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In my case, they come late and I'm concerned that my tax preparer would add another one or two hundred to his fees. I have chronic pain in my arms and hands or otherwise I would prepare my taxes myself !
+1 I think capitalism in the US became too used to free/low cost labor based on the prevalence of slavery, indentured servants and convict leasing-and thus American capitalism doesn't value labor.
+1 Lewis Your second paragraph sums up the situation perfectly. I graduated from a Catholic university in 1983. Tuition, room and meals cost around $7,000 while today's total is around $77,000!
Perhaps you could transfer your TRP assets to Fidelity which would give you more investment choices and lower minimums as well-for example non-Fidelity funds have $2,500 minimum and Fidelity funds have $0 minimum .
I think I considered buying PSMC , until I settled on AOK . I still would prefer an etf version of any balanced fund including VBIAX FBALX JABAX FASMX , etc!
+1 crash It just dawned on me that you were talking about Punahou School. My college roommate Sophomore year graduated from Punahou in 1979, the same class as Barack Obama, but of course nobody had heard of Barry Obama then. An elite high school and…
Doug Ramsey is the Leuthold manager. Dave Ramsey is the arrogant theocratic investment adviser who tells his clients to invest in growth stock mutual funds returning 12% chosen by his Endorsed Local Providers who of course charge their own managemen…
derf I have a Vanguard account just for ntf purchases of Vanguard funds. It appears that E-Trade offers this plus DODIX OSTIX SVARX and others ntf-so for me Vanguard account is unnecessary and clunky as well.
Thanks for the info. I'm definitely interested. Tried about 7 funds-only MAPOX unavailable. VWELX also available, may have to consider moving Vanguard account to E-Trade.