Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
I'm actually a "contributor" to Wikipedia-I've fixed numerous misspellings and grammatical errors over the years. Wikipedia is still a work in process-one of its main benefits is the vast number of articles. You can find an article on any baseball p…
I haven't run into this yet, but if your VPN provider software could somehow spoof Google into thinking you're from Australia or the UK the language issue would go away !
In the second article only 3 members of the group actually live in swing states-2 from NH and 1 from PA. If I had to pick an animal to represent these voters, it would be a dodo since a fair number are clueless !
I just compared the top holdings as of 12/31/2022 with the holdings as of 3/31/2023 per Fidelity website. Totally different-so much that I thought I was comparing 2 different funds-AAPL XOM BRK and MSFT currently among top holdings.
I'm not bothered at all by the extra coverage some uninsured depositors received at SVB. I'm just glad the FDIC agrees to guarantee deposits up to $250,000. Some libertarians want to go back to pre-1933 and eliminate FDIC guarantees for any amount. …
I just checked and Fidelity charges $75 for Vanguard and Dodge and Cox funds. A $50 fee would have been a real investor improvement for Fidelity but I guess Abigail Johnson needs to keep her net worth over $20 billion !
I've never invested in ETN's and don't plan to in the future. I'm still not sure why an ETN wrapper is better than an ETF for various investment classes !
+1 sma3 Good job on walking 3 miles a day! I walk about 1 or 1.5 miles a day at a variety of parks in the area but I'm afraid 3 miles a day might aggravate my knee problems.
I would say ignore Morningstar and compare OPGSX with other gold funds using Fidelity's screener. SGGDX compares favorably to OPGSX with a standard deviation 25% lower. SGGDX also has the highest 3 year Sharpe Ratio in the category as well. I'm not …