Many have voiced concern that the instigator of a thread is hidden from view until one clicks on the thread. Alota discussion has taken place already and I get the feeling most would like to know who started a thread before they go to it. In absence of any solution coming from our wiz bang team of technical experts, I suggest those who think its a good idea simply insert their name after the title in some fashion. I chose to use 3 slashes to set my name off. Alternative methods welcome. To apply this to all your threads, go to your home page and click on "Discussions" at the top. It will list all the threads you started. Than you can click the "edit" feature and add your name. Took 5-10 minutes to change the half dozen or so threads I own. So easy a cave man could do it.
P.S. This idea was stolen from Ol Joe who thought of it first.
Comments some of your discussion about this with OJ.
I much prefer a naming in the subject line.
Although the Funds Boat is more or less a stand alone subject; I also added the date to the subject line to set a particular post away from other dates.
Back to me chores, after some food stuffs.
Take care,
also it requires extra keystrokes, ahem, I rest my case. All for one, and number one for number one.
There is certainly enough space in the line below subject line to display the originator of the thread as well as the last poster.