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Thank you sma3! We are spending this summer in northwest again. I have no quiet place I can be before noon eastern (9 am here). Library opens at 9am! I've set up a session for Friday, 2 pm eastern ... posted on board. But, if that does not work, just call me at 805 468 9599 ... if I can pick up I will. Hopefully, can pick a day where you can attended from noon on. Very happy to do! c


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    Hi @Charles, I was trying to create an MFO P screen somewhat like M* Russ's yearly Thrilling Funds screen. After I add Top and Upper for the family rating all I get is a spinning wheel when I submit the query.
    August 2024
  • Hi Charles,
    It looks like we have a lot in common. I can discuss things with you off the board in private.
    Since IOFIX I found several good bond funds.
    This site's private messages are broken; I can see messages between you and other posters.
    My email is [email protected].

    FD (AKA fund daddy or maybe fun daddy)
    July 2024
  • [from Technical board]
    GO+HR exports
    April 16 in Technical Questions

    small request, since i may be one of few with this experience.

    every few months, i like to export [GreatOwls + HonorRoll] for max periods and ulcer index with the useful color-coding in excel and pdf.
    this almost always churns endlessly, fails with a freeze, and sometimes crashes (which is very unusual for my varied linux boxes).

    is it possible to have a precompiled search (so maybe columns can be customized) or at worst a readymade link for this ~once a week?
    (problem also common when i try same for GO or HR separately)
    April 2024
  • Thank you sma3! We are spending this summer in northwest again. I have no quiet place I can be before noon eastern (9 am here). Library opens at 9am! I've set up a session for Friday, 2 pm eastern ... posted on board. But, if that does not work, just call me at 805 468 9599 ... if I can pick up I will. Hopefully, can pick a day where you can attended from noon on. Very happy to do! c
    July 2021
  • Thanks for the great offer, but shouldn't I look at your already posted explanations of MultiSearch first? Maybe I don't have to take up your valuable time.

    But if you are up for it, anytime Weds would be good, preferably in the AM
    July 2021
  • Hi Charles, sma3 posted a question in the Discussion below on MaxDD % versus those obtained from M*. I understand that MFO data are derived from Lipper. You are better suited to address his question than I can. Would you please answer his question? Thank you
    October 2020
  • Hi Charles, I really enjoyed your article " San Francisco Treat"- regarding- IOFIX . Can you elaborate on why >" The fund’s core strategy may have a limited time horizon. Perhaps a handful more years. Maybe less" .
    FYI Schwab is showing IOFIX with no load at 100K initial investment .
    January 2020
  • Hi Charles, I support managements closing of threads they deems not to be in the best interest of MFO.

    Some have started a campaign (some senior posters) seeking support of their posting activity.

    I'm thinking they are missing the purpose of the board is to help investors seek out good quality to funds to invest in along with some strategies, etc. Not post that bash the President of our Country. I'm sure he had his reasons to govern as he did as did President Kennedy during the Cuban missile conflict. There will be some things that the average citizen will never know about in dealings with foreign leaders.

    Thank you again in closing the subject Treason thread. For my perspective it was fully warranted.

    July 2018
  • How do you get IOFIX without a fee?
    April 2018