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  • Mike, thanks for sharing your asset allocation. How do you manage to have 30% equity this year? At what point do you think the market is attractive since you name several growth funds that I happen to invested in?

    Right now, I have 50% equity (mostly value oriented), 10% bonds (mostly from balanced funds) and the rest in cash (TIPS, short term TIPS and money market).
    July 2022
  • Good Morning MikeW.

    First, thank you very much for your post on the difference between MFAPX and MIOPX. Both look like good funds and I am thinking about MFAPX because I have a good amount of allocation in emerging markets with a few Matthews funds. Also, I would rather have the less risky of the two.

    I have also been looking at PWJZX which I think is also available on the Schwab platform. In some ways, it looks similar to MFAPX. Are you familiar with his fund? If so, what are your thoughts about it, and how you feel that it compares with MFAPX?

    Thanks much!


    February 2021
  • Hi MikeW. Thank you for remembering me. Here is a link where you can follow Old_Skeet. O_S
    February 2021
  • BenWP
    @newgirl asked if you and I would start a thread on Small Cap and EM Asia. I’m not sure I know much more than what I may said about those areas. What do you think she’s asking? In any case, I would be happy to collaborate on a post if you were willing. Happy King and Inauguration Days!
    January 2021
  • Junkster
    Mike, sent you an email on IOFIX that went to your profile. Also, sorry about the Go Bills. That is the other Mike.
    November 2019
  • Junkster
    Mike, If IOFIX can make it through November it should be OK. There may be a quarterly reprising like last November. All of these repricings have been positive in the past except for last November. Of course last November stocks and junk bonds were freefallling and short rates moving up. Totally different this time around. Go Bills!
    November 2019
  • Hi @MikeW: Generally, each money market mutual fund position, as well as each cd, equals a sum of about 2% of my master portfolio total value that is held in my ivestment cash sleeve. Currently, I hold 4 money market mutual funds. They are AMAXX, GBAXX, PCOXX and DGTXX. PCOXX has the most risk being a prime money market fund that can invest in corporate paper as well as US Treasuries while the other three are all US Government Treasury funds. At times I have also used AFAXX but usually its yield is back of the four I have noted.

    The rest of my cash is held in my demand cash sleeve. Some of it will be used in May to buy a third and possibly fourth cd depending on cd interest rates.

    You might find below link of interest as it list the highest yielding retail money market funds.

    I hope this has been helpful.

    April 2019