Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
It doesn’t appear that QDSNX is available to individual investors at Schwab ….only for Institutional. Please let me know if you see otherwise. I can purchase it in my TSP…
Added to my META position today. New report this week on its taking market share from GOOGL. Forward PE is reasonable based on its growth rate. Also trimmed my GOOGL position
Very interesting discussion on quicken. I don’t use it but my wife does … will try and see if I can download my Schwab accounts into quicken and then set up the account on Morningstar legacy. I’m mainly interested in the portfolio X-ray feature an…
Thanks @MikeM and @yogibearbull. Hmmmm. So I need to be careful with treasury MMF? I want these funds to be safe. Hoping to get a good yield too but safety is of primary importance. Thoughts ?
Thanks so much for the feedback to each of you. Really appreciate it . @Msf that’s a great point on treasury funds providing better after tax returns. Also I believe they are probably safer since backed by treasuries. I’m trying to understand th…
Not sure I understand the ruckus over @Stillers posting above. These boards are all about discussing each of our own investing strategies and I have learned a great deal from each of you. Whether you invest in Mag 7 directly or through funds, one …
Thanks for the feedback @raqueteer. hard to find a consistently strong performing fund in the small cap space if you look at the 1 3 5 and 10 year time frames that also has good downside protection. Large cap has so strongly outperformed small cap…
Thought that I would bump this discussion back up the thread to see if anyone has found any additional small cap funds they are considering adding. I plan to continue holding PKSAX and NEAGX. Might add to PKSAX in the new year in 401K. Also will …
@Balubalu yes I have also been following the volume in QLTY with great interest… as of today the average volume is about 85K… I think the AUM must be larger than $3M… perhaps they haven’t yet updated the AUM.
I own 2 small/mid cap funds and am happy with both…. Virtus kar small cap core is about a 6% position and NEAGX is a 1% position. The first is small/MidCap blend and the second is small cap growth. The Virtus fund Is only available in some 401(k) …
When the market is rising like this morning:
I involuntarily think:
Boy, was I smart to add to equities last week…
Boy, was I smart to sit tight…
Maybe I do know what I’m doing…
What new fund can I invest in that’ll bring me greater returns than t…
Of course if it’s a test, we’re grading on a curve, yes? ;-)
Well … Does anybody know where the answer key to this thing is?
If any of us had that answer, I don't think we'd still be visiting MFO......
ISTM Ted had that Answer Key last.
I …
Thanks Yogi. Just curious.... can you please tell me what the Bull/bear spreads were in March before the market turned upward and also last October? thanks so much. This is really helpful.
Thanks Yogi. For its asset class which is listed as mid cap blend it’s done well. But that ER is a killer… also if you look at its portfolio it’s not really mid cap blend…. Largest holdings are MSFT AAPL LRC UNH etc… all large caps…. I was initia…
Very interesting discussion…. A couple of questions about LSLTX…. First on Morningstar it says the fund only has $12M in assets. That seems awfully small for a fund that’s been around this long. Wondering if this is accurate. And Second the expen…
Hi Matt
If you’re interested in LCB take a look at MOAT. it has a long track record and has beaten the S&P in multiple time frames with strong risk adjusted returns… also a great owl. Ben has discussed it on the boards.
I just called up T Rowe and they don’t have an exact launch date but the consultant said it would be soon . I will let everyone know when I hear about a launch date. The consultant did say it would be managed in a similar way as PRWCX in terms of …