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Republicans Want to Classify ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ as a Mental Illness

edited March 16 in Off-Topic

Republican senators in Minnesota have filed a bill seeking to classify the so-called “Trump Derangement Syndrome” as a mental illness. SF2589 states that “‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ means the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal persons that is in reaction to the policies and presidencies of President Donald J. Trump.”

It says symptoms may include “Trump-induced general hysteria, which produces an inability to distinguish between legitimate policy differences and signs of psychic pathology in President Donald Trump’s behavior.” The syndrome, the bill continues, manifests through “verbal expressions of intense hostility” toward Trump and “overt acts of aggression and violence” against anyone or anything expressing support for Trump.

YOU CANNOT MAKE THIS STUFF UP. But they somehow do.


  • Jayzuz. Can the Repugnants get anymore pathetic? Think that one will get out of Committee? This is GASLIGHTING: EXHIBIT A. BTW, Hey, Orange Donny! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!!!
  • I haven't been able to locate which MN State republican senators authored this bill BUT do know that both MN United States Senators, Tina Smith and Amy Klobuchar, are democrats.

    Frankly I much more concerned with TWS aka Trump Worship Syndrome.
  • Agreed, Crash - MAGA has the art of gaslighting down to a science.

    TWS vs. TDS - they have us split at close to 50%/50%. A nation divided, and in the process of being conquered from within.
  • edited March 16
    Excuse me. I’m choking on a big swig of scotch & water. Damn!
  • TDS. TRUMP depression syndrome. Self explanatory!
  • edited March 16
    As an art form this is known as surreal humour . Author Lewis Carroll was among its practitioners.

    Wikipedia: ”The humour in surreal comedy arises from a subversion of audience expectations, emphasizing the ridiculousness and unlikeliness of a situation, so that amusement is founded on an unpredictability that is separate from a logical analysis of the situation.”
  • TDS: TRUMP derangement syndrome. Self explanatory!
  • hank said:

    Excuse me. I’m choking on a big swig of scotch & water. Damn!

    hank, next time leave the water out and you will be fine.
  • @Mark must be State-level Senators?
  • edited March 17
    @Crash that's what I'm guessing. The authors of the bill must be too embarrassed to ID themselves. What I'm really interested in knowing is with all that is going on in the world today who has the time to waste coming up with this crap.

    Well today's Minnesota Star Tribune article listed them. It will be interesting to follow the debate.
  • edited March 17
    They (both parties) do that stuff all the time. Put together bills that have absolutely no chance of passing since they are the minority. Other stupid stuff like put Trump on Mt Rushmore etc... Usually the minority party does them to show what they would do if they were in power. Many bills were put forth to abolish ACA by the GOP which had absolutely no chance when they weren't in power. Total waste of time and money.
  • Thought you all would enjoy this update.

    "Public information release from the City of Bloomington regarding the arrest of MN GOP Rep. Justin Eichorn for the solicitation of a minor. He was one of 5 authors of the bill in Minnesota that would classify Trump Derangement Syndrome as a mental illness."


    So is perversion a requirement or just a calling card for republicans?
  • Tough question...
  • There are "..some very fine people on both sides". LOL. Not really.

    Such a shame that Matt Gaetz couldn't overcome his pervy past either.
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