Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
A very quick look shows that
VIX(SP500 SD) < 15
MOVE(treasury SD)=87=low
SP500 is in an uptrend.
I don't need to check beyond that.
My big picture = "normal" market = I'm invested at 99+% for several months now.
but you're invested 99+% in bond…
A quick search of their site does not show these ETFs are out yet.
I am interested in the Hedge Equity ETF so I can move PHEFX out of my IRA.
Edit: The draft prospectus is dated Jan 17, 2025
i'd like to buy it in my taxable account, too, altho it …
plenty of blame to go around, i guess, but as the always all-knowing and magnificent Joan Didion once wrote:
“Los Angeles weather is the weather of catastrophe, of apocalypse, and, just as the reliably long and bitter winters of New England deter…
i've held equal amounts of JAAA/CLOZ for almost a year now and have had no regrets. They seem to be slowing down at the moment but i'll hang out for a while longer. I have money in an OEF that also holds CLOs; it hasn't done as well but perhaps it…
crap. i really do rely on the PM for my daily ponderings. anything else come close? i've looked at them all, pretty much, and so far only the morningstar thing gives me what i need for my 6pm viewing.
tried to place another trade for CBYYX at Fidelity, since the 30-day prohibition is several days in the past and while the trade was accepted yesterday, it didn't complete and i found it rejected today. called fidelity who said they would contac…
i have an account at S, too, but all the funds were tied up. i'll have to do some pondering. meanwhile, at F, the 30-day prohibition is over now, so i am free to buy there once again.
that's what they were saying but i think they were just covering their asses and trying not to be wrong. all they had to say is that i was in the wrong and what else could i do? well, for one thing, move my money to schwab, not that fidelity would…
earlier in the week, at fidelity, i set up an auto invest plan for CBYYX, to avoid the fee. it was set to trade yesterday. i woke up to find that the trade had been cancelled. i called fidelity and finally was told that i had to wait 30 days …
Quick update on a Schwab issue I had mentioned previously,
I recently noticed that in all my Schwab accounts I am now able to place a buy stock / ETF order first and then place a sell MM order to cover for the buy. This means that I am also able …
bb: time will tell whether the move is good or premature, but i hope you are right. meanwhile, i wish morningstar could get its one-day return numbers right.
the writers at artemis, imo, are anything but succinct and straightforward. a kind of gobbledygook appears to be their mainstay. that said, it seems to be the major source for cat-bond coverage, so the head scratching will have to continue. i too…
meanwhile, for those with an interest in CLOs, here's seeking alpha's juan de la hoz's latest take on JAAA, JBBB, CLOZ and the like. in brief, he thinks they're a good hold for the next year or so. presumably, this would also hold true for any …
I have done the following for years at Schwab.
Suppose I have $100k in MM and want to buy $100k PRWCX.
I sell $100k of MM and buy PRWCX in the morning. At night I see the results, no problem.
have you tried buying, say, PRWCX in the morning and s…
for me at schwab, i can place an order for anything even if i don't have the funds to pay for it immediately. i am told, before placing the order, that i'll need to have the necessary funds in my account within two or three days (can't remember wh…
conveniently? you're reading into my post in an odd way. i was simply offering up an explanation for those friday gains. it had nothing to do with buying or selling.
junkster wrote: "Regarding CBYYX where a few are invested including me. I re entered this fund in July after Hurricane Beryl had no impact whatsoever. Hurricane Beryl was a cat 5 and broke all sorts of meteorological records. Yet none of the cat bon…
I can buy and sell EMPIX at Fidelity, but that may be because I invested in it long ago. This may change. CBYYX is available at Fidelity at a low minimum but only for some retirement plans. SHRIX is available no load at InteractiveBrokers, see Mutua…
balubalu: here's what happened last may, tho i don't fully understand it: other than that drop, i don't see any other significant ones in …
here's a pretty interesting story about how wrong the hurricane predictions have been this year, which is not to say they won't be right very, very soon.
what to do ... wha…
"In contrast, SUTXX was virtually 100% (99.61%) state tax exempt."
@msf - quite some time ago you pointed that out to me, and I changed our Schwab MMKT account to SUTXX. Thanks again for that suggestion. I have no idea how I would function financia…
if this hasn't already been posted here, well, it ought to tell you a lot about boing in the modern age, none of it good
asked this is elsewhere but thought i'd ask it here, too. would you / do you hold all your assets at a single brokerage like schwab or do you split them between 2 or more, for safety's sake, potentially?
again, FD and others, could you make the comparison not to, say, TUHYX, but specifically to JAAA, since it is far more like the others: good yield, good performance and fairly low volatility (at least for the last 1.5 years). thanks!
thanks all, much food for thought if not grist for the mill. meanwhile, just looking at taxable bond funds, why might you choose them over JAAA? i guess it might have to do with taxes but it makes my head hurt trying to figure that out.
man o man did i get locked out once again. burned on the two previous rallies, had little faith in the third, which is of course the current one. sigh.
why would you be against posting % amount? if you're going to post about purchases at all, wouldn't it make sense to also indicate level of conviction via %? otherwise, it could be anything from a massive timber amount to a shivering leaf's worth …