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cheap cynicism and the body politic


  • edited November 2014
    Yup. Still, I find him too positive about the Big Picture than is justified. I appreciate his general approach: gov't is a good and necessary thing. I am of the opinion that as long as we have the wherewithal to do X or Y or Z for EVERYONE, why wouldn't we want to do it? Why not make life better for everyone? The argument against such thinking is about not wanting to subsidize freeloaders. Their numbers are miniscule. Like a single peppercorn in a sea of Crisco. Forget about it, and move on, for everyone's sake. I just cannot fathom the approach that refuses to do any good via gov't programs, because a few bad apples will get something they don't deserve. Jeez. We ALL deserve a good life. There. I've said it. It sucks to have to jump through so many damned hoops to get what you need, proving that you are who you say you are. If we had universal programs that covered everyone--- like a TRULY universal health plan, none of that would be necessary. Issue all who are eligible an ID, and that's all you need. Bingo. Once, and done.
  • It is always fascinating to me that the undeserving poor are to be scorned so much more than the undeserving rich. That those who receive say public assistance should be better than the mass of us.
  • One Man’s Opinon: US Markets Historically Have Performed Better With A Democratic President And A Republican Congress

    "US equities will only get stronger from here and the strongest six months is yet to come, said Sam Stovall, Chief Equity Strategist at Standard & Poor’s. The seasonal period of November through April has outperformed May through October by a 7.0 percent versus 1.4 percent, respectively.

    Also, the six-month period after mid-term elections gets even better with an average gain of more than 15 percent in the November through April period. So historically, the markets are entering this seasonally strong period, he noted.

    Empirical data shows markets perform better when there’s a Republican Congress and a Democratic President and stocks have historically gained about 15.1 percent, beating out any other political scenario."


    What to expect over the next six months:
  • may at least that much be so
  • Well, whatever Congress comes up with now, at least we'll know who's responsible for it.
  • edited November 2014

    We will ????? :)

    Up early Tuesday, away I must go......piling the bed covers tonight........current wind chill at 4; but static temp. warming to 24 Tuesday, but with 20mph winds. Yipee..............

  • WARNING -- the link from davidmoran tried to download a malicious executable. Could someone remove it?
  • You mean the second, from Slate?
  • It opened fine in a new session of Chrome, but I did get some funky fake Adobe install page download with a launch out of an existing chrome page to a new one; sorry. It also launched perfectly in a clean launch in IE and FF.

    So give it a try (well worth reading), and if you get some Flash out of date crap, just hit Escape or otherwise bail. Or just rightclick to copy the link and open with IE or FF. Worth knowing these arguments and history bogus and authentic for sure. Sorry for any problems.
  • I just tried. Opened fine, seems clean. I run my antimalware and antivirus every few days. I suppose that can't be a bad idea.
  • Excerpt from the "Slate" thing: "Yet Pew’s own research has demonstrated that it is exceedingly rare for Americans to go from rags to riches, and that more modest movement from the bottom of the economic ladder isn’t common either. In fact, economic mobility is greater in Canada, Denmark, and France than it is in the United States..."
    Yup. Re-posting:
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