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  • Good Morning Observant!,

    Indeed there is much more to the FD story, including that he was banned from Armchairinvesting and suspended a few times from Big Bang!, including his current 90 day suspension. There are very good reasons for this. The good folks on MFO will learn.
    July 2023
  • I see that you did a reverse buy on DOXIX that you sold a year ago. What motives you to make that large change? Just want to hear your thoughts.

    I am in a similar situation and sold all bond funds in October 2021 thru Jan 2022, and stayed in stable value in my 401(k). Since the beginning of this year, I have been buying back into VG total bond index in several increments. It is the stock portion that I am concern for this year.
    January 2023
  • johnN

    Next 48 hrs critical
    Watch Sp500 ~ 4100 levels extremely carefully
    November 2022
  • johnN
    July 2022
  • Observant1 joined.
    Welcome Aboard!
    February 2020