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Should You Sell In May and Go Away?

FYI: The old adage, then, to “Sell in May and go away” has caught on.
Interestingly, it is less important to know if you should sell in May, but rather to understand why you are investing in the stock market and what your goals are.

Busting The Sell In May And Go Away Myth:


  • Sure they present figures to make THEIR story:
    but now getting into a "selling Assets" stage of life I am really going to consider selling some high priced assets in April/May before the Summer Doldrums...Don't know about this Year? but let something Hit an All-Time High and I might get the Cash..for spending or Summer Bargain investing....
    Still thinking/watching..
  • The charts look pretty convincing to me.
  • Every May, I find myself vexed by this situation. Part of me thinks I ought to sell 1/3 to 1/2 of my non-balanced funds -- ie, mostly health-care funds -- and put the money into something VWINX, then wait for Oct (that's the right reentry month, right) and sell VWINX, buy health again. I've never managed to pull the trigger on this idea, and I have no doubt I won't think this year, either. But I still think it's a good one. Maybe.
  • edited March 2015
    Yes, reducing investing to a nursery rhyme is definitely the right way to go!

    Let's see ... There was an old woman who lived in a shoe. She had so much money she didn't know what to do.
    (I forgot the rest of it):)
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