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  • Howdy folks, I had already dumbed down our accounts. We've pretty much gone to the mattresses. No international travel, no flying unless it's an emergency (if we can't truck it, fuck it). That said, I'm still playing the junior silver miners a…
    in Shorting Tesla Comment by rono March 24
  • Howdy folks, and particularly Anna, Hope this finds you well. Things here have not yet changed that much as of yet. We have a very fluid border due to work commuters. That said, WTF knows what Washington will do with the borders or how this is g…
  • Howdy folks, Lock and load, bitches. Rono
  • Howdy folks, I sincerely hope you good people are battening down the hatches. Our odds of a full blown depression are now quite high. This is how the great depression began - with a trade war. Alas and alack. And so it goes, Peace, Rono
  • Howdy, What we're witnessing is the beginnings of a military coup. Suck it up, buttercup, it's time for shit to get real. I'm voting for McRaven to be MFIC. Alas, Rono
  • Howdy, The penny costs more to mint than it's worth. Problem is that without the penny they'll have to mint more nickels and they have a worse cost profile than pennies. A penny costs about $0.04 cents, while a nickel costs about $0.14. While …
  • Howdy folks, Thanks for the kind words. 23 was a tough year, but 24 was pretty good until the Ides of November. I was re-elected as a township trustee for my 4th term. The board pretty much runs unopposed. Feh, 85% ag, 6K, pure republican where…
  • try this again. rono
  • Howdy folks, Two people I do NOT want to be prosecuted by are Jack Smith and Dana Nessel. Ouch. Not wanting to go full nutzoid, but two things exist. You get what you vote for and you reap what you sow. And so it goes, Peace, Rono
  • Howdy folks, Indeed, Hillsdale is about as conservative as you can get. However, that's Conservative as in pulling the R lever every two years. It doesn't mean these people are stupid. The Republican party has gone so MAGA Trump that it's no lon…
  • Howdy folks, You get what you vote for. Problem is that only the most fervent vote in the primaries and so many voting districts are gerrymandered into predetermined party outcomes. My township hasn't had a democrat run for local office in at lea…
  • Howdy folks, Well, Tucker cost his boss 3/4 billion dollars, and more pending, bad mouthed his bosses, and was toxic in the workplace . . . geez, do the math. He'll land on Newsmax or Oan. feh. I can see where he was an asshole to work with. …
  • Howdy folks, Asia and the metals. Before Fund Alarm, I believe it was Fund Vision with Salil. That said, the paper and real bullion markets are diverging significantly (i.e. the premiums are widening). Since the banking issue, the demand for phy…
  • Howdy all, Gold and Silver, etc; are taxed at 28% - the collectible rate. Always hold paper bullion in a tax exempt or deferred account. and so it goes, rono
  • Howdy folks, I'm in the camp of banning assault weapons, high capacity magazines and silencers. It will never happen via the legislative route so that leaves referendum. Start a petition. Oh, and I'm hardly a snowflake. I believe in the 2nd Ame…
  • Howdy folks, Er, my Spartans are still dancing. Rono
  • Howdy folks, "welcome back my friends, to the show that never ends. come inside, come inside." Actually, I'm counting my blessings that it was such in incredible shitshow. What we are instore for is two years of complete gridlock. And gridlock …
  • Howdy folks, Had to chime in and am probably repeating much of what has been said. Tesla is toast. Twitter is toast. All due to a very smart man letting his ego go crazy. Same/same with Zuckerberg and his metaverse idiocy. Tesla is toast becau…
  • Hi Mark, Family tradition. Black eyed peas, mirepoix, rice. Yum. Have some great holidays, young man. peace, rono
  • Howdy folks, @BenWP not sure, but apparently, this happened all over the country so it was fairly common for us. Apocalypse Now was actually a very real depiction of one small aspect of the war. But a very small aspect. The Provisional Reconn…
  • Howdy folks, I owned Tesla for quite a while until he bought Twitter. Then I sold it. I wanted to own it early on because of SpaceX. No long. Musk seems to be idiot/savant personified. Not only is he doing a lot to destroy Twitter, he's doing …
  • Howdy young man, I didn't have any real issues, other than Outlook. Mr. Softie is a real slut about renting software vs. selling it. Otherwise, it was fine. have some great holidays, rono
  • Howdy folks, Now he has Tesla buying ads on Twitter while complaining he's overworked. Are you kidding me?!? Classic idiot savant ego maniac who believes he can walk on water. Just like Zuck and metaverse. They get so wrapped up in their image…
  • Howdy folks, Yeppers, Nevada and Americans all over put paid to the deniers. teehehe However, I'm like Admiral Nimitz in Midway, "I want that 4th carrier". I want that 51st senate seat from Georgia. 51 and we can tell Mitch to stick it in his a…
  • Howdy folks, Up in Michigan, I'm recovering from nearly a week of non-stop multiple orgasms. teehehe. As pointed out, the redistricting was crucial. You have to get past the gerrymandering bs to have fair elections. You also have to do it via r…
  • Howdy folks, Excuse me but there are a lot of people that have suffered from this. I was never stationed at Camp Lejeune, but my wife was there for about a year with her first husband (yeah, I guess she has a think for Marines, but that's sooooo …
  • Howdy folks, I think there is a lot more blood in store for investors. I think it's a snake oil product. Mostly, is it just me, or does SBF look like he hasn't bathed in about a year? I don't want to be in the same room with a dirtball like this…
  • Howdy folks, Hi Dan, hope this finds you well. It's the cruise missiles that they have in the 6th Fleet. They have enormous strike capability. We're talking 100s. And so it goes, Peace rono
  • Nice to hear from you guys. My 16 replacement was Disney World on steroids. So far, KOW, this dis better. I'm a lucky dog. SF,, Rono
  • Howdy all, Sorry about your catching the crud. Wifey and I brought it back from DC in August but like you took Paxlovid and came through fine. Mild cold. We were both fully vaxed a…
  • Howdy folks, Hope this finds you well. I do NOT think SCOTUS will block either Graham nor Trump from having the testify. They'll take the 5th. and so it goes, peace, rono
  • Howdy folks, Hope this finds everyone healthy and wealthy. The 101st was actually deployed to Eastern Europe July 7th. To date, I have not seen any other deployments. What you want to watch is the 6th Fleet. Th…
  • Howdy folks, Hi Crash, I've believed from the beginning that Vlad wants to go down in history with the likes of Peter, Ivan, etc. by reuniting Mother Russia. The problem with this is that it includes, Poland, Romania, Moldova, the Baltic States …
  • Howdy folks, @ Ben, I only chose Stalingrad because it's a relatively large and well known city. Why did we nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki and not Tokyo? Though, it would be relatively easy to destroy from our 6th Fleet in the Mediterranean. My re…
  • Howdy folks, concur with @spa3 about the overall perspective. That said, I added a few shares of Tesla to my meager holdings. Otherwise, just looking around and window shopping, as it were. BTW, Sell in May is a bit late this year. and so it …
  • Howdy folks, It's not looking particularly good in the Ukraine from a strategic perspective. I concur that the west of being too accommodating of Putin. They should plan now and announce their plans. If he uses either nukes of poison gas, we wi…
  • Howdy folks, Good discussion. If I bought an I-bond back in December 2021, am I able to purchase another one at this time? Should I? or should I wait? Thanks, peace, rono
  • Howdy folks, I buy chicken breasts at GFS. Over the past 18 months, they've more than doubled from $14.99 to $31.99. Oh and before we all blame everyone else, the Fed has injected some $6 TRILLION into the economy with pent up demand and supply i…
  • Howdy folks, @yogibearbull Yeppers, you are absolutely correct. Not only can there be issues with different rules for different countries, but bullion ETF are taxable as collectibles at 28%. This means you always keep these in either a deferred …
  • Howdy folks, Friday I bought a bit of TELL and some Sprott physical uranium. peace, rono