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  • If you check the press for 2012 analysts' comments about Europe, you'll see a lot of negative opinions. I almost sold my Mutual Series Europe Fund. Fortunately, I didn't. That fund had a great 2013. Trying to predict how a market is going to per…
  • And I thought I was the only one to invest in this fund when it opened! Needless to say, I was hoping when I sent my check that I would get even better returns than I was enjoying from my investments in the Mutual Series funds (which I've been in f…
  • I've wanted to invest in this fund for a long time. But I've put it off because I was waiting for a market decline. So I put some money in it today while I still have the opportunity. Now that I'm in, the market will probably crash! My market ti…
  • What is your time horizon for this investment? Over the long term, some investments will perform well while others lag. Emerging markets have been suffering a bit lately, while U.S. stocks are leaving everything in the dust. When and if the U.S. …
  • Legacy shareholders of any Meridian Fund can buy the legacy shares of the new Small Cap Growth Fund. The technical language is on page 31 of the Prospectus: “...Legacy Class shares of the Fund are available to shareholders having, as of the date…
  • Junkster, I agree with you. Gold is good if you want a trading vehicle (not my game). Or maybe if you buy a little when its way down, and you're willing to wait decades to cash it in (its probably a good gift to give to your grandkids--gold coins).
  • Sorry. My mistake. I was thinking of Investors Intelligence, which I had just looked at. The number of bears (14.3%) is as low as its been since 1987. But regardless of what one looks at, there is a lot of complacency--which could last for some …
  • I recommend it as well. After I read it, forty years ago, I made a five year list of goals which led me to start my own business. It made a big difference in my life. Over the years, I was surprised how many successful people told me they also had…
  • Before trying to pick a bottom in gold, one might consider what happened when gold collapsed after its big run-up in the 80s. It took decades before it began a new move up.
  • The extreme reading of this sentiment indicator makes me nervous (there is always something that makes me nervous). I like to invest when this indicator shows extreme bearishness.
  • I hope the managers’ Janus record carries over to the Meridian Funds. You never know how much past performance is attributable to the managers and how much to the fund company (its analysts and oversight). Janus doesn’t have a strong record in d…
  • I’m investing in MISGX, and I invested in MERDX last month. I’m doing it the old fashioned way: I’m sending my check by mail [most of my “core” fund investments were made directly with the funds I own, so I’m less inclined to sell when the market i…
  • Last year, many "experts" were saying to avoid Europe. I almost sold my MEURX because of those scary stories. Needless to say, my MEURX was one of my best performers. Will the experts be right now? Maybe.
  • I love the chart. Very informative. The good news is that I have held 3 of these funds for more than 25 years (PRCWX, MQIFX, MDISX), and one for several years (RYSEX). Oh, how I wish I had invested more than I did. My point isn’t how smart I a…
  • I’ve owned the Mutual Series Funds since the early 1980s, when Michael Price was running the show (those were the days). When Price left, the talk online and at Morningstar, was that Price was the “heart and soul” of the funds and that it might be …
  • Birinyi made some good calls on Wall Street Week. If I remember correctly, he won the pick the Dow close contest (one-year ahead, without changes) two years in a row. He's a bright guy, but the prediction business is fraught with risks that humble…
  • Whenever I consider investing in a fund, I always look at its record for 2008. If the fund was down more than 30% or so for that year, I move on. I held LLPFX fund for decades and believed its value approach would limit risk. Nope. Not in 2008. …