Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
Reply to @MikeM: RYSEX (Royce Special Equity) - the original fund run by Dreifus, for which he got most acclaim - is indeed closed. RSEMX is the other - newer (been around for ~ 2 y) - one of the two funds Dreifus manages. Just thought I'd clarify t…
Reply to @Old_Joe:
It would be a bit of an effort, but one could always buy PRGTX, PRMTX or PRHSX directly from T. Rowe Price and then move them to Schwab.
Thanks for the suggestions, everybody! I've run a brief comparison of discussed funds. Here is what comes up:
So, at least on 3 y basis, it looks like USNQX has noticeably lower StDev and higher Sharpe Ratio, while BFOCX has marginally smaller B…
Reply to @bee: I like PRMTX as well, but it is not really a technology fund - after Apple, its next four largest holdings are Walt Disney, Comcast, ATT and Time Warner.