Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
About us communists:
"In a similar moment, Senator Margaret Chase Smith, of Skowhegan, Maine, stood up to Wisconsin senator Joe McCarthy. McCarthy and his supporters were hoping to gain votes in the 1950 midterm elections by stoking fear that the c…
I will be happy to start a different thread with this but Columbia University sold out as well. Robert Reich substack report.
The shame of Columbia University
You might have to do a little digging:
Tracking U.S. Federal Disaster Spending: The Disaster Dollar Database
Who gets more disaster aid? Republican states.
What are some key facts and trends about disasters and emergency relief?
"Spending on disa…
Thought you all would enjoy this update.
"Public information release from the City of Bloomington regarding the arrest of MN GOP Rep. Justin Eichorn for the solicitation of a minor. He was one of 5 authors of the bill in Minnesota that would classi…
@Crash that's what I'm guessing. The authors of the bill must be too embarrassed to ID themselves. What I'm really interested in knowing is with all that is going on in the world today who has the time to waste coming up with this crap.
Well today'…
I haven't been able to locate which MN State republican senators authored this bill BUT do know that both MN United States Senators, Tina Smith and Amy Klobuchar, are democrats.
Frankly I much more concerned with TWS aka Trump Worship Syndrome.
Anyone thinking or believing that even $1 collected from all the alleged savings obtained by all the closings and firings to date will be used to lower the $2 trillion annual government deficits and handing the debt to the grandkids, raise your hand…
I place my disgust of this travesty right up there with cuts to the VA, cuts to Habitat for Humanity and USAID for waste and fraud, oh hell, all the heartless cuts made to date by this clown show.
@Old_Joe - I don't eschew beer entirely but when I want one it's usually an Anchor Steam (hoping it does come back), a Guinness or a toss up between Corona or Modelo (with lime of course). However I will look into those non-alcoholics you mentioned.…
Serious question:
What would be the effect if Canada and the EU just took all American produced alcohol products off the shelf or maybe just doubled the prices without calling them tariffs?
"That was different from our beer, which was officially supplied by the Coast Guard. It was San Miguel, and in contrast to the Tanduay, no two bottles tasted the same."
Sounds pretty much like the rice wine(?) the Koreans and Vietnamese shared with…
I thought trump fixed NAFTA for the UAW with USMCA.
"The USMCA achieved stronger enforcement mechanisms for labor provisions than the original deal, leading the AFL-CIO, the largest collection of U.S. labor unions, to support the pact—a rare endors…
@Old_Joe - you know these trolls never answer a direct question. They just come here to throw up a bunch of random crap they heard on Fox or Breitbart or whatever to see if anything sticks. They are void of original thought or even common sense. The…
"NOAA's work significantly impacts investing through weather forecasting, climate monitoring, and fisheries management, all of which influence industries like agriculture, transportation, insurance, and coastal development. Understanding NOAA's data…
A bit of perspective on valuations also from the WSJ - By Spencer Jakab, Markets A.M. newsletter.
"Wouldn’t it be great if there were some way to quantify exuberance? At market extremes there can be. Speaking in 2002, Sun Microsystems CEO Scott McN…
How can you invest intelligently when this is what you are dealing with. (From Josh Moon on Reddit.)
"Attention: We will be having tariffs. Not this week though. We are having tariffs next week. But not on trucks. And also you'll need to answer fiv…
Added to CGDV one of the few bright lights in my portfolio YTD along with QLENX which I may be adding to near the close depending on how the rest of the day goes.
The real issue here seems to be that the stupid people are so sure of themselves while the smart ones are so full of doubt. But hey, he's owning the libs right? And he probably has a box of sharpies somewhere.
"Understand the risk you’re adding to your portfolio." +1 @hank
I don't mean to imply that this is what you meant with that comment but other than the MM positions in my account I generally think of my whole portfolio as being 'at risk'. Yes, all …