of the comments that have been made here. Thanks.
As it happens the accounts (all 4 of them) moved to self-directed within the last few hours.
fyi, it is Wells Fargo Advisors. they have always been very friendly and helpful for ye…
Everyone thinks Trump cares about the stock market and there is a constant drum beat about it. Everything he cares about is subservient to what he cares about the most.
Maybe not yet.
If he's not paying attention to rates, well, God bless him.
Stock fragility, a measure of a company’s daily share-price move relative to its recent volatility, is on track to reach its highest in more than 30 years among the l…
Seemed like a good day to do some more simplifying in the IRA.
I sold FDSVX. I get enough tech to suit my IRA from FMILX and PRWCX.
Sold micro positions in GRID, FIW, XBI, PTH, and BUFSX. There were micro gain and micro losses. I don't think the …
I closed all the Vanguard positions in my IRA when I left Vanguard and moved to Fidelity. They included three of the four funds mentioned. I was too late for the Primecap party.
The big Bluff was shot down. He can't really revive this, but his ego might force him to try.
Is the US border "safer" with 10K Mexican soldiers stationed there? Not confident about that one.
It's their Guardia Nacional. What could possibly go w…
Some genies won't be going quietly back into their bottles:
British Columbia's pre…
Doesn't look like much more than Canada had already announced:
Just a joint task force on organized crime. Didn't even have to mobilize their army on our border. LO…
There must be something about the combination of the names Tweedy and Brown that convinces some people to pay through the nose to own one of their funds.
I haven't heard that Trump wants Mexico to be the 52nd state in the union.
And no way he wants people thinking about the price of avocados and beer during the Stupor Bowl.
Mexico on hold buys Mr. Market some breathing room.
The next shoe to drop will be the results from the afternoon call between Trump and Trudeau.
Stand by to stand by.
Stay tuned.
I am already at 41% equity in the IRA, though not specifically due to the current occupant of the White House.
I am tempted to dump my IRA position in IYK, plus smaller positions in GRID and FIW that would take me to the low-mid 30's.
I'll see ho…