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What it means to be America under Trump 2.0

edited March 24 in Off-Topic
I thought That I was fairly versed in matters going on in the US but I was wrong, terribly wrong, about recent incidents at our borders. Read it for yourself because it has gotten ugly. Written by Joyce Vance (unfortunate last name) March 23, 2025.

"Foreign countries including Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, and the U.K. have issued traveling warnings to their citizens who are considering trips to the United States. The United Kingdom warned of arrest or detention for those who violate the rules for entering the U.S., noting authorities “set and enforce” entry rules strictly. Finland and Denmark warned that trans people may encounter special difficulties, since the U.S. no longer recognizes their existence."

The Week Ahead

If Trump can disappear them, he can disappear you. Written by Robert Reich.


  • The USA has indeed sunk so very low. Elect a buffoon ONCE, that's bad. Elect an EVIL SCUMBAG buffoon TWICE? NORMAL countries are distancing themselves, clearly. People are moving where they have or can get 2nd citizenship. Rosie O'Donnell: Ireland.
  • "If Trump can disappear them, he can disappear you."

    It's like we as a country are drowning, and there are no lifeguards on duty to save us. The Dems are floundering and the system of checks and balances is failing to reign Orange in.

    Its a spectacular fail on many different levels.

    If the Dems cannot show strength, then the sheep will remain in their current position behind Orange. There has to be another party to pivot to. Right now, it doesn't feel like there is one. A true lack of leadership across the board. At least Pelosi had a set of cajones.
  • Afraid to drive into Canada?
  • Not at all @hank. It's getting back in if I choose to that's worrisome.
  • edited March 24
    Mark said:

    Not at all @hank. It's getting back in if I choose to that's worrisome.

    Yeah - Maybe a detour to Equador on the way home …

  • Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic magazine: (per The Hill.)
    ...He wrote that he initially had strong doubts the text group was real, “because I could not believe that the national-security leadership of the United States would communicate on Signal about imminent war plans.”

    Goldberg also said he “could not believe that the national security adviser to the president would be so reckless as to include him in the discussions with senior U.S. officials

    Yup, this is where we're at.... risibly pathetic, in just 2 months' time.
  • edited March 24
    Crash. What should we be more concerned about?. The regime’s evil intentions and vile corruption or their incompetence? So many choices.
  • edited March 24
    JD said, "If Trump can disappear them, he can disappear you." Yes. It’s a Putin specialty. He’s really good at it. And he doesn’t mind if he takes out a couple others in the process as in a recent plane “accident” on departure from Moscow.
  • It is ALL alarming, but to say that is by now an understatement. "Disappearing" people also includes simply canceling their legally permitted status to be in the USA. Did you see that Venezuelans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, Salvadorans have had their TPS status rescinded in the past few days? So much for respecting the Rule of Law: a previous President granted the TPS, but that wasn't ME, so let's just ignore it and fuck those people. And as much as I still want to see a tighter southern border, surely you've noticed that all of those people from those countries are Spanish speakers from Latino countries. "Poisoning our blood." The Orange Hitler is beyond contempt. His unethical, evil actions are breathtaking.... Pass the Orange Kool-Aid, please.
  • edited March 24
    C’mon @Crash. Why complain?

    Get yourself some camouflage to wear, an AK-47 to tote, a big loud oversized red pickup to drive (swap out the headlights with an illegal aftermarket kit to make them super bright), a cool MAGA cap to wear - plus half dozen or so American flags to fly … and you can become one of the privileged.. Get with the act - a class-ass act!
  • Soon all the group that was described by the recently departed H_ _ _O will be reported to feds and our messaging will be monitored. Then we will be disappeared. Two months ago that would seem ridiculously paranoid but not so much today.
  • Up next: Proud Boy death squads.
  • Jeez Andy. You are more pessimistic than I. But the proud boys,,, in the great tradition of maga incompetence,,, would use a circular firing squad.
  • As frequently do the Democrats...
  • Old_Joe. Andy brought up death squads. Please let us know of a Democrat death squad. I am so sick of folks trying to create an equivalence between the two parties. Until maga perhaps but not anymore. If this ends up in a civil war you can’t be on both sides.
  • @larryB- I know what side I'm on. I don't need you or anyone else to help me with that.
  • OOPS, lumping Haiti together with Spanish-speaking countries was a mistake. But it does not change my point. Pass the Kool-Aid, please. Who is HE--LO? Someone get Jeffrey Goldberg on the line for me. I have a scoop for him. I was just on the phone with Tulsi and Pete and Jesus. It's those Teenage Immigrant Welfare Mothers On Drugs that are wrecking our society.

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