Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
Fidelity list of 0 minimum and 0 E.R. offerings, as well as, very low E.R. offerings.
Good catch @catch22 - I did not realize Fidelity has gotten their index fund ER's below Vanguard's... and is even offering some 0% ER funds!
Alas, I guess this i…
All the brokerages have been pushing people toward digital "solutions" and away from human interaction. It used to be that a Flagship customer at Vanguard was assigned a specific rep. But it also used to be that a Private Client customer at Fid…
"Calamos Investments filed Monday for so-called “structured-protection” exchange-traded funds that will track a portion of the returns of the S&P 500, Nasdaq 100 and Russell 2000 while hedging 100% of the downside via the options market, accordi…
@catch22 MStar shows a < -2% DD w Div in 2022 - not sure I'd want this instead of a CD or MM fund.
@yogibearbull Any particular reason you use two different funds?
M* used to have a feature called Similar Funds that found the most similar funds in the same category as the given fund. It provided three similarity scores - portfolio composition, performance, and a combination of those two. That's long gone, …
I don’t ever buy CDs with automatic rollover. When they mature, I either reinvest in CDs with the highest rates, Treasuries or short-term to intermediate bond funds. I also have set up several CD ladders extending out 5 years, with yields averaging …
@yugo. “ to each his own, it’s all unknown.” Bob Dylan. While the future in unknown I am thinking that MM and HYS rates will decline over the next twelve months. I am overweight in both. Lots of space to fill in the non equity side of our p…
This wasn't about recommending CDs.
I get that, @yogibearbull. It's just that the question of why there was such a huge spike of people putting money into CDs these days has puzzled me for a while.
So, when I saw in the article that,
"Americans po…
Hmm... Sorry, but that did not explain anything to me.
Right now there are so many options which are more flexible and pay the same or more, including over similar time frames: MM funds, Tres., HYS, Bank promo rates, etc. CDs don't even h…
To each his own. :) Did I read that you are a new subscriber to the data side of MFO? I hope you have as much fun with it as I do.
Yeap. Very much looking forward to it!
A five year run at MFO runs from March through February at this point. I am cur…
@yogibearbull thanks for the pointer re Stock Rover.
Unless I am missing something, I think you are overestimating the complexity of refinement from monthly to daily. Once, monthly data is computed, all one needs to do is scan at most a month-worth…
M* now provides Drawdown data for 3, 5, 10 yrs only. How did you get the data for 2009? From M* Chart? Old file data?
Yeap. M* Chart.
Depending on the time window used, M* charts may display daily, weekly or monthly data.
Max Drawdowns at M*, M…
The main problem with I've not been a fan since losing money investing in ARIVX (I think that was Cinnamond's first solo adventure with his "disciplined" style).
I won't try to defend Mr. Cinnamond's record or explain why I find his approach compe…
Hi yugo,
I invest where markets tell me.
1995-2000 US LC 100% indexes
2000-2010 Value, SC, international mainly in 3 funds FAIRX,OAKBX, SGIIX
Since 2010 mainly US LC+ PIMIX until 2018. Then mainly bond funds.
In 2009 PAUIX(Arnott) + Cinsmond loo…
I don't find FPACX compelling.
I think FPACX is a good fund and would not have raised the issue if we were discussing funds per se. It just looks to me - especially after the above attempt at analysis - that active management has not contributed muc…
Hi David.
Thank you for sharing as always.
Your list of top managers largely and understandably looks like the cream of the crop from the funds in your portfolio as per most recent post. (I am less of a bond fund investor: Mr. Sh…
When did VSMIX close? If you have the weblink readily available to you, please share. M* does not show it is closed.
Officially, it closes 03/29/24 but the markets are closed then for Good Friday.
One can still mail them a check which they prom…
The difference between the value funds in my accounts and PVCMX might be the commitment to the value stocks identified. I don't see how a value oriented stock fund can make much progress if it is unwilling to back its best stock picks past 17% of ho…
I've not been a fan since losing money investing in ARIVX (I think that was Cinnamond's first solo adventure with his "disciplined" style).
I won't try to defend Mr. Cinnamond's record or explain why I find his approach compelling - I've done this …
Thanks for the feedback @msf!
If you compute returns without considering all expenses, but still including the effect of the waiver, then you're increasing the yield by 0.3%.
I was thinking of a scenario along these lines.
Or, just look at the SEC …
Thanks @yogibearbull! (I think I'll get something stronger...:)
Actually, turns out to be a fairly easy read. (I wish IRS had hired the people who drafted N-1A.) You are right, it's all spelled out pretty clearly in Item 26, assuming 'deductions' i…
The 7-Day Yield represents the annualized fund yield based on the average income paid out over the previous seven days assuming interest income is not reinvested and it reflects the effect of all applicable waivers. Absent such waivers, the fund's …
I don't think that Eric Cinnamond is great, far from it. He looks good when markets collapsed and then he missed a lot of the upside. M* says that for one year PVCMX made under 8% while SPY made over 33% = 4 times more.
Please don't come back with.…
To my knowledge, through their history since 1970s, only 2 money market funds ever 'broke the buck'. So, statistically, any MM fund is as good as the other - apart from the yield (as well as management co and asset size, if one does not fully trusts…
Thanks David - makes sense.
My main interest was along the lines of making sure I did not overlook anyone worth noting who'd left for private asset management and/or just decided to take an extended break - say, at least a year or …
The $50.00 transfer/extortion fee will be covered by the value of some fractional shares.
You probably know this already, but for anyone else who is not aware: Schwab does reimburse transfer fees. So, this is just a nuisance - no loss.
No, @yugo…
The $50.00 transfer/extortion fee will be covered by the value of some fractional shares.
You probably know this already, but for anyone else who is not aware: Schwab does reimburse transfer fees. So, this is just a nuisance - no loss.
People have been asking Fidelity to add MRFOX for at least a year (r/fidelityinvestments).
Personally, I have never found a Fidelity advisor to be useful on such 'external' business matters (m.b. just bad luck). However, I was once speaking with a …
I was just reading the Bottom Line article: Microcap funds thread and decided to check out PVCMX.
First I wondered how this Palm Valley Capital Fund (PVCMX) was able to get such low volatility and then, wow, it's one of my all-time favorite manager…
@msf thank you the detailed feedback.
The situation is/was somewhat complicated so I thought to distill it a bit.
In summary: Person A had employer-sponsored retirement accounts with Person B as a beneficiary and me as a sole contingent beneficiar…
Thank you for the insights.
Any thoughts on PRCGX / PREOX ($215M / $100M mmc) vs PVFIX ($415M w.amc) / AVALX ($1,272M w.amc) / OBMCX (< $600M mc) / WAMVX ($1,170M amc)?
Perritt funds invest in the smallest of microcaps. They ha…
@Devo thanks for the tip.
Just quickly checked out AVALX. I like that it is underweighted in technology and it looks to have had a pretty good run over the last 5 years. Definitely, on par with PKSFX.
But the -39%/-50% max drawdowns at AVALX vs …
Reply to @Kenster1_GlobalValue: I meant to answer your earlier post, but got distracted - sorry.
I think you bring up an excellent point - or, at least, the most cogent one to me - in terms of expanding into new mid-large cap space. I will post th…