Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
Look, being a salesman and promoting your product (yourself) is part of the job. Being forgotten is FAR worse than the possibility of getting something wrong. Just the way it is...
To be clearer, and to support my statement, FPACX has done better 3y, 1y, and ytd.
Cumulative. I do not look at, care about, or judge by single years.
That's all. Don't own any of them currently, but wish I had for the last decade. …
“ FPACX has nontrivially outperformed PRWCX the last few years,”
Let’s be clear…. M* has PRWCX ahead by about 6% in 2020 and 3.5% in 2021. Behind by about 1.7% in 2022 and 1.6% this year. I’m not sure that supports your statement, but it certainl…
Agree, BaluBalu. Those who know me know that I've spent a lot of time looking at the Allocation-type funds over the years, and while traditional bonds have done them no favors with rates rising; we're already talking about reductions next year - m…
MikeM picked up on a possibility I overlooked; that you might not have any idea that TDA accounts were moved over to Schwab. As he noted, a call to them will facilitate your conversion (account numbers, login, etc). Be aware that if you're coming …
Agree, BaluBalu. Those who know me know that I've spent a lot of time looking at the Allocation-type funds over the years, and while traditional bonds have done them no favors with rates rising; we're already talking about reductions next year - ma…
The basic thing, in my mind, is that, at present, cash replaces traditional bonds for the purpose of 'balancing' equity risk. Eventually, you will likely see a return to said bonds for that purpose, but 5+% free of risk is a tough benchmark to exce…
This is why I don't personally like the standard return stats. I find rolling periods and charts much more informative. More times than I can count, I've seen comparative charts which imply one thing, only to find on closer inspection that the per…
Good questions, Andy, and that's kind of my point: There are a lot of moving parts here; as well as multiple considerations being conflated. First of all, there are benign energy stores on Earth; whose energy is only accessed through burning. Tho…
I agree with you, yogi. but I'm not sure that the purposes/advantages/complications of recycling are clear to everyone. All those 'goals' we have tend to get jumbled together.
It's important (I think) to understand that while helpful in some regard, recycling lithium batteries accomplishes little in terms of energy conservation, though. It's going to take the same energy to reverse the chemical reaction as was released b…
Well, if nothing else, I've learned that my propensity for using all caps as an indication of vocal emphasis (note: NOT shouting), is better replaced by employing bold instead. So noted... ;-)
"Do no harm" strikes me as a useful goal for posting. Merely being annoying, while regrettable, doesn't rise to that level. Being constantly argumentative seems to me to be close to the edge. Such things as: being insulting, deliberately misleadi…
It's interesting that this fund is becoming a topic again after so many years. It was on my list, and I noticed it moving well a couple weeks back; so I took a flyer on it. Needless to say, I've been happy with the results. Pure luck, but good ti…
Meanwhile hussy (hussman). Continues to make very rational sense and notates overvaluation and very risky markets but continues to suffer drawdowns....some day, some day....he might actually make his shareholders money....
“It ain’t what you don’t k…
I'm inclined to agree with DT here. Given the prior history between the two, it would seem more appropriate to make personal contact if some accord is to be attained. Such personal issues should not be handled publically (imo). Posts should be of…
In fairness to FD, I can't think of an instance where he ever INITIATED an attack on someone; nor one where he didn't provide data to support his case. EVIDENCE, I would point out, HAS to be accumulated AFTER the fact (a common criticism of FD). B…
Also worth noting that the bulk of the outperformance (relative to FBALX, for example) occurred from June 23 of this year on. That smacks as a bit of pure luck in being in the right place at the right time.
It has some pluses in having smaller mar…
Where can one buy STFBX? It’s not available at any of the usual suspects.
A more pertinent question might be: WHY would someone buy STFBX; given other choices? :)
What someone posts is either demonstrably logical or it is not. Attacking someone is not logical; it is emotional and simply leads to acrimony. I don't have to LIKE someone to listen to their argument and evaluate it on its merits. It is also not…
Crash, you don't have to like the Fidelity website in order to like/order/buy their funds. I don't have an account with Fidelity, but I own their fund(s). The guys responsible for the website are not the same ones running the fund. I mean, you ca…
Wow, they're really dragging out the process in some cases, but it's probably better they go slowly to smooth out the bumps. My transition, as I said, went seamlessly over a weekend.
They DID suggest that you set up Schwab account/login prior; t…
My TOS accounts migrated successfully to Schwab a couple of weeks ago. Prior to that, I had to log into my TOS accounts separately. I had set up an account at Schwab previously, and they simply moved my TOS accounts over under the same login.
I like FBALX as well. I know what you mean wrt holdings, but the fact is that it has done well over a LONG period of time. It seems to me that it does precisely what one would want of an allocation fund: moves with the times/evidence, and (largely…
Only the transaction fee affects me, so I have no experience with any other aspect of the arrangement. Everything seemed to operate exactly the same, but with lower fees.
FWIW, Schwab has indicated to me that they will honor the $15 trading fee originating from ThinkorSwim (then to TDA); if anyone else falls into that category. I'm not sure yet if that will be automatic, or you'll have to ask for it.
Make sure you're looking at the summary and not the existing account (which didn't change). The new accounts should show up there, I believe. I couldn't find the originally either
Btw, for those involved, if you had the $15 trading fees originall…